What are your talents and strengths? I think everybody has one of a kind aptitudes and gift that is also known as their talent. Just with a single talent or multiple talents is what makes everyone unique in their own way. Many people have talents that could singing or acting. Other talents like knowing how to play different instruments, a sport or even designing clothes. Individuals discover their talent all throughout their life time, because of the different opportunities that life offers us. There are certain things that many people could do that others cannot do, which is why the world is always interesting. At the age of 12, I began to draw different types of face chart in my journal, I didn’t think I was good enough to show it off …show more content…
With our strength and weakness, it could help us improve our actions, even if the actions are positive or negative. My strength as an individual is being organized, hardworking and communication. if my work and surrounding are not organized, I would not be able to have full attention on whatever it is that I am doing. When everything is organized, I know I would not be leaving out any single detail that needs to be done or addressed. Hard working is an action that will forever be my strength, it’s in fact my strongest strength. Without having one of my strength being hardworking, I would be me. Hard working to me is the definition of success, because without hard work you are not going to get the result you want without working hard for it. As Daft stated “when you live and work from your strengths, you are more motivated, competent and satisfied” (daft, 2018, pg. 42), demonstrating that with your strength you are able to focus your life around them and allow you to accomplish your goals in life. Lastly, communication is the representation of yourself, the way you communicate with other is the way others can understand who you are. There are individuals in life that limit their communication skills and keep everything to themselves, which eventually causes them to burst out. Communication is used in a daily basis and is something that is important in education and future jobs, which daft quoted and said that “good leaders want communication to flow in all directions” (daft, 2018, pg. 267), which is important to do
From the Strength Finder website questionnaire, my individualized leadership strengths are as follows: achiever, command, context, focus, and significance. In this essay I will elaborate on these in detail and the ways they explicitly relate to my personality and the different experiences and activities of my life. I have also researched several articles that discuss transformational leadership and how this pertains to the literature on the subject. I will discuss transformational leadership in comparison to my own strengths, and explain how my leadership style may progress as I advance through this nurse practitioners program.
When I took my strengths test I was not necessarily shocked with what I received, more with what I did not receive. I thought for sure that I would have received positivity because people are always telling me how positive I am. Through learning about my strengths I have come to realize that all five of my strengths together may be the cause of my positive attitude, and all five of my strengths working together constantly are what people see. My strengths are restorative, communication, input, strategic, and achiever.
Personal strengths are abilities, talents, and characteristics that God has given us. Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”. God has given everyone amazing characteristics that most people would describe them as. Even though most people don’t like talking about their own positive characteristics, we all have amazing gifts and talents. When I was talking to my friends, they gave me three characteristics that they see in me. The abilities that God has blessed me with are, a strong athlete, a good friend, and servant-hearted. I have thought about what these mean to me and I am going to describe each of them.
Most of time people tend to only focus on their weakness and not their strengths. If people spent more time identifying their strengths it, he or she could build a more positive life. Identifying strengths would allow people to maximize their potential, and become successful in life. There would be less people stressed and depressed over there weakness, and things that are simply out of their control.
I currently hold the equivalent knowledge and expertise of an NVQ Level 2 qualification and feel I have equivalent expertise to what expectations would be deemed appropriate as of having experience myself. I am set to finish my NVQ Level 2 on Friday 22nd July as a final completion date confirmed. As addition to this working within my role and department has developed my customer service skills to an excellent level, developed in a dynamic fast pace working environment, attending regular team meetings, in house training and consistent communication throughout the team. In 2015 when I graduated from school achieving a C grade in English Language and English Literature and also currently hold
You asked me to look into career information. Here are the results of my search.
Upon receiving a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Haskayne School of Business (HSB), I aspire to graduate with marks of excellence. Through constant perseverance, I aim to increase my communication skills to make me an excellent team player and become a reliable leader. As a result, I will have a vast network of business contacts.
After attending many interviews over this year, I have been asked “What are my strengths” numerous times. After careful consideration, the two characteristics that I feel are my greatest strengths are my passion for teaching, and the fact that I am coachable. According to Benekos (2016), Passion for teaching includes the ability to teach students how to learn and to instill enthusiasm and interest in learning. Since I was a little kid, I have always had a love of numbers. From playing with numbers, to calculating numbers, to talking about numbers, I have always been very fond of numbers. As an adult and mathematics teacher now, I try to instill my students with that same love and enthusiasm that I have for numbers. Everyday that I am in the
Part one of the career research assignments we were to choose three personal strengthens that I would bring to the work force and I choose that I am perseverant, team oriented and have youth supervisory skills. I choose that I am perseverant because after all the things that life has thrown my way I still have managed to stay on the right path and not succumb to my environment. This would be beneficial to an employer because I will not stop until I have met the goal that I am trying to obtain. To me it does not matter if the goal has many obstacles in the way, if it needs or has to be done I will get it done. Also I selected that I am team oriented; being basketball player for of my life I have learned the skills of being part of a team. Through
People have many different strengths in their lives. According to the strengthsfinder my top five five strength are input, harmony, maximize, communication, and responsibility. I will be utilizing my strengths in many different ways whether it's at work, home or school. While at work, home, or school I will use my input with making different decision. Utilizing input is very important for so many different reason.
According to the results of the Brief Strengths Test, one of my top strengths is Gratitude. I believe that The definition of gratitude is more profound than just saying the word "thank you", as it is ability to convey to people that you appreciate them and what they do for you. A time in my life when I demonstrated gratitude was a few months ago, as I was preparing to move from my home town of Yoqne’am to Herzeliyya, to begin my college studies. My parents were a crucial part in this transition as they reassured me constantly, stressing their faith in my abilities and showing unconditional love and support. Naturally, since my parents are concerned, their support might have seemed obvious and gone unnoticed, but I made certain to realize my
Write a brief paper describing which areas are your greatest strengths and which need improvement
Chaucer admired and made use of the medieval "courtly love" romance tradition, although he did not fully "buy into it." The "courtly love" code is based on the woman as the center of attention. The medieval knight suffers greatly for his love, who is often someone else's wife. He will do anything to protect and honor her, remaining faithful at all costs. Adultery and secrecy characterize these relationships. The knight views a woman and experiences true love. The knight fears that he will never be accepted by his love; therefore, she is worshiped at a distance.
Throughout this interview that was conducted with my brother I learned a lot of things about myself that I never knew before, which will certainly help me in the future when I will be applying for work or volunteer positions. According to my brother I have many strengths, skills, qualities, talents and things that I need to work on. During the interview with my brother he said that my strengths were hard working, considerate, easy-going, generous, responsible, patient, passionate, loyal, dependable and determined. I never knew I obtained half of the strengths he mentioned but when he did I was stunned that he thought all of this about me. I also notice that all of these strengths is important when applying to careers or volunteer work because a manager will want to hire someone that is hard working and
My current strengths include; my honesty and passion towards my work. I have always been positive and confident regarding my aims and targets. Along with these, I am a good decision maker, due to which I can make right and quick decisions. Moreover, I have ability to motivate others and do team work. I am also a responsible person, when I make a target; I work day and night to achieve my goal.