
What Can We Learn From The Odyssey

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We can learn a lot from a journey A journey is an act of traveling from one place to another physically or mentally. In a journey, you can feel many different emotions and can learn from them. Journeys are powerful to a person to when they are done with it. While on their journey, people come back smarter, a better person, and just knowing more than before because of what they have experienced. Journeys are a part of life, people struggle and struggle from it, but it can only get better from there. To learn from a journey people need to make mistakes, which will enable them to improve in all aspects as a person and help them out in general. One thing you can learn from a journey is that family is important. Family is important in many different ways because of the relationship you have with your family and what they do. In “The Odyssey” it states “Think what difficulty the gods gave: they denied us life together in our prime and flowering years, kept us from crossing into age …show more content…

People can learn from their mistakes and try to correct them. For example, in the poem “Courage” it says “It is in the small things we see it. The child’s first step, as awesome as an earthquake. The first time you rode a bike, wallowing up the sidewalk.” (Sexton lines 1-5) These lines from the poem really show the point of learning how to walk and riding a bike is one of the first things you do when you are young. When you learn how to do these things, you feel proud and learn how nice it is to do these things. You gain confidence when you are able to complete something for the first time. Both of them make you feel better, aslong with making your life much easier. It was a journey to ride a bike and to start to walk that took time like it did for me. We learn valuable lessons that can be corrected in the future and effect the rest of your

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