We can learn a lot from a journey A journey is an act of traveling from one place to another physically or mentally. In a journey, you can feel many different emotions and can learn from them. Journeys are powerful to a person to when they are done with it. While on their journey, people come back smarter, a better person, and just knowing more than before because of what they have experienced. Journeys are a part of life, people struggle and struggle from it, but it can only get better from there. To learn from a journey people need to make mistakes, which will enable them to improve in all aspects as a person and help them out in general. One thing you can learn from a journey is that family is important. Family is important in many different ways because of the relationship you have with your family and what they do. In “The Odyssey” it states “Think what difficulty the gods gave: they denied us life together in our prime and flowering years, kept us from crossing into age …show more content…
People can learn from their mistakes and try to correct them. For example, in the poem “Courage” it says “It is in the small things we see it. The child’s first step, as awesome as an earthquake. The first time you rode a bike, wallowing up the sidewalk.” (Sexton lines 1-5) These lines from the poem really show the point of learning how to walk and riding a bike is one of the first things you do when you are young. When you learn how to do these things, you feel proud and learn how nice it is to do these things. You gain confidence when you are able to complete something for the first time. Both of them make you feel better, aslong with making your life much easier. It was a journey to ride a bike and to start to walk that took time like it did for me. We learn valuable lessons that can be corrected in the future and effect the rest of your
Embers flew from the campfire, and into the starry night sky; meanwhile, the campers sat close to it for warmth.
We learn our mistakes so we don’t make those same mistakes
Many years after the end of the Trojan War, Odysseus still hasn’t returned home to Ithaka. Many believe that he is dead, but the author lets us know that he is being held as a sex captive on the goddess Kalypso’s island. Kalypso has no plans of letting him go to return home either.
Many forms of popular culture today are inspired by themes, characters, and other references in various types of classical literature. John Denver's song 'Calypso'; is about the relationship between men and women, and he bases this comparison on the relationship between Kalypso and Odysseus in Homer's the Odyssey. In 'Calypso'; Denver portrays women in general as being superior to men by using the beautiful and enchanting goddess, Kalypso, from Homer's epic. John Denver encompasses all women in his song by providing Kalypso as a universal symbol. Along with the relationship between Odysseus and Kalypso and men and women, there are other interpreted allusions from the Odyssey to Kalypso's song.
Learning is the act of gaining knowledge and wisdom through various means and actions. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus gains knowledge and wisdom from loss and sacrifice, as he travels to the island of the Cyclopes. Losing someone or sacrificing something is an act that isn’t easily done or forgotten about. Odysseus is normally a hotheaded and fearless warrior that craves glory and these traits bring him loss and pain. Odysseus comes across the land of the Cyclopes and decides to moor there for the night not realizing the danger.
How can a journey teach you something about yourself? Journeys in life can teach us both positive and negative lessons for instance in the kite runner the protagonist learns to forgive himself from his mistakes. Another example of acceptance through journeys we can see in farther by Alice Walker. The narrators in both literary selections relate the events about their journeys through conflict. In one text the family grew up wealthy in the other the family was poor, Also in one of the text the character grew up with their mother and in both stories, the relationships they had with their father weren’t so great.
Health promotion utilises theories and models to guide practice. A theory is the general principles of a framework of ideas in regards to a particular topic. (Merriam-webster.com, 2016) A model is a set plan of action based on theoretical ideas to achieve a set goal. (Merriam-webster.com, 2016)
The Odyssey was about Odysseus and his men and how they were going back home. They were coming back from the Trojan War. In the beginning Odysseus and his men were trying to find their way back home. In the middle of the book they had to go to the underworld to get directions to get back home. In the end of the book Odysseus is back home with Penelope and his son.
The life of a God, forever bliss, complete happiness: Odysseus slights all of these things in order for him to return to his loving wife and son. The concept of true commitment was a very commendable quality for a Greek hero to possess. With this character trait, Odysseus models the ideal husband, father, and leader. Unfortunately, in today’s society, one rarely encounters such outstanding morality. Being raised in an explicit society, a decrease in certain morals has become fashionable. In particular, the college experience has become accepted as the “wild times” of one’s life. Certain activities ordinarily shunned are now perceived as a learning experience when involving a college student. Drugs and alcohol abuse are commonplace around
Homer's great literary classic, The Odyssey, represents and illustrates many emotional and mental values. All of these values can be classified under three different main themes that are constant throughout the epic tale. These themes are: A boy's struggle to be a man, a king's struggle to reclaim his kingdom, and a man's struggle to return home. As one reads this book it will become more and more evident to them that a man's struggle to get home is the most important theme throughout Homer's adventure.
Sing I me, Muse, and through me tell the story of the lady nymph goddess Calypso. Oh so beautiful and immortal who lives in the sea- hollowed caves on the island Ogygia. She craved the hero of Troy, king of Ithaka, son of Laertes, a mortal and took him as her own. Nine long years they spent on the island together.
In the Hebrew Bible and The Odyssey there are heroic figures that play an important role through out each of the books. These heroic figures from the Bible and The Odyssey have many similarities and differences that reflect the different cultures they are from. These heroes are called upon by greater beings, such as gods, to complete difficult journeys and or tasks that the god has made them destined to complete. Each of these legendary heroes demonstrates a particular culture’s needs. Through these journeys and or tasks they are forced to overcome challenging obstacles and make sacrifices.
Throughout vast journeys of many heroes, no other hero had a more complex journey than Odysseus. This journey is called The Odyssey, written by Homer. It is an epic poem or story told of a hero name Odysseus on a 20-year voyage trying to get back home from the Trojan War. The great epic poem known as The Odyssey and attributed to Homer was probably first written down around the eighth century BC, but the origins of the ancient story in myth, legend, and folklore and art appear to be much older. Greek Epic Hero When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus will most likely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character in Homer's poem "The Odyssey." "The Odyssey" is a narrative poem that describes Odysseus' adventures
Earlier this year, the state of Michigan has decided to close 37 schools at the end of the twenty-seventeen to twenty-eighteen year due to poor standardized test scores, 16 of these schools are a part of the Detroit Public Schools District, a district known for its poverty. Unfortunately, this is not true for only one state. Several public schools across the United States are facing the threat of closure. Education is highly expensive, costing nearly eleven-thousand dollars per student for one year of public education. Many blame school choice, several more blame Betsy DeVos. Their anger isn’t completely unjust. After all, public schools are losing well trained teachers, after school extracurriculars and summer programs are shut down and most importantly, public schools are closing their doors to the public entirely.