
What Constitutes A Breach Of Contract?

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What Constitutes a Breach of Contract? If one is studying law, one should be familiar with what actually constitutes the breach of a contract. A contract is an agreement made up of a promise, or set of promises, that is made between parties in which one will do or refrain from doing a particular thing. Also, when determining the validity of a contract, one should ask whether or not an offer was made, was the offer considered or worth considering, and was the offer accepted? Contracts are a major part of human interaction; considering they are used throughout our personal lives. For example, we often use them in marriages or divorcees, buying or selling a home or vehicle. According to otto-graph, “contracts may also be used in our professional lives as well; for instance, when a corporation hires another agency to do the work for them”. A contract case goes before a judge because either one or both parties claim that the contract was breached. With that said, a breach of contract is a failure, without legal excuse, to perform any promise that forms all or part of the contract. Therefore, this includes failure to perform in a manner that meets the standards of the industry. In addition, the requirements of any express warranty or implied warranty, even including the implied warranty of merchantability. In result, when a party claims a breach of contract the judge must answer questions; such as, did the contract exist, if so, what did the contract require of each of the

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