Isaac Newton
What did Isaac Newton do to change the world? Well let’s go back to the 1600’s where there was no modern science or science equipment. Do you ever wonder who invented the theory of gravity or who figured out planetary rotation? We’ll all that Isaac Newton discovered.
Thanks to Isaac Newton it makes it a lot easier for astronomer scientist today. Without Isaac’s discovery scientist would be still trying to figure it out today, and that would make a lot harder for an astronomer to advance in space study. Since Isaac discovered gravity, over time scientist have excelled in astronomy. Isaac would have had to of been pretty smart to figure out this. But you might be wondering how? Well as the storey goes he was sitting under a tree
He discovered multiple theories such as the theory of light and color and even the three laws of motion. He was also considered one of the world's greatest scientists due to his discoveries. Sir Isaac Newton even developed calculus and had a great impact on modern-day science. A lot of his work laid a foundation for modern-day science and also shaped multiple diverse fields. He also contributed greatly to the ideas of the Renaissance and their understanding.
The Scientific Revolution was during the 16th and 17th centuries, in which new astronomy changed many peoples thought the process and the methods within society. The Revolution was a major milestone in the mental evolution of man and is responsible for the change of science as we know it today. Nicolaus Copernicus and Isaac Newton were two of many intellectuals who made a major contribution to the changing of thoughts, methods and challenged the inspirational viewpoint of the Catholic church with logical reasoning during these times. Nicolaus Copernicus is a Polish astronomer, who put forth the heliocentric theory that the sun lies at the center of the universe and the planets revolve around the sun (Sheila Rabin "Nicolaus Copernicus (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)."). His theory challenged the geocentric view of the universe, in which other astronomers believed the earth was the center of the solar system, and the planets and sun revolved around it.
Isaac Newton discovered the 3 Laws of Motion and shaped the world doing so(Weistein Eric W.). Isaac Newton was and english physicist and mathematician. HIs parent sent him to Cambridge to study to be a preacher. He soon dropped out. Later on in his life he
During the sixteenth century, the Scientific Revolution was a time when people questioned the physical world around them. They soon discovered the mathematical and scientific reasoning behind the wonders of the universe. This era has served as a basic building block to the development of modern technology and science. One of the Scientific Revolution's most influential scientists was Isaac Newton, whose discoveries regarding gravity, motion, and calculus have affected our daily lives. Prior to Isaac Newton's scientific and mathematical breakthroughs, many people relied upon the Roman Catholic Church to educate them.
Sir Isaac Newton created the theory of gravity after basing his research on that of Copernicus and Galileo. This theory claimed that there was a force holding us to the Earth and holding the Earth in orbit (Watkins). All of these were important because of their contributions to modern science and
Many people don’t know what Sir Isaac Newton did and why he is important. He is important because he created the three laws of motion. His laws created the basic principles of motion that we study today. Newton wasn’t born important, he came into this world like any other baby on January 4th, 1643. After living a successful life, Newton sadly passed away on March 31st, 1727.
Before Newton talked about gravitation the main knowledge of scientists was a elementary knowledge of optics, mechanics and astronomy.Copernicus Kepler and Galileo provided the background knowledge of the stars and planets, but Newton used their data to discover the whole gravitational system.10Newton reasoned that the planets and all other physical objects in the universe moved through mutual attraction of gravity.Newton said that every other object in the universe affected every other object through gravity.This explained why the planets move in an orderly fashion. Newton found that “the force of gravity towards the whole planet did arise from and was compounded of the forces of gravity towards all it’s parts, and towards every one part was in the inverse proportion of the squares of the distances from this part.”Newton proves all of this mathematically. This was known to be the single most important contribution to physics that ever has been made.11
Isaac Newton was a wonderful part in our successes in science. He was the first scientist to be knighted which is why they call him Sir Isaac. Newton developed the three laws of motion which form basic principles of physics. He also made it easier for us to solve math problems, physics problems, and helped work gravity. These developments were also apart of his major accomplishments.
Sir Isaac Newton is one of the most important scientists in history with Albert Einstein, Aristotle, and Galileo. He was born in Woolsthorpe, England on January 4, 1643 and died March 31, 1727 in London, England. During his lifetime Newton discovered and invented many things, while also studying lots of classic philosophers and astronomers. Newton’s wide range of discoveries formed the basis for modern physics. Not only did he give us the three laws of motion, but he also gave us the origins of color and calculus. These discoveries play big roles in our world today.
Isaac Newton was a scientific genius who helped the world understand many concepts. Isaac Newton is probably most famous for his discovery of the laws of motion which describe gravity for the first time. The laws of motion also described the force of an object depended on two things, mass and acceleration. With Newton’s help the modern world has been able to innovate and invent many things some that during Newton’s time was thought of as impossible. Isaac Newton was a scientific genius who was the first to describe gravity, he wrote three laws of motion, and finally helped modernize the world with the understanding of gravity.
Due to his breaking discoveries, he provided a different view of the universe and endless possibilities of what the universe may hold. Along with Galileo’s findings that made a huge impact, Newton had his fair share of astounding findings himself. Newton conducted an investigation to explain the universe’s motion. Proven by one of his laws, able to explain how the planets rotate. “With a single law, that of universal gravitation, Isaac Newton was able to explain all motion in the universe” (pg 498).
Sir Isaac Newton, an astronomer, mathematician, and a scientist is described to be "one of the greatest names in history of human thought.” According to, Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, and was interested in creating mechanic toys as a young boy (2016). He even invented an impressive, small windmill, which would grind wheat and corn, at a young age. Newton explored beyond the secrets of light and color, found gravity, and even discovered a new form of mathematics, called calculus. It was Newton who had explained why a rock is heavier than a pebble, and how earth's gravity could hold the moon in its orbit. Isaac Newton’s discoveries proved him
Not many scientists have ever discovered as much as Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton was born unhealthy on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. He has been an inspiration to many premature children from his great works on Physics and Mathematics. He was a physicist, mathematician, and was famous for his laws of gravitation. Due to the discoveries of Isaac Newton in optics, motion, and mathematics, he was known as one of the smartest person of the scientific revolution in the 17th Century.
Isaac Newton is expressed as one of the most prominent scientists in history. Even Albert Einstein said that Isaac Newton was the wisest person that ever existed. During his lifetime Newton refined the scheme of gravity, the acts of movement, a modern kind of mathematics called calculus, and made progress in the area of perception such as the reflecting telescope.
The Scientific Revolution was a period when new scientific ideas where introduced into society. The Scientific Revolution laid down a foundation in which modern science is heavily based on. An influential figure of the Scientific Revolution is Sir Isaac Newton. He made many advancements in the field of science and mathematics, he discovered Gravity, developed the three basic laws of motion, and co-development of Calculus. Isaac Newton did several thing that positively affected the scientific community during the Scientific Revolution and still affect society today, he recognized the three laws of motion, discovered gravity, and co-developed calculus.