Outdoor sport has been part of my personality and who I am as long as I can remember. My childhood was revolved around the outdoors and staying active. It shaped my personality and who I am today. Being outside is how I enjoy life. I participate in tons of different sports. I’m not always participating in just individual sports. I play on my high school’s soccer and baseball team. I appreciate team sports as they have helped a ton to make friends when I transitioned to high school, but my true love is individual sport. I have grown accustom to loads of different sport as my parents dragging me on trips around Maine. I have been hiking, rock climbing, canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, surfing, road biking, mountain biking, …show more content…
My sophomore year in high school my venturesome girlfriend, Nellie, and I tele skied up our home town mountain, Blue Hill, in a massive blizzard that shut off all the electricity in our town. Any other normal girlfriend would’ve said no way. A normal girlfriend would’ve made me stay inside and watch Netflix or something, but Nellie was up for the adventure. First we had to bundle up in massive jackets, snow pants, two sets of mittens, and hats. All of the clothes were from when my mom and dad climbed Mt. Denali in Alaska. We looked like arctic explores searching for the North Pole. The wind swirled around us as we trudged up the mountain. The trees creaked and moaned as they were jerked around like they were weightless. No matter how bitter it was on the way up it was worth it for the view of the town below. Nothing was moving. It looked as though a white blanket had fallen over the town and stopped everything in its tracks. When we got back home we had steaming hot chocolate and warm cookies. I won’t think about climbing up Blue Hill as a trek up the frigid mountain. I’ll remember why it’s rewarding to get outside and take some chances in …show more content…
No matter how many mosquito filled miles I had to hike or how unbearably cold my feet have gotten. All the outdoor activities that I do push me to try even more new things. When I stand at the top of the ski hill and look down on jumps and rails I get a rush of energy and adrenaline that pumps though me. Yes, I’m scared too, but I have learn if you don’t push though that fear then life will you push up back. When I had surgery for my dislocated arm I couldn’t do anything. I had to stay inside all day. Whenever I saw someone doing an outdoor activity I would have a strong urge in the bottom of my gut. It was like my own body was peer pressuring me to get outside. I need to do something with my life otherwise there it felt there was no point in being alive. I started skating with my sling on when my parents weren’t around just get outside and feel free. I know it was stupid, but I couldn’t help myself. It’s just who I am and I would’ve have change it if I could. I’m satisfied because my life hasn’t been one long boring slog. I’ll admit it hasn’t always been the safest and I’ve hurt myself at times, but if it’s all for the sake of not being dull, then it’s always worth it. When my hair turns gray and my joints start to lock up I plan to still be doing the things I
1. Bismarck 's foreign policy was entirely based on preserving his power and Germany’s throughout Europe. After 1870 he was against the idea of expanding Germany and believed that the country was “satiated.” Instead, Bismarck wanted to keep the peace among European countries rather than engaging in war, therefore keeping Germany safe from attack. He planned to do this through the use of gaining european alliances which included Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Russia. “Believing that France would remain Germany 's enemy because of the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, an action he had opposed because of the enmity it would cause,” he left France isolated (Germany-
1. Consider how Baldric presents Pope Urban's reasons for calling for this holy war. If order of presentation and emphasis mean anything, what was, according to our chronicler, the pope's chief motive?
I have always played sports. Softball, soccer, and swimming before I started kindergarten, later, basketball and volleyball. My passion is and always has been softball. I love competing and being able to make friendships and memories with my teammates that will last a lifetime.
One thing I have a strong passion for in life is sports. My favorite one was volleyball. It taught me a lot about life and myself. My sophomore year I made varsity, but was upset when I sat the bench more than I played. However, I still pushed myself every practice and never gave up hope. This payed off because the next season I was a starter and a team captain. Being a student athlete has been an incremental part of who I have become in the future. I did not realize it at the time, but my participation in sports has affected my life in more ways than I thought. Consequently, sports have had a major influence on the career path I have chosen, and have also been a significant part of bringing my family together.
Sports have been a huge part of my life ever since I was about five years old. It has impacted my life so much. The biggest challenge that I faced was with my injuries during basketball and soccer season. I recently had to quit soccer and basketball, which was difficult for me.
By sports I mean like playing a sport in a team or just really enjoying sports. I started playing soccer since I was 7 now i'm 15 and still play soccer. Soccer is not just my passion it's mostly everyone's passion. I feel like soccer is my Cultural identity because It something that I have been doing for a very long time and feel that it belongs in my culture. That's one of the reasons why i feel like that is
Currently I am in cross country, basketball, and track, but I have done many other sports in the past. I joined the cross country team in 8th grade in hopes of finding a new passion. I fell in love with running and decided to join the track team that same year. Basketball is a different story; I joined in 3rd grade just because my parents signed me up as most sports go when you're younger, and I struggled greatly with learning and understanding the game. I spent long summers training in my yard trying to get better. This determination helped me significantly when it became time for tryouts, as I ended up making the higher team. To this day I still have a lot of determination when it comes to sports and most things in
Growing up in Louisiana I was surrounded by all kinds of different physical activities. All of my siblings were involved in sports and it was only natural that I developed a love for them too. As a child I remember going to the park to play basketball with my cousins or just playing football with everybody from the neighborhood. Sports became a huge part of my life, and I surrounded myself with people who loved them just as much as me. Things began to change when my family and I moved to Georgia. I noticed that I wasn’t playing football in the neighborhood anymore. The kids were different they would rather sit in the house and play video games instead of being outside. My love for sports was always there I just needed a spark to bring my passion back to life.
My very favorite sport to play is rodeo. Rodeo is such a great sport I love it for the adrenalin rush the people and all the life skill that com with it you would be amazed by the stuff you could
Unlike many athletes, sports are not a means of rewards and recognition for me. The reason I play three sports year-round is for the lasting friendships and the relationships made between the players and the coaches. These relationships end up being stronger than most since you are around people who dedicate their spare time to better themselves in the sport. Friendships that are created through working hard and persevering daily have lasting qualities. Being on multiple athletic teams, I have learned to cooperate with a vast amount of people who do not share similar beliefs and values as me, which is a very important skill to learn.
I have always loved sports ever since I was a little kid. Some of my earliest memories are of playing soccer with my friends on a wet, cold spring day or hitting a ball off of a tee and feeling like it went a mile, when in reality it only went about fifty feet. Even to this day I still can never get enough of sports. I get about four weeks off out of the entire year where I’m not technically in a sport, but I’m still always practicing and trying to get better because that’s the only way I know. I love everything about sports: the friendships, the competition, the passion, the atmosphere, the unity. Sports are one of my true loves and they consume my life. It is this strong desire that I have for sports that has driven me to want to pursue a
At a very young age I was captivated by sports. It did not matter which one, they all held my attention. Naturally, I choose to participate in one every season beginning when I was four, I played baseball, wrestling and soccer. I participated in these sports through middle school loving every second of them. Once in middle school, even more sports opportunities were opened.
I never liked playing with dolls, painting nails, pretending I was a teacher or even acting like I was baking with fake food. All that girly stuff sounded boring to me, so the one thing that kept me busy everyday was going outside and playing whatever sport was on for that day with all my neighborhood friends. We played everything from kickball to football in the streets. Ever since I was a little child, playing sports was my passion. In my free time I played every sport you can think of, but sports that I actually was on a team for was baseball, hockey, soccer, and I ran track. Being an athlete is how people knew me, I guess you could say I was and still am a tomboy. Being involved in a sport ever since I was four years old, has really taught me a lot about not just playing the sports itself, but at life as a whole. Being apart of a team, can teach someone many skills, and life lessons. Because there are uncountable reasons why one should be involved in a sport, the main skills, and lessons include learning how to work together, and developing communication, and organizing skills. Additionally, one could develop a good work ethic, and learn how to control body language/temper.
Ⅰ. I love to experience new things since I was a little guy - not because I want to show up to anyone but the more I experienced, the more I feel accomplished. I started off by doing all the little things that I have never experienced then comes bigger things. I don’t call jumping out of a plane or doing something to embarrass yourself is a smart thing to experience. About 10 months ago, I tried something new that had changed my life forever.
My life has consisted of many sports. Sports has been a part of my life for a while now every since I can remember. The sports I played throughout the years has been baseball, football, soccer, and I ran track. Throughout the years I played these sports has been some challenging times and injuries that have happened to me.