At present, new issues have emerged for those of us who have radically transformed ourselves outwardly to match our souls. These things are signs of the times, and each of us deal with them as a matter of choice, and in our own way. Everyone has options as to how they conduct their lives. Transgenders are no different, basically because we are all just as human as the next person, frailties and all. Stacey and Arlen chose to blend in. That didn't mean they were ashamed at what they had become. Far from it. On the other hand, even Stacey and Arlen had to weather many an episode of sweaty palms worrying about losing a job, being refused service at restaurants, at churches, medical institutions, or approached to produce an I.D. in order to go to the bathroom. …show more content…
However, the latest development is the embarrassment at having to explain to people that equality cannot be cast aside for the so-called greater good. Separate laws and regulations are being considered, some by the well-meaning, and some by administrators and legislators who can’t quite figure out what the word equality really means. They are afraid or just don’t know. As a result, unwanted attention has caused some of us to grow alligator skin. Some no longer care to blend in. Others push normal barriers and do their best not to blend in. It would do us all a world of good to ignore anybody who uses shock as a teaching tool, transgendering or not. Go back to the word equality. Embrace it. Stacey and Arlen, too, may be forced to become activists because of a rising tide of subversive ridicule on both sides of the
After reading chapter 3: "Prejudice and Discriminations" and as well the article "Transgender African-Americans' Open Wound: ‘We're considered a Joke’”, I have a better understanding of the challenges that certain group undergo due to prejudices and discrimination that exist within their own racial group and other groups of our society. Although the LBGT community has made its social conditions a little more better, there is still those within their group that are even more marginalize, this is the case of a African-American transgender. African Americans transgender face twice as much prejudice and discrimination. They battle prejudice and discrimination from their own racial group and from society because of their skin color and their gender
The fiction novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, begins as equality takes a journey to individualism. He begins by writing how wrong he is to be writing what he is, how much of a sin it is. To be thinking as his own, and as an “I”. Ayn Rand is from Russia, which is a communist society. As Rand was growing up in this time frame, she had made the time to give herself an education which was frowned upon as she was a woman. She was not given a sense of “I” it was the normal thing for women to stand back and watch. To continue deeper into the book, Equality's eventual assessment of his writing on his own, changed from being a sin to being and individual activity, from the beginning to the end of the book.
Writing is a big part of our culture today and is a big part of today's world. In the book Anthem writing was considered a sin and was against their rules. Writing influences a lot and is a big part of how we know and can remember so many things. Writing lets us know information about the past and how they lived from back in the past so we would not forget. That’s the reason that the city that Equality 7-2521 lives in does not know anything from the past and none of the inventions that could help them out. The city instead of keeping records and writing things down they ban writing for their citizens. This is why Equality 7-2521 has the right idea and does not listen to the council and continues to write even though it was banned. If they did
In Abby Ellin’s article, “For Transgender Women, An Extra Dose of Fear,” the experiences of Abbie Paige, along with a variety of other transgender women, are discussed. Most notably, it has been asserted that as a result of being transgender, not only do these individuals face an increased risk of being subject to physical danger, but they also must conform to what society deems as absolute. For example, even though certain individuals may not be cisgender, or have a gender identity that aligns with their sex, they still must use facilities which their surrounding society deems appropriate. Additionally, as a result of the lack of acceptance and equality in the political economical hemisphere, people who drift away from their assumed gender roles may face extreme difficulties when attempting to get healthcare services.
Many changes have happened differencing the past years, one of the many things is Transgender (relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their gender given at birth) Inequality. It’s now a big thing including the LGBT community (stands for a grouping of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) in the 21st century. The population consists of 115, 000 to 450,000 people. All those human beings who have been fighting for their rights in this country and all over the world, who try to be accepted for who they really are, those who should not be hiding their identity from others because of the discrimination most people give to them every time they come out of the shadows. They should not be afraid to go onto daily tasks and have the confidence of being themselves.
The hot topic of current events centers around the heated debate over whether Transgender kids should be able to choose what restroom they would like to use based solely on their gender identity. Breaking new ground and blazing new trails to create equality for all is the state of California. Democratic Governor, Jerry Brown, signed Assembly Bill No. 1266 (known as AB1266), which was an act to amend Section 221.5 of the Education Code, relating to pupil rights. The new law gives all students the right “to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities” based on their self-perceived orientation regardless of their birth gender. AB1266 and Section 221.5 of the Education Code provides equal rights for transgender individuals and promotes anti-discrimination. By allowing transgender boys and girls the right to use a restroom that corresponds to the student’s gender identity– regardless of the student’s sex assigned at birth– you essentially teach children acceptance from a young age. This creates a diverse culture which will help sway the profound perceptions that transgender individuals are oddities and will lend a hand in breaking the generational cycle of discrimination.
Throughout the past decades sex and gender have remained in major taboos and impacts within the transgender communities. Indeed, after participating in a Transgender Panel Discussion at Fresno State University, reading articles like Meet the Muxes, class discussions and the conclusion for all four sources lead to words like exclusion, discrimination, and oppressions because those define the lives of transgender, Muxes, and that for following their gender identities become the target for judgement and for countless . However, I never imagined that I could put myself in the shoes of these diverse identities until I visualized the challenges that fill their lives everyday for simply
Equality can mean different things to different people; some people believe that equality means treating everyone the same. However you can not treat everyone as equal due to the fact that everyone has different backgrounds, life experiences, skills and knowledge. So no two people can really ever be the same. Individuality can be a positive attribute in all aspects of life. Equality can be more accurately described as when people are given equal opportunities giving them access to the same rights, choices and resources no matter of their gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religious belief or cultural differences.
Equality is something Americans strive to provide and maintain. It has become an integral and necessary part of our mosaic culture. Even now to the point that when people think of America, they naturally think of freedom and equality. People of many different races, disabilities and creeds have come to the United States seeking the impartiality upon which this country was founded. The institutions of this country have relied upon it, just as it was the created by the events in the laying of moral foundations. The expression of America's citizens plays an extremely significant role in the history of equality in American society. In the pursuit of equality and the "American Dream," people have authored inspiring
Transgendered people in America have made many great strides since the 1990s. They have encountered violence, lack of health care, and the loss of homes, jobs, family and friends. There have been many phases of the struggle of being transgendered in America over the years. The current phase we must be in now is equal rights. There are many variations of discrimination against the transgendered community. In our society we simply do not like what we do not understand. It is easier to discriminate than to try and understand. We are all created different and we should appreciate our differences. The change must come by addressing the views of the public. There is much justification in the unequal rights of transgendered peoples. The Human
Humans; we are in some ways an extremely simple species. After all, we constantly seek to better ourselves and our lives through our immense ambition. As a result, we have a tendency to cling to certain ideals, looking to them as a ship's captain would look to a green light while navigating the fog. Of the life-guiding ideals there is one that (however vague) is recognised by humans in every continent and every country on our planet; universally referred to as "The American Dream". The specific meaning of these two words has over the last century been interpreted differently by possibly every person who has sad them; although in essence, they simply seem to represent the ideal of equality throughout a nation (America). By representing equality,
From beatings, lynchings and other types of murders, to assassinations and more beatings, to police brutality beatings today, the fight for equality and civil rights in still being fought today. Things aren't nearly as bad as they were 100 years ago than they are today, but it is still a hard, gruesome fight. There are several laws that were created to protect everyone from being beaten and, or killed in the middle of a street in broad daylight.
one of the most important and complicated dilemmas of human philosophy: how do we choose
When people think of the United States of America, they think of freedom and equality for all, but for many years in history, this was not the case. Many minority groups that have overtime immigrated to the United States have gone through harsh times of inequality, even times of slavery and violence. It is hard to believe living in this time and era that there was this extreme amount of discrimination within our cities and towns just decades ago. For many minority groups, particularly African Americans, equality is a more recent gift, and the spread of this equality gave way to a new light throughout the United States. After struggling and protesting the inequality for months and years, African Americans were finally granted the rights they deserved and, from that point on, the United States has grown while it has re-defined freedom for citizens no matter what race they are.
We are all born the same way: as humans, and therefore deserve the same rights and acceptance as long as we all follow the laws and comply with the norms set to protect all individuals. But throughout history certain groups of people have faced discrimination, segregation, and injustice because they are of a specific race, skin color and/or culture that some of us consider to be part of a lower category of human beings, as well as the fact of holding different beliefs and ideals along with preferences when it comes to things such as gender and choice of lifestyle. My only wonder is how an individual or a society as a whole reaches the point of producing enmity towards others who do not hold the same sexual orientation as they do and how