Obedience 18. “Freedom involves trust and obedience in a relationship of love.” (Page 134,135) Expand upon this concept, and share your thoughts on what the statement means. I struggle to fathom this concept, as I have been wrestling with how to accurately answer this question. Freedom: “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Obedience: “compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.” These words contradict each other, freedom is to live without being ordered, however, obedience is to obey orders. It is a complex subject: the way to freedom is by complying to the rules. The juxtaposition of these two words, is challenging to grasp. “Freedom involves trust
Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The soldiers in the American revolution demonstrated this at the Battle of Valley Forge when facing starvation, disease, and hypothermic temperatures.
The staple of societal thought, freedom, is the power to act, speak, or think as one wants without the concern of being oppressed (Webster). Freedom, is a unique element to the mixture of liberty across the United States. Martin Luther King Jr’s a “letter of Birmingham Jail,” and Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence both advocate the claim for freedom. Both of these historical figures make this apparent by arguing for the protest against tradition, a change across unjust laws, although they differ between the kinds of change to be enforced.
True freedom is not something that can be given. It is something that every single person must discover for themselves. If a person were set free, though still thought of themselves as a slave, they are a slave. America is a country that thrives on freedom. Though numerous people throughout the United States take this privilege for granted.
The word freedom is often associated with the idea of an unfettered liberty to select from a range of alternatives coupled with a sense that our actions will not affect our natural state.
We typically consider freedom to be the capacity to exercise choice and as being exempt from authoritarian control
Following the Civil War, many Americans chose to settle west of the Mississippi river and shaped a distinct culture in this region. Generations later, this fascinating culture was transformed into the Wild West, a romanticized version of the lifestyle, to entertain the masses. The romanticized perception of the Wild West differs extensively from the reality of western settlement, but in some aspects mirrors the true western lifestyle in the post-Civil War period. Native Americans and cowboys, for instance, are portrayed rather inaccurately in the romanticized adaptations of the West, while the images of towns and settlements are similar in both the mythological Wild West and the reality of the western experience.
Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave suggests that people are just prisoners in a cave and the as others and objects periodically pass by the prisoner can only see the shadows which eventually become their reality. Since that is all that they know the shadows are their truth and what is real. Every so often one of the prisoners freed and is now able to go and venture out in the world and to their surprise finds that the shadows are not what was real. When they return to the cave to enlighten their fellow prisoners they are usually met with hostile responses.
Freedom - Power or right to act, speak, or think without hindrance or restraint, but isn’t it more? The framers of the Constitution promised the freedom of speech to all citizens of the U.S. through the first amendment. What is “America’s Gift to my Generation”? Well, it’s the freedom of speech, here are three reasons why. By allowing me to say what I believe, I can make “some” decisions and communicate them, and I’m able to think freely.
The media is altering our perception of our world using our fear. Think about it, on all the media there is almost always negativity, it makes us think that our world is full of negativity. It can make people feel depressed, and sad when reading or watching the media. It makes people timid. The first ever fear tactic were used in the 1964 Johnson “Daisy” ad. That was the root of fear tactics. After that 1964 ad, the media started using fear tactics since then. The use of fear tactics in mass media creates a negative impact on society because of its false info, and making it sound dreadful.
Just as every plants and animal as evolved and changed throughout the course of its existence so has the definition of freedom while its’ meaning has stayed constant. Freedom has a perpetual meaning, however, humans have tried to change the definition based upon moral, ethical, social, and legal ideals that have through history been debated upon and never satisfied all. Freedoms’ perpetual meaning is that everyone, no matter race or gender, has the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. As time progresses and new ideas flourish the definition of freedom either flourishes along with society or takes a drastic spiral downward usually with the opinions of humanity. In this essay we will be
The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. A word created by man to escape the bonds of tyranny to express the idea of what it means to persist one's own ambitions. Freedom. Freedom is not the absence of confinement but the will to achieve freedom when imprisoned. After carefully concluding the reading done over this semester one is able to clearly understand the confinement these early Americans felt and their decision to achieve a form of freedom. Freedom has always existed but it is the history of this nation that will define what actions freedom takes.
Freedom has a large range of meaning. The encyclopedia Britannica defines freedom as “the quality or state of being free, and the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action” (Britannica). In the American society there is a lot of emphasis on freedom, and the right to be free, but one must question to what extent we are truly “free”.
Today we accept that freedom is a basic right human right but what exactly is freedom. 1On one hand, there is physical freedom. People who are not imprisoned or enslaved are free. On the other hand, there is freedom as a the right to act, speak or think what you want. People cannot reach their full potential if they are not free in both senses of the word.
Freedom means, to carry out one own choices, actions without coercion or constraint by necessity or circumstances. Fate often take a hand in the distillation of freedom. When this distillation occurs at weaker levels, benevolent slavery begins. A benevolent master usually receives gratitude from those slaves who are aware of their good fortune and will, in turn, work willingly. This form of slave's future is relatively certain, assured and predictable. Their offspring, born into a benevolent slavery, find the thought of freedom disturbing.
The constitution of the United States of America gives me the right to freedom because I am a United States citizen. I consider "freedom" to be my right to express myself in any way I choose. Freedom is defined as "having liberty of action or thought, independent". "Self-governed or not controlled by an outside party" is another definition of freedom. Freedom has a different meaning to each individual thus making it hard to find a clear concise definition.