Objects, big, small, short, or tall, virtually everyone has them and most people have an Xbox or a computer that is their absolute favorite thing ever, but the greatest things in life are the living ones, the ones that love you back. Everyone has someone looking out for them, or someone that they can trust. These two people that I know I can trust are huge parts of my life and I am eternally grateful for them.
My grandma has always made sure that faith is always part of my life, and for that, I am truly grateful. My grandma does the best job of spoiling me as many grandmas do. Strawberry shortcake? You got it! A trip to the movies? You got it! I remember when I was little we would make weekly trips to our favorite store, Target, and we would scan every single aisle for something to pacify my need to play as if the fate of the world was on the line. Once I found something I liked there was about a 99.999999999999999% chance that
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Dave is always an optimist and keeps things bright with his great sense of humor, and fun fact he is my godfather. Another interesting thing to note about him is that he is not related to me by blood, he is my father's best friend. He is very knowledgeable as well, and we have all of the same interests! We both love arcades and have an affinity for star wars and mythbusters. He used to live in California and I remember when he visited New Jersey for the first time as if it were yesterday. He hung out in our garage and visited regularly with his dog buster who is the friendliest fluffiest living creature on the planet and has been Daves sidekick for a long long time. Whenever he visits he always has great stories and some guitar songs he wrote that will captivate anyone, like the time he broke down in Nevada or the “Welsh Fams” song. He has created thousands of happy memories for me and I am truly truly thankful to have him in this
Honor the Grandmothers takes a look at four Dakota and Lakota women who offer to share the stories of their lives to the reader. It is a heartfelt look into their hardships through racism, to their ongoing battle to pass along the rich history of their ancestors while fighting poverty on the reservation.
In Flannery O'Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find, a family trying to go on a trip to Florida plans and lives come to a tragic end because of one person in their family: Their manipulative Grandmother. Even though she says in the beginning “I wouldn't take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it” (O’Conner pg), she does the complete opposite of her word and leads them all in to the way of danger; The hands of the criminal, The Misfit. If she would have just stayed home, no one would have died in the end and the trip would have went as smoothly as it has before. Yet, the tragedy of their grandmother’s choices and commitment of many of the deadly sins are what lead them to their fates, and the grandmother to
You never truly know how much someone means to you until they are gone. All of the hot summer days spent at her house, the home cooked meals for lunch, the daily routine of watching game shows on GSN, the hours and hours of playing monopoly, and working the concession stand at Evans Park for the summer are now just cherished memories that I have with my grandma.
My grandma has always showed faith by her actions. She has helped our church up until a couple years ago when she finally showed her age at 96. She has made kettle corn at the Oconee Fall Festival for years and years. For many years grandma would take truck loads of donations to the appalachian mountains. Clothes, toys, supplies, whatever she and my grandpa could round up they made the trek to the appalachians to help the people up there out. When my grandma was able she went to every mass she could. Always in the same seat too. Before mass she would say the rosary and most likely be ahead a decat. Everyone at her church knows her and how amazing her
Why does this have to happen to the best of us. My grandma was and still is the greatest grandma ever.She gave me everything I could bargain for. She would take to amusement parks,And we would make sweets with my cousin and I would never want to leave.Also my most memorable Easter was with her and she gave me a stuffed bunny rabbit and at the time it was as big as me.She has given me a live fighting for.
For my Oral History Essay I chose my grandma named Judy Johnson who is 74 years old. I chose specifically chose her because I was curious about how television and radio influenced her early life. Before interviewing my grandma I was anxious to understand how television and radio influenced her generation because from today’s standpoint, it is so heavily involved in our society. Throughout this interview I focused on various factors television and radio had on her as well as her family including impactful trends, experiences, and influences that altered behavior and attitude. In addition, I was able to gain further knowledge of how commercials and advertisement introduced products
It was a Monday night; I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just completed my review of Office Administration in preparation for my final exams. As part of my leisure time, I decided to watch my favorite reality television show, “I love New York,” when the telephone rang. I immediately felt my stomach dropped. The feeling was similar to watching a horror movie reaching its climax. The intensity was swirling in my stomach as if it were the home for the butterflies. My hands began to sweat and I got very nervous. I could not figure out for the life of me why these feelings came around. I lay there on the couch, confused and still, while the rings continued. My dearest mother decided to answer this eerie phone call. As she
The crunch of frozen grass could be heard a mile away at five o’clock in the morning. My grandpa and I whispered conversation as we strolled over to our favorite deer blind. We cautiously marched over sticks trying hard not to make any sounds. We eventually made it without spooking any deer and set our guns down, waiting for sunrise. These are the times I enjoy the most with my grandpa. It is a chance to sit back and enjoy life with one of my favorite people on this planet. Time goes slower in these moments. It gives us a chance to share conversation about anything. We swap stories from the past and I always seem to learn something new from my grandpa. Whether it be from advice he gives me or from an experience long ago, I’m always listening. Although our experiences may be different we still love to enjoy the same hobbies together, whether it’s woodworking, hunting, or time out on the lake; sharing life with my grandpa is priceless.
I will always remember going to grandma's house on christmas eve,me and my family are so excited to open presents, eat the great food and spend time with family.My grandma has three kids, my mom and my uncles.She has two sisters and five brothers.She was born on 1046 at Celina.Grandma has two grandkids me and my brother Collin.My grandma is sweet loving and generous.
The familiar smell of soft cookies and homemade cooking are common thoughts when people think about their grandma's house. Great feasts and family gatherings play a part in everyone's grandmother's home. But when I really think about my grandma's house only one word comes to my mind: fun.
For this quiz I had my grandma take it with me. According to my answers the colors I scored the most points on blue, then it was white. I only received a few points for red and weirdly enough I didn’t receive any points for yellow. Some of the words in the yellow category described me, yet the words in the other categories described me better. I personally agree with me being more of a blue. I tend to pay attention to detail and can be emotional. One word that I feel like describes me from the blue category is the word or phrase worry prone. In my life I tend to worry about many different things pretty much. What I worry about more than I should is my homework. I always worry that I am going to do poorly on homework or a test. Something else from the blue category that describes me is how I react to failing. For the most part I dwell on my failing. It stays in my thoughts for way too long even though I know that I can’t change what happened. So that was what I thought about my
My grandma had survived a hard life, and yet managed to raise four responsible, well-educated, and successful children. All this she did while working as a respected psychiatric nurse and a state mental health board member. Although she had had and was still overcoming trials in life, I always knew she would be there and cared about me and my life. As my brother and I grew older and were unable to visit my grandparents as often as we
I will tell you a tale of a woman of great success. This is a woman that has inspired me to be something great one day and to never give up trying. Though she may be growing into her elderly years she has lived a very challenging, joyful, loving and successful life. She is a woman of great faith and character, she is my grandmother.
At just over five feet tall, she was the kind of woman that you saw on the street and knew to move out of her way. Her demeanor was strict, her hands tied with thick blue veins, crisscrossing over her thin, frail fingers.
My grandmother has a very softhearted voice that I still hear telling me goodnight when we were little. She would wait with us until we fell deep asleep. And even as we got older she would gather us around the kitchen table and let us watch the old fashioned ice cream maker churn the best vanilla ice cream and then she would load it up with chocolate chips, and our parents would always say, "That's too many.", and grandmother just let us keep piling them on. My grandmother is the kind, gentle, loving, caring grandmother that I wish my children could experience today.