
What Does In The Womb Mean

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Psychology assignment on ‘In the Womb’ National Geographic’s documentary ‘In the Womb’ takes its viewers on a virtual journey from conception to the birth of a baby. In the introductory scenes of the documentary shows the sperm penetrating into the woman’s egg. The genetic material of the sperm and the egg then fuses at the time of conception. Each human being has a unique genetic combination. The child’s genetic make-up is majorly dependent on genes. Various physical aspects such as color of the eye, height and quality of hair are determined by the genes. The sex of the child, however, is dependent upon the chromosomes. During fertilization, the egg moves towards the uterus. Initially, the single cell splits into 2 identical cells, after which cell division continues to form hundreds of cells called blastula. The blastula splits into two groups of cells. The outer layer later becomes the placenta and umbilical cord while the inner layer becomes the embryo. A week after fertilization, the blastula reaches the uterus. …show more content…

The nerve cells then proliferate to form the brain and central nervous system. The heart is also formed soon after. After about 4 weeks, eyes come into being, looking like dark spots. Slowly other facial features as well as the limbs start to bud. Eight weeks into gestation, the embryo develops into a fetus. It is no longer dependent on the yolk sac, a balloon-like structure, for its nourishment. It becomes completely dependent on the umbilical cord for intake of nutrition. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus can slowly move. This is also when an ultrasound is taken in order to monitor the development of the

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