Psychology assignment on ‘In the Womb’ National Geographic’s documentary ‘In the Womb’ takes its viewers on a virtual journey from conception to the birth of a baby. In the introductory scenes of the documentary shows the sperm penetrating into the woman’s egg. The genetic material of the sperm and the egg then fuses at the time of conception. Each human being has a unique genetic combination. The child’s genetic make-up is majorly dependent on genes. Various physical aspects such as color of the eye, height and quality of hair are determined by the genes. The sex of the child, however, is dependent upon the chromosomes. During fertilization, the egg moves towards the uterus. Initially, the single cell splits into 2 identical cells, after which cell division continues to form hundreds of cells called blastula. The blastula splits into two groups of cells. The outer layer later becomes the placenta and umbilical cord while the inner layer becomes the embryo. A week after fertilization, the blastula reaches the uterus. …show more content…
The nerve cells then proliferate to form the brain and central nervous system. The heart is also formed soon after. After about 4 weeks, eyes come into being, looking like dark spots. Slowly other facial features as well as the limbs start to bud. Eight weeks into gestation, the embryo develops into a fetus. It is no longer dependent on the yolk sac, a balloon-like structure, for its nourishment. It becomes completely dependent on the umbilical cord for intake of nutrition. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus can slowly move. This is also when an ultrasound is taken in order to monitor the development of the
In the story, The Most Dangerous Game, written by Richard Connell, the main character, Rainsford, who is an avid hunter, falls off a yacht and finds himself stranded on a tropical island where he learns what it feels like to be fearful as he fights for his life while trying to avoid being hunted by the antagonist, General Zaroff. In the film, High Noon, written by Carl Foreman, the main antagonist, Frank Miller, is coming back to the town of Hadleyville to seek revenge on the main protagonist, Will Kane, for sending him up to jail; however, Kane is unable to find any deputies or people to help him fight. In the film, High Noon, and the story, The Most Dangerous Game, there is an apparent similarity between the two main characters, as well as
When an embryo becomes a fetus at eight weeks, it is approximately 3 centimeters; by the time the fetus is considered full-term, he or she may be 50 centimeters (Brisbane 60). The fetal stage, that takes place during week 9 to birth, result in a whole bunch of changes. (Brisbane 61). During the fetal stage, all parts of the body mature, and the overall of the baby size increases. Although all of the organ systems were formed during embryonic development, they continue to develop and grow during the fetal stage as well. During the third month, the reproductive system becomes developed and the sex of the baby becomes apparent (Staff). For girls, the ovarian follicles begin to form and for boys the prostate gland. Throughout months four through six, the heartbeat grows stronger and other body systems become further developed (Brisbane 63). Features such as fingernails, hair, eyelashes and toenails form. During the period from seven months until birth, the fetus continues to develop, put on weight, and prepare for life outside the womb (Brisbane 64). The lungs begin to expand and contract, preparing the muscles for breathing (Brisbane 64). The time in which the baby is born is a very critical. In some situations, a baby can be born as early as 7 months. When a baby is born too early, his ar her organs are not usually fully formed. This can result in many complications and health problems. Including, If premature pregnancy is the case, the baby would need some intensive care in hospitals. If the baby survives the stages, at the end of the nine month of pregnancy the baby will turn to a head-down position to prepare for birth. If the baby is not in the head-down position and in breech position a cesarean section may be required, which can cause many more complications. If a baby passes all these crucial factors, it is guaranteed to be born
Shortly after an egg is fertilized stem cells begin to form. These cells are programmed to form every organ and tissue in the body as the baby develops.
Lastly, the embryo enters the next stage known as the fetus, taking place on the ninth week and lasting all the way through childbirth. At this time, “The neural tube develops into the brain and spinal cord and neurons form” (Cherry, 2015). Majority of the physical growth takes place in this stage. It is the longest and most amazing stages of life! The Miracle of Life emphasizes, “without ever mixing the blood of the baby’s and mom’s; grabs oxygen,” the enriched blood flows through the umbilical cord and into the fetus without ever mixing with the mother’s blood (Cort, 2001).
Biological development of a fetus is vary rapid and complex over the nine-month period in the womb. When both the male spermatozoon and the female ovum combine it forms what is called a zygote which holds the twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. The zygote or the embryo undergoes cell division and makes its way to the uterine wall to implant itself, this process is completed about ten days after conception. By the end of the eighth week the organ systems have formed and human characteristics can start to be noticed. From the eighth week until birth the embryo is now labeled a fetus. Quickening can occur from the sixteenth week until birth, this is where the mother can feel the fetus moving. Around the twenty-second week viability can take place, this is where the fetus can survive outside the womb. The nine-month period of being pregnant is split into different trimesters. With the different trimesters there are different abortion procedures can be used to remove the fetus.
It is imperative for a mother to take care of herself while pregnant. This will give the fetus a better chance at healthy developmental milestones. One way to achieve this is through a healthy diet which aids fetal brain development. Moreover, taking the supplemental vitamins recommended by the physician helps too. Finally, a mother should try to eliminate too much stress in her life while pregnant. This can have a negative impact on the pregnancy. This is what healthy development looks like during conception. At 3 months the baby is fully formed. The hands, arms, feet and toes are all present. Also, the bodily organs are present but need to mature more at this point. During the 3-6 month period is where the most rapid brain development takes place (Hutchison, 2013). This is the trimester where you begin to feel movement. At 6-9 months the baby continues to grow and mature to prepare for entry into the world.
Physical development of the human begins at conception when the egg is fertilized by the sperm. Once the ovum is fertilized, the process of mitosis begins, allowing the cells to split and form the human being. Through this process, each parent contributes 23 chromosomes, which are present in every cell of our bodies, and are made up of DNA and genes (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The genes that we inherit from our parents determine our physical features, such as hair and eye color, and height. Furthermore, the combination of various genes within the body at the time of conception may result in the individual carrying unexpected traits and illnesses (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).
this time, the baby's heart is beating, major organs are formed and maturing, facial features are
Caffeine, a popularly consumed central nervous system stimulant is consumed on a day to day basis around the globe. Caffeine can be ingested into the body by either eating it or drinking it. Caffeine comes in forms of many processed foods such as coffee, chocolate bars, candy, sodas, and energy drinks as well as tea. For example millions of people all around the world consume coffee on a daily basis. Due to the large consumption of caffeine, both the negative and positive side effects of consuming it have been well researched and documented. However the long term effects are much more significant, the short term side effects of caffeine may not appear to be as extreme. The regulation of caffeine consumption is crucial in order to guarantee that one does not become dependent on it, and to ensure that an individual’s body will not be damaged by doing so. The evidence that backed up the claim that coffee is best consumed in small amounts and not on a daily basis is overwhelming and clearly shows that coffee consumption must be carefully regulated and controlled.
Watching the video, “The Secret Life of the Brain” was really interesting. I learned many things that I did not know about before. How the brain is the most complex thing on earth, but the baby’s brain is even more complex because we do not know what they are thinking half of the time. In this video, I learned how the brain changes and develops and about premature babies and their brain.
According to, after conception, a fetus begins to develop rather quickly. In the fifth week of pregnancy, a baby’s heart begins to beat. A baby also develops three distinct layers, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. These three layers will eventually form the body systems that are necessary
First trimester: By 12 weeks of pregnancy the foetus will be fully formed. The ovum grows and develops certain important parts of the baby’s body such as spinal cord, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, heart and lungs in the first four weeks from conception. The heart starts beating and brain and other organs forms by eight weeks. At this stage, the face is formed and arms and legs start to move. The baby grows to 3 inches long and
Reflection 5 When I think of a President, I think that it is like a leader of a group or a captain of a squad. They all use their best judgement for whatever is best for their group, squad or in this case a country. I do believe that every group, squad, or country needs a leader to point them in the right direction and to avoid chaos, even the people don’t like it sometimes. So, I think that the President needs to be really powerful in order for things to go smoothly but not too powerful to the point that they are a dictator or a monarch.
Whether or not a gene is expressed depends on two different things: the interaction of the gene with other genes and the continual interaction between the genotype and the environment. The simplest genetic rule is the dominant-recessive pattern in which a single dominant gene strongly influences phenotype. If a child receives a single dominant gene, for a trait from one parent, the child’s phenotype will include the trait determined by that gene. In contrast, a child’s phenotype will include a recessive trait only if she inherits a recessive gene from both parents. Eye color is one example of dominant-recessive genes at work. The gene for brown eyes is dominant and the gene for blue eyes is recessive. If one parent hands down a dominant brown eye gene while the other parent hands down a recessive blue eye gene, the dominant gene will win out and the child will have brown eyes. A person’s sex is also determined in the womb. An individual inherits 23 pairs of chromosomes. Twenty- two of these pairs of chromosomes, called autosomes, contain most of the genetic information controlling highly individual characteristics like hair color, height, body shape, temperament, aspects of intelligence and also all those characteristics shared by all members of our species, such as pattern of physical development. The twenty-third pair,
To commence with, during development a human being grows at an astonishingly rapid pace. According to Guttmacher Institute, “89% of all abortions in the United States are performed in the first trimester of pregnancy.” (2005). In the first trimester (16 weeks), the baby’s eyes and eyelids, nose, mouth, and tongue have formed, and the baby's reproductive organs also develop. The cardiovascular system is the first system that begins to function. The baby’s heart begins to circulate their own blood, similar to his mother’s heart, twenty-two days after conception. Electrical brain activity can be detected at six or seven