
What Does It Mean To Ask Older People

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It is my belief that older individuals may sometimes feel as if they are running out of time and youth to find purposefulness and fuel accomplishments in their lives, or they may feel that they wish they had done more with their time as younger individuals. This is a concept completely rejected by my father. When I asked my father if he feared getting older than he is now, he responded that he is completely satisfied with what he has put forward and continues to put forward in his life now. He completely has no fear of the eventual end, and states it is therefore of upmost importance to find happiness and success in everyday life. He says his happiness stems from seeing his work as a working man in his middle age, as being fundamental to …show more content…

In this last interview session however, my father appeared much more attentive and willing to share than before. I realized this could be due to my carelessness in being investigative and willing to ask my father to share his experiences with me before this class asked me to do so. The unwillingness of younger individuals to ask older individuals such as parents and grandparents to fully share their experiences, I realize is now quite upsetting to me, after recognizing the joy derived from this experience. Seeing my father happily and attentively answering my interview questions, make me realize younger individuals must make more of an effort to include and validate the valuable feelings and experiences of the older individuals in their lives. At the conclusion of our final interview together, once I had informed my father that he had answered all of my questions, he continued to speak on his belief that aging should not be feared, and that one must be accepting of the time they are given. His willingness to continue to share after the conclusion of the interview, made me overwhelmingly content and happy that he had found so much joy in sharing his thoughts with

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