God being holy is the attribute that is most talked about when the subject of God’s character is brought into question. What exactly does it mean to be holy? Being holy is a term used when talking about separation. God uses the term holy as being separated from all things evil. When the Israelites came out of Egypt and were at Mt. Sinai god told them “For I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth. For I am the LORD who brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:44-45). Essentially what he is telling the people of Israel is that
Gelsey Piatt and Madalyn Davishrr 1990’s News Article -Rodney King BREAKING NEWS: Rodney King was found face down in his LA home pool, dead at the age of 47. Rodney King’s public life all started on March 3rd, 1991 where after a high-speed chase from LAPD, King was violently beaten with batons suffering more than 11 fractures, all caught on tape. 4 Los Angeles Police Department officers by the name of Laurence Michael Powell, Timothy Wind, Stacey Koon, and Theodore Briseno are all indicted by grand jury in connection to the beating of King, to the joy of the public. April 29th, 1992 almost a year following the initial incident, the trial of the 4 officers comes to a harrowing defeat when they were pronounced not guilty of brutally beating King.
The dialogue that commences between Euthyphro and Socrates gives rise to the argument by Socrates, and hence the dilemma:“Is the holy loved by the Gods because it is holy, or is it holy because it is loved by the Gods?”(Benn) If the answer is that it is holy because God said it is and because God commands it then what is good becomes the subjective opinion of God. It could be called a whim really and there is much in the bible that seems to suggest that God had many whims. It’s clear to see a problem has arisen. There are all
Everyone wants power, control over his or her life. In “To Kill a Mockingbird”, which is based on a rape trial, Mayella Ewell wins the case against Tom Robinson and seems to be powerful. Taking into account the troubles of the economic class, the role of women in society, and the importance of skin color in Maycomb, Alabama 1930’s, the real question is: Is Mayella Ewell powerful?
The concept of holiness emerges in the dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro as a result of Euthyphro's assertion that he intends to prosecute his own father for murder even though critics accuse him of being impious (that is, unholy). Euthyphro divulges this information after hearing Socrates' own reason for going to court, which is to defend himself against the accusation of corrupting the youth. Thus, the two men have similar reasons for going to court: both pertain to the question of what it means to be pious/holy. The question of holiness takes such a prominent position in the dialogue because Socrates sees in his discourse with Euthyphro the opportunity to distinguish between true and false holiness. This paper will present Euthyphro's three definitions of holiness, explain how Socrates refutes each one, examine Socrates' goal in the dialogue, provide my own definition of piety/holiness, and imagine Socrates' response to it.
And so Euthyphro adapts his definition again to say "piety is what all the gods love, and that impiety is what they all hate." (p. 11) Is something then pious because the gods love it or do gods love piety because it is pious? Let's suppose the former: that something is pious because the gods love it. The gods care about something because it is first loved by them. It can not be said that you love something because you care about it first. In saying that something which is pious is loved by
He knows everything. God is faithful. As followers of Jesus this faithfulness gives ushope of eternal life in heaven. God will honor his promise that our sins will be forgiven and wewill live forever with him. God is Love, not the emotion but the action of love. God is allpowerful. God has no beginning or end he just exists. Nothing else in all the universe is thisway, only God. God is just and his character is the definition of what just is. God is merciful.He shows his mercy to all who follow him. God is good and kind toward men. God is gracious,this grace came through Jesus Christ. God is always with us in all we do. We learn about theseattributes in the bible so we can understand who God is and how he loves us. God kept his promises in the bible as he keeps them today. He promises to love us,accept us, and forgive us. He promises to help and protect his people. This kind of promise is acovenant. A covenant is a legally binding obligation or promise. In the bible and throughouthistory God made covenants with his people. History shows us that he would keep his side ofthe covenant if they would keep theirs. A few of the first covenants were found in the book
& Jowett, 2013). Socrates refutes this definition since he views that the gods do not need to be assisted by mortals. In his final attempt, Euthyphro defines holiness as an exchange between the gods and human beings. The gods receive sacrifices from us, while we they grant our prayers in exchange. In response, Socrates posits that this perspective implies correlates to the prior argument on the gods’ approval. He states that if holiness is gratifying to the gods, it is ambiguous as seen in the argument concerning what the gods approve, and the influences behind them (Plato. & Gallop, 1997).
In this paper, I will review Robert Gromacki’s book The Holy Spirit: Who He is, What He Does I will detail what I feel the book is about. I will emphasize various points given by the author that stood out to me. Finally, I will give my personal evaluation of the book.
To begin with, God’s faithfulness is displayed in the Pentateuch. One example is found in the opening chapters of Genesis. Even though Adam and Eve disobeyed his command, God does not let sin prevent him from being faithful. Instead, God enters the garden and asks the couple, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) This example displays the theme that God
Our God is loving, kind and merciful, but there is another side to His personality, the side that defends and fights for His people. Paul declares we must know the “goodness and severity of God.” To understand the full character of God we must read the entire Bible. God is a lover of His creation and He is a warrior who fights for those whom He loves. The author makes an excellent point that since we are made in His image we must take on every aspect of the character
Though I have lived for a very short time I accumulated a lot of memories over the years. I have had crazy and insane things happen to me, as well as funny and positive. One year in particular protrudes from my memory when I begin to think about it. The year 2013 was a crazy year but the things that happened to me back then made me who I am now.
Because He is the 3-0 God, there cannot be any evil that would match His goodness. This would undermine His power, thus making Him not God. Because there is no equally powerful force of evil, we must extend our earthly experiences of evil to try to understand an otherworldly good. It is possible we can never fully understand the goodness of God, even if we make it to heaven to directly experience Him. Thomas Aquinas speaks of theoretically studying God, which implies that an understanding of God is not easily acquired. If spirits in heaven who directly observe and experience God have to study Him to reach an understanding, we are much further off from reaching an understanding of God's goodness during our earthly existences. The believer will still try to fully understand God, despite the guarantee that he cannot achieve full understand while on Earth.
Whether the Bible speaks of holiness, righteousness, justice, mercy, loving-kindness, love, or any other topic, it is communicating the words inspired by the God who is perfect in each of these attributes. The word God itself implies perfection. When we consider God, we consider One who is perfect. Not many who believe in God would deny His perfection. It is irrational to think of God as one who is less than perfect. A perfect God is perfect for all His
In the Bible, words like holy, and pure are terms that we encounter as we read. It can be difficult to understand the important concept of Purity if you don’t put yourself in the shoes of people of the Jewish culture to understand their purity system and values. When we think of the standard of purity that is exemplified in the New and Old Testament we tend to stand behind a millennium of ideology and this hinders us from understanding the purity codes by Jesus and the early church. The whole concept of purity means to understand what is appropriate at a place and time. This is, of course, is based on culture and what it deems as holy and polluted.
The first source to which Christian theology looks for it's teaching is the New Testament. It is the New Testament, which unfolds the divine plan introduced in the Old, and it is by the New Testament revelation that the Old Testament revelation is interpreted. For this reason all Christians theologians have made the New Testament their primary source for data in constructing views of God and His relation to the world. We must place all theology in context. As the Old Testament affirms, God is incomparable. Isaiah writes that we dare not make our God out of gold, or carry the divine around in a neat package to sit here or stand there. God reminds Israel, and all peoples, that "I am God and there is no other, I am God and there is none like me."