
What Does It Mean To Say That God Is All Evil

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I strongly believe that these three statements are true. God is all powerful. God is all good. Evil exists in the world. To many these three statements appear contradictory. How can God be all powerful, all good, and still allow evil to be present in the lives of people?
Many would argue that God can be all powerful and allow evil to occur because he is not entirely good. Others would say God is all good, but he is not powerful or involved enough to stop all evil from happening. It almost seems as if logically God cannot be all powerful and all good and allow the existence of evil.
Revelation 4:10 discusses people sitting before the throne of God worshipping God and laying their crowns and treasures at his feet. In verse eleven they say “for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” I draw my beliefs on the presence of evil from this passage. …show more content…

Many would read that statement and cry heresy, and maybe it is. I believe in a God that created everything. As the creator of all God is not bound by the same concepts and laws that people are. He exists outside of time and possesses omniscience to know everything that has or will happen.
God is completely good. For a multitude of people, this idea is a major hang-up. Why would a God that is completely good command one of his followers to sacrifice his only son? That sounds like a really bad God who doesn’t love people. Why would a God that is supposedly all good command his people to wipe out men, women, and children of other nations and then punish them for showing mercy? Again, this is a lousy God. There are several biblical examples of God that don’t fit into our nice little box of what we want him to be. Yet, I still firmly believe that he is entirely

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