
What Does It Mean To Say That All Christians Should Be Pacifists?

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All Christians should be pacifists because Jesus has told us to live in peace and that God is the one to judge. However, god also has told us to prepare for war in the Old Testament which means all Christians cannot be pacifist if they are preparing for war.
Some Christians believe achieving peace means rejecting the use of violence. Christians who hold this reject this view focus on Jesus teaching on ’love thy neighbor’, even when Jesus faced his own enemies (the Romans) Jesus gave himself up to death. Also, when Jesus own follower slices off an ear of a servants, Jesus heals the ear of a servant and criticizes his follower for using violence to interfere with God’s plan. This shows that Jesus used pacifism instead of violence and that means all Christians should be …show more content…

Jesus tells us to love our enemies, to love him as you love yourself and part of the ten commandments says; do not murder. ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’, for instance Desmond T Doss. Doss was part of the American army who refused to use any weapons and kill anyone during World War I; he saved approximately seventy-five people’s lives, without the use of violence. Desmond is an example of a Christian pacifist. But in the Bible sometimes violence is the last option and you have to resort to it to find peace. ‘They will beat their swords into plough shares and their spares into pruning hooks’. Therefore not all Christians should be pacifists.
In conclusion, all Christians should be pacifists but is highly impossible because some of the teachings in the bible state that violence and war is good. As a Muslim I believe God is the only one to judge and is forgiving. If I do murder god will judge me and no one else. On the other hand I believe not just Christians but everyone should be pacifists because the world would be a better place and no one would have to worry about anything. However, there is every bad in

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