Masculine to me means that not only are you physically strong mentally and emotionally strong. It also means that you carry yourself with confidence and humility and compassion. To me it's important that a male is able to express his emotions without feeling weak. To me, masculine, means to respect others no matter what circumstance and be responsible.
I get my idea of what it means to be a good man from my own believes, some of my family ideas,and from the Bible. I believe that these characteristics decide what a man is: Educated, hard-working, compassionate, humble, taking responsibility for their own , loving, and brave. Even being emotionally vulnerable is another characteristic that describes a man to me.
After reading and listening
A good person has high values for themselves. They set standards not for perfection, but
Being a man can mean many things, depending on who you speak to or what your own standard is. The traits of a man can fall into being tough or just being a humble kind individual. When we look at the instances of Willy Loman and Walter Lee, we see men who both have a sense of what being a man is like. But are too caught up in their dreams in life to be steady enough to handle the responsibilities needed in both circumstances.
What is required to be considered masculine or feminine? Is it based upon physical features? Or is it based upon the person’s personality? Unfortunately, in today's society gender is often associated with a person’s physical appearance. A man earns the label of being masculine through his substantial muscles, sharp look, extravagant attire and his remarkable height. Meanwhile a woman is labeled as feminine through her body language, make-up, physical features, social status, and exposing clothing. Gender characteristics should not be defined by physical attributes, they should be defined by the person’s personality. Personality is what truly defines a person’s gender whether a male or female. To have the dignity of being a man or woman, it is a must to behave like a gentleman or a lady.
Masculinity has changed very little over time. By definition, to be masculine is to be tough, having little or no emotion, and having great physical strength and endurance. Men are thought to be natural leaders and should accept the role of dominating the household (both his wife and children. “Inequality between women and men is a worldwide social phenomenon”. (Schaefer, R., 2012. p354)
Masculine’s definition is stereotypically twisted. The myth and reality of the cowboy shaped today’s definition of masculinity because they have this high and strong structure they need to uphold. Masculinity is having the traditional acts as a man, such as being strong and secure. In today’s world man and women have two different mindsets. Even though we are all humans, our gender defines the way we should act due to how society makes it. The myth has affected males physically, emotionally and mentally. The idea is that they are supposed to act accordingly. In reality, everyone wants to grow up differently, so why would they be forced to act/be a certain way?
The definition of masculinity; Is the fact of being a man or having qualities considered typical of a man.
What makes a “good” man or woman? In “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor the theme is about the labeling of a person as good. Is it a man who has poor judgment and allows himself to be stolen from like Red Sam? Is it a person who has consistent morals and leads himself to do what is needed to live? Well, the line continues to be blurred throughout this story by the grandmother’s continuous use of labeling people good.
Many people have a different definition of a “good” man. Flannery O’ Connor short-story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” gives readers a brief view on the subject. In the story the foundation for what makes a good man seems to only come from the grandmother. However when she is faces with a disadvantage by Misfit, he puts a twist on her views, and shatters that foundation. “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” is neither a happy nor sad story, both characters have many flaws and seem undeserving, but through an unexpected encounter they both found grace and redemption.
A masculine person is seen as powerful, demanding, and heard. Also normally the person who is more “strong”, either literally or figuratively.
The definition of masculinity: possession of the qualities associated with men. This definition is also implied in Beowulf except that the qualities then may be different than the ones our society has today. A man has to prove himself as masculine to earn others respect and to be look up upon. To be a man is to be accountable for everything that he does. Beowulf represents, for this text, the ideal of what a man should be. The reader can see through his actions what traits the author believes a man should have to prove their masculinity. Thus, based off of Beowulf, masculinity is represented through actions, weaponry, and bravery.
What do you think is masculine? Masculinity is somethings that can greatly be changed depending on a person's viewpoint. For example, in To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus has a very different approach for being masculine and being someone somebody can look up to. Seeing as Atticus has a good shot but doesn’t use it and uses other methods such as knowledge and fairness rather than stubbornness or racism to condemn someone. This idea of being masculine in another way is looked down upon my many people and you might agree, however, Atticus shows us in many ways that this way of taking on things is a lot more mature and respectable than the old strong brute that the town thinks is masculine. Throughout the story, Atticus and Tom Robinson try to act different and shows us how change is difficult to accept, being alone is something that affects people greatly, and even how change can affect those around a community.
I believe to be masculine is having the strength, self-confident, and capability to do the right thing. If you were to stereotype the Dominican male in this novel, it is clear that Oscar lacks every quality, whereas Yunior is labeled picture-perfect. In more depth, it is also clear that Oscar’s image of being masculine is almost nonexistent, while Yunior seems to be blessed when it comes to developing masculine traits. They each have their controversies when it comes to being masculine. Oscar takes on the most selfless act that ends up getting him killed, an act of competitive and self-confident performance that is completely unlike his normal behavior. Yunior’s downfall to his masculinity is his inability to stay faithful to the love of his life, or really any girl, and that hurts him as a character in the end. To be masculine is completely different when just defined versus how it is portrayed in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Oscar seems to challenge masculinity as a whole, and Yunior seems to have the masculine concept built into him, yet in the end they both ended up reversing roles on the concept of
The traditional definition of masculinity include such qualities as independence, pride, resiliency, self control and physical strength. It can be change into qualities such as competitiveness, toughness, aggressiveness and power. For example, he says that the boy who doesn’t show these qualities and might be called a “fag”. The boy is most likely becoming aware of having feminine qualities.
Throughout today’s society, almost every aspect of someone’s day is based whether or not he or she fits into the “norm” that has been created. Specifically, masculine and feminine norms have a great impact that force people to question “am I a true man or woman?” After doing substantial research on the basis of masculine or feminine norms, it is clear that society focuses on the males being the dominant figures. If males are not fulfilling the masculine role, and females aren’t playing their role, then their gender identity becomes foggy, according to their personal judgment, as well as society’s.
Very few people emit all masculine or all feminine behavior. Most people of our society integrate both feminine and masculine characteristics within their beings. The integration of both masculinity and femininity is known as androgyny. Is has become more and more accepted to be androgynous, yet few people obtain a perfect balance between masculinity and femininity. The unspoken societal rule about gender is, if one is male, one must show more masculine traits than feminine traits, or else risk the