Soldiers Of Our Country
There has been many fights in history that took place for America. Many of those wars we have won. Many of those soldiers have died. Our American soldiers were so strong, loyal, and brave just for this country. These solders influence me every day and make me be brave in the small things I do. My grandpa was in Vietnam. If he wouldn't have been brave, he wouldn't be here today. He even got hit by a bomb, and through god he survived. These soldiers inspire me everyday.
The holocaust
The holocaust was a very sad time for many people, not just Jews. Hitler believed that Jews were animals,not humans. So he treated them like animals. To make sure they knew that, he made them sleep on wooden beds and drink dirt soup with bread. The bread was made out of sawdust. So many innocent people were being killed for show, hunger, and other viruses that spread around the camps. Reading books about it make me want to cry every time. America and some other countries stood up and brought down the Nazis. They were so brave to stand up to such a big group. We and others changed the life's of many Jews. I am thankful it was stopped
MY Grandpa
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He fought in Vietnam. He doesn't really like to talk about it because so many of soldiers died. I only know a few bits and peaces. I understand how painful it is to relive the memory. A man behind him had been hit by a bomb and he had got hit too. He could have died. God helped him live. They poisoned the air around them to make the american soldiers sick. That is why he has some problems wrong with him today. But he is still healthy. They locked my grandpa and other soldiers in a building so they couldn't get out and had to fight. It was very terrifying for him. He said he would have some friends and the next day the just disappeared. He tried to help others as much as he could. Once he joined the military, he couldn't get out. That was the rules back then. He was very
The Holocaust was a terrible time. This terrible time was all a plan, led by Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was sent to prison for treason. Even after he got out, he worked with the government of Germany. He even rose to be the Dictator of Germany, with the luck of the last leader's passing. He blamed others for his "struggle." He passed laws, to make it legal to descriminate and to single out groups of people, races, and religions.
The Holocaust was a great tragedy, but it didn't happen overnight. It was a long process of demeaning Jews as subhuman. This started as early as 1933 when Hitler first came to power. However, Kristallnacht, or The Night of the Broken Glass, was like the dam bursting. It was when the government of Germany encouraged its people to loot and burn Jewish shops, synagogues, and schools. In addition, many Jews were pulled out of their houses in the middle of the night and sent to concentration camps. In some towns so many of the men were sent to the camps that the women and children were forced to clean up the broken glass that littered the streets. Kristallnacht was a very significant point in the Holocaust,
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest," a quote by Elie Wiesel. In history we always make sure that we remember what was important, and even some of the things that weren't. This may seem like it doesn't matter, like it's utterly irrelevant, but I promise it is actually very important. The Holocaust was a exceedingly important event in history, it should be known by everybody and every generation, while never being forgotten. This is because it is a significant example of what cruel people can do in this world, it shows us what mistakes not to make again, and it helped our world believe that people can be different without being killed.
The atrocities that had occurred during the holocaust are something this world is never going to forget. Innocent lives were taken for an immoral cause. This bloodshed and terror that had rained upon the Jews is something society must never let happen again. During this period of time people were treated as numbers, tools, and most importantly dissociated from society. It was a time where because of race, religion, and beliefs segregation was deemed okay. The pain and suffering that this world continues to burden due to these conditions is something people must take the time to mourn over. Malice can form even in the most good hearted men and is found in every person. It is terrifying to think that this same malice overcame a man named Hitler who had the power to exterminate an entirety of people because of their race. From this immorality the Jews had lost their independence and were subjected to suffering a horrendous state for who they were.
The Holocaust was a dark time in humanity’s history; a time that should be looked back on in shame. People lost their compassion and empathy towards one another. These emotions are essential in keeping peace and harmony throughout the world, and give mankind a natural kindheartedness towards one another. Having the innate sense to feel for one another and understand the trials and tribulations others go through is what truly makes us human. This is what was lost during the Holocaust. The inherent good that humans are born with, was taken away by Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. It led to the deaths of entire cultures and millions of innocent peoples’ lives were changed for the worse. However, the Nazis did not carry out the mass killings of
The Holocaust is one of the most significant and impactful events in human history. At the time, the Holocaust destroyed our society. The mass genocide killed millions of people, had left thousands with physical and psychological pain, and left the survivors traumatized for life. The Holocaust had not only affected the survivors and those who lost their lives, but it impacted the rest of the world, even all these decades later. This horrible and unimaginable event was sadly an all too real example of how prejudice and dark our society can actually be.
Holocaust was one of the most terrible events that happened in history. This event occurred during World War II when Hitler was the leader of Germany. In 1933 the Nazis took control of Germany. Hitler had no right to do any of this stuff to them since they didn't do anything to him. Jewish people didn't have a fun time when all of this was happening since everything was happening to them. Over six million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis at this time. Hitler and the Nazis army used fear to gain control of the government and the German people. Hitler took over Jewish men, women, and children's lives. Hitler was that mean that everyone that opposed what he said had to go to concentration camps even if they weren’t Jewish. Hitler didn’t
There are many disturbing facts and many uplifting things about the Holocaust. Many Jews had to go into hiding like the Franks. They had to live in an attic for so many years until the were found by the Nazis.
The Holocaust will be a moment in history that will never be forgotten due to the many lives that were lost. Jewish people were tortured not being fed enough food, being forced to work under tough conditions, being beaten if even the slightest inconvenience to the Germans. There was overcrowding in the bunks, more than one family would be kept there, and many Jews were being tested on like rats by Nazi doctors.
The Holocaust was a horrible time in our history. This was a time when over 6 million Jews were murdered in concentration camps (“Merriam-Webster”) and by German soldiers. This happened because of a man named Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was a man who was majorly opposed to jews, to the point of killing them. Very little Jews survived. But the few that did told their story so that we may know more about it today. The Holocaust lasted from 1933 to 1945 (“How Long”). It ended when the German forces surrendered to the allies. Anne Frank was one Jew who suffered because of Hitler.
The Holocaust was one of the most tragic events in history which ended many innocent Jewish lives. Six million Jews plus many more were completely wiped out due to the effects of the Holocaust. It is still unforgivable for the things the Nazi party did and is still a very questionable subject on how they were able to accomplish such devastation. To be able to organize the removal of an entire population of people based on their religion not only takes high intelligence, but most of all takes a very twisted and demented outlook on life. Learning about the holocaust and the people involved is very important, as well as how it has affected our world today. There are many very fascinating things about the holocaust but three
The holocaust was an event that will never be forgot. This was a time when it was hard to live in the world. The holocaust was a mass killing of many Jews by the Germans. The worst of it all was Adolf Hitler he lead for the holocaust to begin. It lasted over 2 years of torture that no human should ever experience. Over 3 million people were taken over this war. The Americans defeated the Jews, And the horrible person Adolf Hitler after what he caused killed himself.
One could only think of what it must have been like to live under a murderous and cruel leader who beat, starved, and made one live in unsanitary conditions. The fascination of the holocaust is an absolutely interesting yet touching time that took place during WWII. The holocaust evolved slowly during 1933 and 1945 which later on began with the discrimination. Many jews were taken from their homes and forced into camps in places like Auschwitz and lived in poor conditions then later killed for no reason. Nazi’s sought out to murder the entire the Jewish population and destroy its culture of Europe, but they did not act alone. They had help and were supported by people in the countries of Europe that they occupied. Adolf Hitler was one of these people.
My grandfather is the nicest person I know when it comes to military struggles.Back in the day, when my grandfather was in the military and there
Grandpa is almost ninety-five and now resides in a nursing home. The leg he fractured forty years ago is too weak to carry his weight. His eyes are going bad. But to me he's still the big, strong man who used to take his grandchild in his arms and rock to