
What Does Pat Mcginness Display Integrity?

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Integrity (def’n: a person with integrity is prepared to stand up for what he or she believes in). In your opinion, do the police officers featured in the film display integrity? Why or why not? Does Pat McGinness display integrity in the film? If so, how? (In each case, provide specific examples from the film)
Through analyzing the film entitled Murder on a Sunday Morning, it is palpable that the featured Police Offices have displayed absolutely no aspects of integrity throughout the entire film. As people it is apparent that Police Officers have taken oaths in devoting their lifestyles to serving and protecting us. However, the tables have turned and the real question is whether or not we as citizen can rely on these authoritative members. …show more content…

In a case like this, what do you think should be done to restore the faith of the public?
The ethical transgressions of public officials destroy the public’s faith in public agencies by completely contradicting their very purpose. The purpose of the public officials is to serve, protect, and uphold the law at all costs. However these specific officials have done the complete opposite. The public officials in this film have proven that there is corruption throughout law enforcement. Characteristic such as lying, false accusations, failure to conduct a thorough investigation and physical abuse are all but some of the many things that these corrupted public official have exhibited amongst Brenton Butler.
In order to restore the faith of the public, each and every one of the corrupted officers involved in the film, ought to be fired and given legal punishment. Not only will this allow this public official to once again understand that no man is above the law, despite ones social status, but also exhibit that there is absolutely no tolerance for such behaviour. By doing this society will also understand that when such falters do occur within the system, agencies will acknowledge and address them in an appropriate …show more content…

Acts such as intentionally luring 15 year old Brenton Butler into a fairly dark forest with intentions of physically harming him, forcefully allowing Brenton to sign a piece of paper proving that he was guilty, exposing that there had been missed evidence from the crime scene and questioning them about the lack of investigating that they had done were some of the many ways he battled the case. Attorney McGinness also strategically pointed out Officer Glover’s past by exposing his love for football and “liking to hit them hard.” Lastly Mr. McGinness also deliberately refused to address Officer Darnell and Officer Glover by their titles “detective and officer”. By doing this he somewhat diminished their social status and disrespected their positions. As he stated “I do not find them to be honorable

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