Respect: a relation to or concern with something specified; an act of giving particular attention; consideration. That's the official definition, but what does it mean to me, good question. What does it mean to me? Respect is something that should be earned not just given. There are a lot of people who do not respect others, and that is one of the things wrong with society today. The gang members who spray graffiti in their own neighborhood on other people's property, they need to be punished because they show no respect for anyone or anything. Behavior like this probably begins at home. Many families are single parents only so children were not taught respect in the home as in the past. They learn nothing about values, because there's no
Respect is defined as a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something because of their abilities, qualities or achievements. The person I mostly respect and admire is my role model, the one and only Michael Jackson. I admire the person for not only his legendary music, but for his many acts of humanitarianism, and how much perseverance he had to make himself the best entertainer in the world.
I define respect as the ability to recognize and regard a person's boundaries, limits, and autonomy in both their personal and professional spheres of life. Appropriate interactions are based on this definition of respect. A senior noncommissioned officer recognizes the boundaries and limits of their
What is respect? Respect can be in various forms. It can be knowledge, self awareness, trust, character, honesty, understanding, and a positive attitude. But respect also has to be earned. If you can’t respect yourself then you won’t be able to respect others. To gain respect you have to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Without respect you can’t have team work and care for other peoples well being.
having respect for others, property, and respect for yourself. Most people want respect even if it is just a little. The American Heritage Dictionary states that respect is
I define respect as the ability to recognize and regard a person's boundaries, limits, and autonomy in both their personal and professional spheres of life. Appropriate interactions are based on this definition of respect. A senior
Everyone wants to be respected. It’s in our nature, but in order to obtain respect, first of all one has to respect oneself. Second, one has to show respect to others in order to gain respect from them. If one doesn’t show respect to someone, that person may often feel blown off and lose respect for you. Respect in my eyes is like a math equation loyalty plus duty equals respect. respect is gained in conducting ones self in a way that others can stand
A foundational value that best describes who I am and what I am about is respect; not only to others, but for yourself as well. Respect for another person is knowing that there is a line and making sure you do not cross it. I believe this is important because everyone has their limits and it is essential for one to know that they should not cross a certain line under any circumstances. Additionally, respect is important in relationships because it shows equality and that no one is superior to anyone else. Meaning, you are not communicating in a way that makes others believe that you are talking down to them. I believe this is significant because if you want to show someone that you value them, the foundation of that admiration is respect. Moreover,
Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don’t know what it means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life.
Honor is something that looking up the definition for will not give you a complete answer. This is because there is no COMPLETE answer that is 100% correct or like the word “honor”.
Respect is defined “as a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.” A little more common interpretation of this word is; something that is earned through hard work, honesty, and fairness. Respect is the basis for a person’s life and almost everything they do revolves around it. Respect is important in every aspect of a person’s everyday life. Respect is something that a person must work for, it can not be just given to anybody.
To me respect means is to be kind to others. What My dad use to say “be kind to others and they will be kind back to you. This core is important to me because when I was little I was not kind to others I was disrespectful to other because they were disrespect to me so that is what they deserve. One day I was walking to school and a bunch of kids where be mean to me they were calling me names and making fun of my weight because I was big, one day I had enough and they were talking about me and then I started talking about them and then when they talk to me I make fun of them. I started making fun of people when I was in 4th grade because I did not like when they were calling me names and I stopped when I
Respect is the act of being kind and having manners. “People resent not being respected, and a resentful attitude is never conducive to productivity.” (Lipmann, V. (2014, January 15). Why Respect Is Crucial To Management Success. Retrieved April 06, 2016, from More than likely employer automatically will not hire you or even fire you when you lack much or respect. Being distrustful can invent problems that make it hard to get a job done and build tension between workers and buyers. When performing respect you should provide consideration, approach another with positive attitudes, and demonstrate genuine interest in thoughts or values. In life I’ve learned giving respect will get you a greater insight on your personality. I feel respect is a great character in everyday life. I was raised with respect so my family uses it throughout the home. For example if someone is watching TV the respectful thing to do is step out the room to talk on the phone. By doing this I am providing
Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era once said, ‘I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me...all I ask is that you respect me as a human being.’ This man with impeccable character, talent, and courage verbalized the common requirement of a happy existence—to feel respected. So, what is respect? The definition likely has many forms depending on the audience, but the official definition is to, ‘hold in esteem or honor; to show regard or consideration for; or to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with. In simpler terms, “treat others as you wish to be treated.” It has been said that respect is the glue that holds many kinds of relationships together. Without the common
What is the definition of respect? Respect is defined as the quality or state of being esteemed according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Society, thus far, has been based off of respect, but in a world where respect has seemed to have begun to start disappearing; what exactly could happen to society itself? Society can handle some disrespect but if disrespect begins to take control, disrespect could very well become the new norm and lead to dangerous consequences down the road.
Respect is showing high regard for yourself, others, and property. Respect has a lot to do with your relationship with another person. If you show them great respect and hold them up in high regard, they will do the same for you.