
What Does The Green Light Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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"The Great Gatsby" was written by a man named F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was from St. Paul, Minnesota. As a young boy Scott was always a very talented man who was able to write great stories and plays. "The Great Gatsby" presents the novel which takes place in 1920's after the World War I. The novel was published on April 10th, 1925. Throughout this novel, there are many different types of symbolism that portrays a tremendous amount of meanings, feelings, and purpose behind them. The three most common and important symbols to keep in mind that keep popping up throughout this story is, The Valley of Ashes, Eyes of T.J. Eckleburg, and the Green Light at the end of Daisy’s dock. The Valley of Ashes is a little town between West Egg and New York City, It became the wasteland to the upper class riches, a place where production and appearance doesn’t happen, …show more content…

. To some that green light is just a light, a colour, a blinking object that flashes in and out in the mist across the lake. And to some it would have the meaning of nothing special, but to one guy it means his whole future, dreams, and desires. When the green light first appeared in the book it is when Nick first seen Gatsby pointing into a distance wanting to reach and touch it. The light seemed impossible to reach, it was so far away for Gatsby, but it was his hope and dream to relive the last past 5 years the dream to be with Daisy once again, and for the love they felt for each other before he went to war. Gatsby knew that he could never be with Daisy till he became successful because rich never mixed with poor. Gatsby was so determined to reach that green light he buys a big house across the lake so he can see that little green light every day. Later on into the story when Gatsby is happy and has Daisy back the importance of that little green light

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