
What Does The Green Light Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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In the book Great Gatsby the author uses a lot of symbols in the text for example Green light,Valley of Ashes and the Eckleburg Eyes and others he also happens to institute colors into his text he used a lot of blue, yellow and white.The way he uses his colors it seems very smart he incorporates it into the right moment for example the eyes were blue but a dark blue so it was showing the sadness in the time. The very first symbol I want to talk about is the Eckleburg Eyes.The Eckleburg Eyes were the biggest symbol in my opinion.It was showing the fact that Daisy was blind to the fact that Tom was cheating on her with myrtle which is why the ash is over the eyes in this scene one option this represents the blindness of Daisy to the affair.The way the author uses this shows his illustration to forecast, other option is that the connection be between the fact that god only really exists in george wilson's eyes.The final option is that it is god looking down on people judging them. …show more content…

Why not blue or white a brighter

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