
What Does The Word All Mean In 1 Timothy 2

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“This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.” (NAB, 1 Timothy 2:3-4) This passage is thought by many to say that God has a desire that all men without exception be saved. My initial thoughts are who are included in “everyone”, and does this mean non-Christians too? God’s will is that all men be saved. Romans 1:16 says “It is certain that all those to whom the gospel is addressed are invited to the hope of eternal life.” In 1 Timothy 2, the words all and all men are mentioned through the chapter. Paul is talking about men, people, and not just about a certain few, but about all men. And he is talking about the Savior. His concern is that all would be saved. What he is telling us is that. No person is too far gone, too lost in sin, whom God’s grace cannot reach. All people are sinners who need to know God as Savior. 1 Timothy 2:4 could be a misconception concerning the meaning of the word "all" in the passage. The Greek word for all is pas, and although its meaning is similar to the English word, it should never be assumed that these two words are synonymous. The common English usage, the word “all” often has …show more content…

This is enough to shame a very brute. Fear not therefore to pray for the Gentiles, for God Himself wills it; but fear only to pray against any, for that He wills not. And if you pray for the Heathens, you ought of course to pray for Heretics also, for we are to pray for all men, and not to persecute. And this is good also for another reason, as we are partakers of the same nature, and God commands and accepts benevolence and affection towards one another.” ("Aquinas Study Bible,"

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