What Does Trump’s 6 Point Healthcare Plan Actually Mean for the Industry?
Healthcare Reform
President-Elect Donald Trump posted an updated transition plan for his Healthcare Reform on the website www.greatagain.gov. The website outlines his concerns with the Affordable Care Act (ACA); going on to describe rapidly rising premiums and deductibles, along with shrinking networks and health insurance.
“A Trump Administration will work with Congress to repeal the ACA and replace it with a solution that includes Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and returns the historic role in regulating health insurance to the States,” it reads. “The Administration’s goal will be to create a patient-centered healthcare system that promotes choice, quality and affordability of health insurance and healthcare, and take any needed action to alleviate the burdens imposed on American families and businesses by the law.”
The post outlines six main bullets that Trump plans focus on during his reform.
Protect individual conscience in healthcare
Protect innocent human life from conception to natural death, including the most defenseless and those Americans with disabilities
Advance research and development in healthcare
Reform the Food and Drug Administration, to put greater focus on the need of patients for new and innovative medical products
Modernize Medicare, so that it will be ready for the challenges with the coming retirement of the Baby Boom generation – and beyond
Maximize flexibility for States in
The article illustrates that how republican candidate, Donald Trump, wants to change the aspects of health care. As mentioned in the article, Trump wants to make vast decisions on health care and wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Wilensky, 2016). The Affordable Care Act was created in order to help individuals obtain insurance. The Affordable Care Act was created during Obama’s presidency and is a part of Obamacare. If Trump is elected, he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which can cause a variety of issues for those individuals who depend on it. There has also been a discussion about raising the Medicare eligibility age of 67, which would make it difficult for individuals who need the help before the age of 67. Individuals rely on the Affordable Care Act and Medicare because it allows them to have access to the
With President J. Donald Trump been sworn in as the president of the United States, it was obvious that it was only going to be a matter of time before his government started the process of repealing Obamacare. Indeed, during his presidential campaigns, President Donald Trump had made it very clear that he was going to repeal the Act and
For eight years, former President Barack Obama strived to get a health care for those who could not afford it, and that is when Obamacare was created. Now, our new President Donald Trump is looking to reform health care. In an article written by Lee and Luhby on CNN, they stated, “Within hours of taking the oath of office, President Donald Trump on Friday night signed an executive order aimed at trying to fulfill one of his most impassioned campaign promises: Rolling back Obamacare” (1). President Trump wanted to prevent civilians to use Obamacare which is also known as the Affordable Care Act. President Trump’s intention is to help the people of America to have the right not to pay for an expensive health care insurance. Donald Trump has seven
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) had mame dramatic changes in the field of the health care system, especially in Medicare, that will seriously take effect in American seniors. Indeed, much of the health law’s new spending is financed by spending reductions in the Medicare program. In addition to the provider payment reductions, Obamacare significantly reduces payments to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans by an estimated $156 billion from 2013 to 2022.( Elmendorf, letter to Speaker Boehner). About 27 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in MA plans, a system of regulated and private plans competing against each other as an alternative to traditional Medicare. MA plans are attractive to beneficiaries because they offer more generous and comprehensive coverage than traditional Medicare by capping out-of-pocket costs and offering drug coverage to a rasonable
With the upcoming election for president, we have a chance at having Obama Care repealed. The presumptive Republican party nominee, Donald Trump, has a plan in place that will be ready to take action if he is elected president. If he is elected president, Congress will be asked to immediately repeal Obama Care. Together Donald Trump and Congress will then work together to implement a series of reforms that follow free market principles. The reforms will restore economic freedom to everyone in this country. Donald Trump’s plan will broaden health care access, make health care more affordable, and improve the quality of the care available. As part of a comprehensive reform effort, the Trump Administration will work to restore faith in government and economic liberty.
Healthcare is the United States has had a long and turbulent history. Beginning with Medicare during the Johnson administration to Reagan’s reductions on most government agencies, health care has been a polarizing topic in the modern age of politics. A young senator from Illinois, Barak Obama, ran in the 2008 Democratic primaries with plans to revitalize the United States health care. Eight years later the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, is a trademark of the 44th presidents time in office. Receiving praise and criticism from both sides of the aisle, the topic became a debate topic throughout the election. Throughout President Trump’s campaign he had promised a full repeal and replacement of ACA by his 100th day in office, April
This idea would in turn help alleviate the high health care costs (Weber, 2016). Allowing all people flexibility and the choice of what they want is one of the first outcomes that should be changed for the ACA, to truly work and benefit in the best possible way. With this idea, the fine in which people must pay if they choose to not obtain health care insurance, should completely be taken away for reasons of freedom of choice and to decrease the high costs for people who do choose to get their own healthcare insurance. When reading what the new President-Elects stance is on Obamacare, I would agree with some very interesting statements. Although President-Elect Donald Trump is highly against the ACA, he states points in which could keep the ACA while also fixing it. He mentions on his presidential website on his position of Obamacare (Healthcare Reform) that we should allow the people to look and choose the best plans that they wish to receive regardless of the state that they reside. He has ideas for Health Savings Accounts (HSA) which would be essentially tax free, and a great start for a healthy, young family (Healthcare Reform). The ideas that Mr. Trump should somewhat fix this problem could actually be good for the United States. In my eyes, eliminating Obamacare altogether may not be a good idea, because there is a lot of good that it brings the people. But, in a fixing way
President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. This law puts in place widespread health insurance reforms that expanded out over the last 4 years and continues to change the lives of many Americans today. Health care reform has been an extensively debated topic for multiple years, and the ACA is the first effective attempt at passing a law aiming to make health care not only affordable, but accessible for all individuals. The law impacts many Americans including, children, employers, government programs which includes federal and state, health plans and private insurers, health care coverage, health care cost, and the quality of care received. The main goal of the law is to expand health care coverage, broaden Medicaid eligibility, minimize and regulate health care cost, and improve the health care delivery system. In order to improve the health care delivery there have been new consumer protections established and an increase access to affordable care.
President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, into law on March 23rd 2010. Congress had tried for decades to pass health care reform, beginning with President Franklin Roosevelt. “Following President Obama’s inauguration, he used Democrat control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate to enact health care reform legislation, and granted the federal government control of over 16% of our nations economy” (Taylor 3). The law states that every American citizen is mandated to purchase health insurance. “If you choose not to obtain Health Insurance by January 2014, you will be penalized $95, or 1% of your income-whichever is greater” (Taylor 5). “The penalty rate for non-compliance will
The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as “Obamacare”, has drastically altered healthcare in America. The goal of this act was to give Americans access to affordable, high quality insurance while simultaneously decreasing overall healthcare spending. The ACA had intended to maximize health care coverage throughout the United States, but this lofty ambition resulted in staggeringly huge financial and human costs.
U.S. health care reform is currently one of the most heavily discussed topics in health discourse and politics. After former President Clinton’s failed attempt at health care reform in the mid-1990s, the Bush administration showed no serious efforts at achieving universal health coverage for the millions of uninsured Americans. With Barack Obama as the current U.S. President, health care reform is once again a top priority. President Obama has made a promise to “provide affordable, comprehensive, and portable health coverage for all Americans…” by the end of his first term (Barackobama.com). The heated debate between the two major political parties over health care reform revolves around how to pay for it and more importantly, whether it
The Affordable Care Act is one of America’s many insurance plans to attempt to lower costs and provide a wider coverage for citizens all over the country. It is a widely controversial topic in America; especially within the past year. Although there are some people out there who support it, there are also those who base their campaigns on getting it repealed; Donald Trump is a prime example of this. When instituting this policy, Obama had very good intentions, but he was far from fulfilling his intended purpose. Today, the ACA has many flaws that affect Americans both as a whole and individually. Obamacare has raised costs for individuals, contributed even more money to America’s debt, is the complete opposite of what President Obama said it would be, it takes away civil liberties, and puts new standards on patients.
After one of the most grueling presidential races in American history, the populous candidate Donald Trump has been elected by the American people as our next president. While campaigning, one of the first things that Trump vowed to accomplish in office was to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (donaldjtrump.com). Trump should have no trouble doing this with the support of both the Republican senate and the Republican House. The consequences of what exactly will be done is a constantly argued topic and the phrase “repeal and replace Obamacare” has become a sort of buzzword in the media.
The growing concern regarding the financial security of Medicare is one of particular interest to the nearly 72 million baby boomers that become eligible for this government-assisted, and tax-payer bolstered, program over the next two decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2010), there will be a rapid increase in baby-boomers between 2010 and 2030, as the entire baby boomer population move into the 65 years and over category (p.3). Political and financial revisions must be made to ensure the security of Medicare as the numbers of individuals paying into this program are soon to be surpassed by the number of individuals drawing-off this program (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). The elderly are also at a disadvantage with transportation to health care visits, picking up prescriptions, and rehabilitation services. There needs to be an establishment of access not only to primary care providers, hospitals, and rehabilitation services, but access to other aspects of the health care system for the elderly population.
Medicare is facing a fiscal crisis that threatens its sustainability. The need for significant Medicare reform is increasingly urgent as 76 million baby boomers are expected to retire over the next two decade. According to the 201 Medicare Trustees Report, the Hospital Insurance trust fund will be depleted in 2024. This translates to $27 trillion in unfunded liabilities over the next 75 years. Current projections indicate that health care costs will increase by more that 70 percent over the next ten years and will continue thereafter to consume an increasingly greater portion of personal income.