
What Does Wilson Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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As it’s described by nick “factual imitation of Hôtel de Ville in Normandy, and a marble swimming pool and more than forty acres of lawn and garden. It was Gatsby’s mansion”(7) shows that Gatsby is very wealthy and fancy which is all done to impress Daisy. Gatsby had a very strong desire as it says in the book: “His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people – his imagination had never really accepted them as his parents at all.”(105) This persistent desire led Gatsby to his wealth. Wilson tries hard as it says here “Michaelis advised him to go to bed but Wilson refused, saying that he’d miss a lot of business if he did.”(145) But his hard work didn’t pay off. Wilson and Gatsby were similar as young men after five years they were very …show more content…

He even changed his name “James Gatz—that was really, or at least legally, his name. He had changed it at the age of seventeen”(104) as Nick says. Following this nature James Gatz was trying his best to fulfill his American dream. By a lucky accident he met Dan Cody in the beginning of chapter six. This is when James Gatz became Jay Gatsby. “It was James Gatz who had been loafing along the beach that afternoon in a torn green jersey and a pair of canvas pants, but it was already Jay Gatsby who borrowed a row-boat learned everything he now knows from this drunk millionaire.” (104) He sailed with him for five years and he had learned the lifestyle of a rich man. He had mostly reached his dream but he was missing the most important key: money. That’s when everything changed. Just after Dan Cody’s death a war started. That’s when he got to see and fall in love with Daisy. From that moment on all of his dreams became that moment. As always to reach his dream Gatsby did everything he could. Following the prohibition of alcohol Gatsby built his bootlegging empire. This way he became one of the richest few of his time. Wilson on the other hand couldn’t become wealthy enough to keep Myrtle with him. As he’s trapped in his life he slowly fades together with the Valley of Ashes. ¬Fitzgerald uses George Wilson to show to lowest class of that society. They work as hard as they can but life is unfair to them. They do everything to make a single …show more content…

There’s no way on earth that his poor wife could afford a thing like that. That’s when he found out that his wife Myrtle was cheating. Considering the expensive gift George suspected it was a rich man Myrtle was having an affair with. This led him to decide to leave the place: “I’ve been here too long. I want to get away.”(131) Which shows that Wilson had enough of all the bullies, affairs and the boring lifestyle of the Valley of Ashes and is willing to leave it for good. For Gatsby he was finally ready to make a comeback in Daisy’s life but not sure how. He thought throwing the biggest parties would do the job, but Daisy didn’t care about them. So the most reliable way was to connect to her by Nick. Going through a lot of difficulties he finally gets where he wants. But things don’t go as planned. Gatsby waited and worked for full five years for this day. The day that Daisy has to tell Tom that she didn’t love him as Gatsby wants. The moment has come, but Daisy can’t tell Tom that she never loved her. Gatsby couldn’t stand it so he tells it to Tom. They start to argue that Tom had affairs from the first day of the wedding and Gatsby is “Mr. Nobody from Nowhere.” Daisy couldn’t handle all this so she begs to go home. As things didn’t go as planned for Gatsby he doesn’t know what to do. Confused Daisy on the way back home hits Myrtle and kills her. Myrtle thought that his mistress was coming to get her and ran out

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