
What Doesn T Let Everyone Take Over Your Life?

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Never be bullied into silenceNever allow yourself to be made a victimAccept no one's definition of your lifeDefine yourself.”That the quote says don't let anyone take over your life, you are in charge of your own life.The quote applies to the story by that it has to do with bullying. If all the students that are victims of bullying come together to stop it we will have a bully free school.Bullying is very negative and creates major problems in our society.Kids all over the world see bullying year in and year out many kids we getting bullied are getting named calling, kicking or punching.Well what i see is that the kids that are getting picked on or getting bullied have very to little friends. Some of the bullied kids get little rest just because of that …show more content…

Many kids will exclude kids just because that they are not the same color as them so they will just leave them out of what they were doing.and from when the start to get bullied they could have been talkative to quiet and does not want to talk to anyone. One example that i had experienced was that some kids at my school where making fun of a new kids language and that they would not leave the boy alone.If you see bullying don't be the kid that does nothing be the kid that may save someone's life because they may have been thinking about suicide. There are many different types of bullying like physical bullying,cyberbullying,and also there is verbal abuse.61% of kids suffer from physical abuse at home that leads to 1 out of every 10 kids drop out of school.3.2 million kids are bullied every year we need to do something about it or more and more kids will drop out of school because of bullying.If we stop the bullying less and less will go down every year so help me prevent the bullying and help the victims of the bullying.Throughout grade school and middle school i have seen many cases of bullying so if we can stop it more kids will feel welcome and

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