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Never be bullied into silenceNever allow yourself to be made a victimAccept no one's definition of your lifeDefine yourself.”That the quote says don't let anyone take over your life, you are in charge of your own life.The quote applies to the story by that it has to do with bullying. If all the students that are victims of bullying come together to stop it we will have a bully free school.Bullying is very negative and creates major problems in our society.Kids all over the world see bullying year in and year out many kids we getting bullied are getting named calling, kicking or punching.Well what i see is that the kids that are getting picked on or getting bullied have very to little friends. Some of the bullied kids get little rest just because of that
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Many kids will exclude kids just because that they are not the same color as them so they will just leave them out of what they were doing.and from when the start to get bullied they could have been talkative to quiet and does not want to talk to anyone. One example that i had experienced was that some kids at my school where making fun of a new kids language and that they would not leave the boy alone.If you see bullying don't be the kid that does nothing be the kid that may save someone's life because they may have been thinking about suicide. There are many different types of bullying like physical bullying,cyberbullying,and also there is verbal abuse.61% of kids suffer from physical abuse at home that leads to 1 out of every 10 kids drop out of school.3.2 million kids are bullied every year we need to do something about it or more and more kids will drop out of school because of bullying.If we stop the bullying less and less will go down every year so help me prevent the bullying and help the victims of the bullying.Throughout grade school and middle school i have seen many cases of bullying so if we can stop it more kids will feel welcome and
Bullying is very bad and because of this about 160,000 of 13,000,000 kids stay home so they don’t get bullied by anyone. Also out of that 13 million 2,000 commit suicide because of the harsh bullying. Since many kids around the world are being bullied schools have been starting an anti-bullying system which brings bullies down by 15%. When kids reported bullying 80% of it is name calling, 39% is hitting or shoving, 38% is threats, 29% is rumor spreading, etc. Everyone should always remember one rule and that is the golden rule, the golden rule is to treat others how they want to be treated, but some bullies just don’t understand so they make everyone feel bad about themselves.
Altogether bullying is not nice and shouldn't happen in any schools, and we must put a stop to it.
Bullying is such a difficult topic to grab a hold of. Children may experience bullying and not say it to their parents. Parents may suspect something wrong with their children but don’t know how to pro[per address the issue. I was bullied a lot. I remember being smashed against a locker in 7th grade. My brother was bullied during this middle school and high school years. Yet, my brother learned martial arts as a way to defense. However, I was more of an resorted in listening to music and keep all my emotions to myself. I learned over the years the power of speaking out and having a great support system.
It was on February 11, 2012 that singer Whitney Houston was found dead in her Beverly Hills hotel room just hours before she was scheduled to attend a party. The 48 year old singer's "last days were spent surrounded by family, catching up with old friends and doing a bit of what she was best known for: singing." ("Whitney Houston Obituary") However, within an hour of the announcement of her death, literally millions of fans from around the world were reacting as if they had lost a very close, personal friend. While the vast majority of the world went about their daily business without effect, some people, who likely never actually met Whitney Houston, were grieving. Ferdinand Tonnies, a 19th century German sociologist, formulated a theory about two types of social relationships which can be loosely translated as "community," and "society." In the case of Whitney Houston's death, the coroner's autopsy report, which would normally only be viewed by a small number of close personal friends within the deceased's immediate community, has been publicly released and the intimate information contained within it has been exposed to millions of people worldwide.
Consequently, some students may have bad environments in which they are raised and would cause bullying but that is not as likely now and days compared to before we had IDEA. The world and our schools are so diverse now that children have adapted to accepting each other and that’s the way it should be. It is also healthier for all students to grow up in a social and diverse environment, children who have been in solitude may have a harder time later on in life and more than likely will not be able to adequately communicate with other people. Children are more accepting than most people in this world they do not see differences in color or disabilities.
A majority of bullying takes place during our elementary or in high school.. Peer pressure is reported to be a frequent reason as to why students feel the need to bully their peers. Many people have experienced bullying in some way throughout their lifetime. Some people were victims of bullying, while others were the ones doing the bullying, or in some cases, they were both. It isn’t rare to hear that
Everyone needs to stop bullying because there are people who go out of their way to bully someone. They don’t understand how it can mentally and physically hurt them, neither do they understand its one of the many causes of teenage suicide. Imagine a school without creative students, a school where no one is happy. Schools are supposed to be a good time, not some place where you get insulted till you’re off to college.
Sometimes,when mesothelioma cancer pain is caused by the size of the tumor pressing on nearby pain sensitive nerves,the tumor size can be reduced by shrinking the tumor to relieve the pressure effect of the tumor on the nearby nerves, thus reducing pain.These method is not aimed at achieving a cure for the cancer , it is just aimed at reducing the pain caused by the cancer. Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or radiation may be used in this way.There are also some surgical procedures that can also be used to shrink the tumors ,these surgeries are known as debulking
According to Cristina Maza in “Bullying Prevention: Can Students Make Kindness Cool?”, “In 2013, some 20 percent of high school students reported experiencing bullying, according to federal data compiled on - the figure jumps to 28 percent when middle school students are included” (Maza, 2015, Pg.1). An ample amount of students in the United States are bullied everyday at schools and even on social media. Schools are doing a great amount to prevent bullying during and after school because they are getting the students and even the parents involved.
Bullying is a very serious problem. About 1/10 teenagers drop out of school because of being bullied. Victims of bullies tend to become depressed and many others have even taken their own lives away. Overall bullying has really ruined and hurt many people and it needs to be recognized. The issue of bullying hasn't been exaggerated at all. Additionally, all the attention and awareness that has been spread about bullying is completely appropriate.
I, How many of you have been hearing about bullying? As you may hear on TVs or news or people are talking about the rates of bullying is going up from years to years.
Throughout my life, I have experienced verbal, social and cyberbullying. As a person who wants to become a teacher and one day have kids of my own, I want bullying to not be a thing anymore, especially at such young ages. I have witnessed many bad outcomes of those who have been bullied and I want everyone to understand how important it is to stand up, speak out and get help.
The things in our economy that happen from bullying are awful many kids have depression and lose lives from it. I think that bully awareness programs should be added to school to help bullies decrease in numbers. Two reasons for implementing school bully awareness programs is so that kids won't get depressed and their grades won't drop.
Also people judge them without knowing what is going on. Everything that bullies do is a cause of their mental issues. Authors, Dorothy Espelage and Melissa K. Holt mention in their articles “Journal of Emotional Abuse” how boys are more often bullied than girls.Also it talks how older students take part in bullying more often than the youger ones because they have more available resources to do that.. Younger kids do not know how to use facebook and other media that is available to them.In adition the studies from their articles prove that people that are bullies tend to hang out with other people that are bullies, and that is how bullies are geting stronger and abuse more and more innocent students,kids and even elders.
Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences for the bully.