This paper will focus on what doubt means to me along with the importance of curiosity. Curiosity is one of the greatest aspects of life, without curiosity and doubt about how the universe works, technology and other inverters would not have been established here on earth. In addition, curiosity and doubt could make a person travel an extra mile to ensure the planet is the worst place or the best place to live in. For instance, it is curiosity that makes a person research the reason that an illness has caused more damage than good and discover various ways to treat that illness. In addition, curiosity and doubts could draw a person closer or away from their creator or faith. Moreover, an important notion when dealing with doubt is “reason.” …show more content…
These tragic events may include: getting a divorce, losing a human being or even a dog. Soon, the person may ask why vigorous and faithful people suffer a lot and the bad people get away with everything in this cruel world we live in. However, in my personal life, doubt means a lot to me, which gives rise to my spirituality, mentality and emotion in life, especially growing up in a Christian home, which attended different Christian religious beliefs. My first curiosity as a child started when my parents were invited to a Christian religious church in my home country. Once, I arrived at the church, I was instructed by the usher that I could not enter because of my outfit. Although I am known to be taciturn by nature with few terse in any conversation that did not stop me to doubt my own faith and mature in knowledge by interacting with others about their own faith. After, hours of negotiation and questioning with my parents and the usher they allowed us enter the church. Shortly, I was traumatized by the notion that I could not enter the church and the doctrine from the pastor was not
In Descartes, What Can Be Called to Doubt, he discusses whether or not everything around us is real, or fake. He believes that there are opinions we form that are false, but we fail to realize it. So, by questioning each belief, one could then find the truth in what we believe. He also states that most of our beliefs we get from using our senses. Then he questions our senses in the context of dreaming. When dreaming you cant tell if you are awake or not. At this moment you could be dreaming and there would be no way to prove or disprove that. Descartes then brings God into the picture saying, "How do I know that he hasn’t brought it about that there is no earth, no sky, nothing that takes up space, no shape, no size, no place, while making
During times of terrible trajedy, a person’s belief in religious faith may be shaken. Some people may not believe in a religion as strongly after they learn the truth or the story of that religion.
This paper will address the problem of skepticism. My focus will be exclusively on Global Skepticism as it is more controversial than Local Skepticism. The stance I am seeking to persuade you to take is one regarding the question of whether or not Global Skepticism is justified. In this paper I will discuss and analyze what other philosophers have said about the topic, my argument, how my opponents might object to my arguments, and how I respond to those objections. My hope is the conclusion to my argument will convince you that Global Skepticism is not justified and we can, in fact, come to ‘know’ things about our reality and obtain knowledge.
In this paper, I will first discuss what the basic argument of skepticism is all about, then I will provide the defense of the argument: the three cases (Judy/Trudy Case, Crow/Raven and Coke/ Generic Coke case). After that, I will talk about the responses to the argument, specifically about the criticisms from Descartes and Moore; how Moore feels that perceptual evidence is enough and we can reject premise 1 and how descartes thinks that we can rule out the skeptical scenarios with our evidence. Finally, I’ll provide my opinion on all this and what I personally have to say about skepticism, whether I am a skeptic or not or if I reject either of the premises.
Tillich’s concept of Faith suggests faith is an act of personality. In his doctrines, he examines how faith contributes in the underlying forces of one’s personality. A further reading of Tillich’s work also examines the conflict between faith and doubt. Tillich states that human beings are concerned about things in a spiritual nature that is essentially related to their religious character (Smith, 2003). Examples include those of moral, political, cognitive and aesthetic, that becomes urgently elevated (Smith, 2003). In other words, people are concerned about a thing that demands them to surrender themselves (Smith, 2003). Another example Tillich pointed out suggests that people tend to fear the unknown because the act of faith is preliminary; consequently, the true cause of one having doubts (Smith, 2003). According to Tillich, we can “…be ultimately concerned about anything, including but not limited to one’s personal success, a national sovereignty, a political and social vision, the quest for scientific truth, or the God of the Bible”
“ I think I can, I think I can,” something we are taught to tell ourselves since we were young. As we grow older, some people either believe this and go far, or the others who stay where they are. They do not grow. Some people doubt other’s abilities, but sometimes people do it to themselves.
Faith plays a strong role in humanity, however, it is a very controversial subject when it is applied to as a way of knowing. Faith, or undying trust, can be applied to many areas of life in our pursuit of knowledge; whether it may be for religious purposes or having confidence in world leaders or family members. Although it does not require physical evidence, faith is based on such strong beliefs that so many trust it to be the truth. Unfortunately, as human beings, we may not always be correct in our way of thinking. Questions concerning faith as a way of knowing arise when regarding morals or ethics, as well as some have a different faith than others. Faith is a more modern approach to a way of knowing, however, has played such a large part since the beginning of human existence.
By carrying out the method of doubt, we are able to free ourselves from all prejudices with the intention of being able to withdraw our mind from our senses. In doing so, we set a base for being able to decipher the truth from the falsity (Meditations, 39). The reasoning to doubt not only comes from the desire to learn the truth, but to “establish anything firm and lasting
The avenue of philosophy is primarily about addressing the fundamental questions regarding reality, existence and truth in order to fulfil one’s curiosity. Philosophizing is asking the right questions to come up with the right answers. Relevantly, the feeling of doubt impels man to ask philosophical
The measure of doubt or levels of certainty arguably are negotiable for either being good or bad. Levels of certainty may be destructive upon an individual's ability and even talents. Yet the measure of doubt can withhold someone's ability to ever find out who they are destined to be. All the while when utilized right they can be inarguably healthy for an individual. Examples ranging from Marilyn Monroe an extraordinary model to Lance Armstrong a cyclists in 2000 known for his legendary career.
The production of knowledge is a process that occurs through a sequence of related actions, these series of actions allows for the Ways of Knowing to interact in a way that works to develop the knowledge that is being produced. From the prescribed title we can claim that while the Ways of Knowing may appear to be acting in isolation when forming knowledge, they are actually working in a variety of different ways in the construction and formation. In some cases, the Ways of Knowing are interacting so closely together that it is often hard to differentiate between them, for example emotion and reason, or imagination and memory. Given the right circumstances faith can be isolated to a point where it can be acting by itself to produce knowledge. However, this knowledge is often deemed as unreliable, due to faith being seen as one of the more “subjective” ways of knowing. This inability to differentiate the ways of knowing from each other during the production of knowledge, raises the questions “Can any knowledge in any Area of Knowledge be produced by a single Way of Knowing?” and “Is it possible to distinguish between Ways of Knowing if they are working together?”. While reason is used in almost all production of knowledge, it is the other Ways of Knowing used that can determine whether the knowledge is reliable or not, as some Ways of Knowing are more subjective than others. This essay will attempt to
In the past, my faith had been challenged on numerous occasions. The very first time that my faith was challenged was when I was nine. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes (T1D). This was so hard for my family and I to cope with and to understand. I did not know anything about T1D nor all the strains that came with it. I blamed God for giving me this disease, I had asked him “Why me, what did I do to deserve this?” I spent a lot of time seeking for this answer.
When I first got this assignment I racked my brain for a topic that would interest me as well as something I could learn from. When I came across Alfred Lord Tennyson it sparked my interest and as I read on I decided that I would write about him. My next decision was to pick one of his poems to research. I finally chose In Memoriam I read the background on it and it interested me. In Memoriam is very long so I'm only going to discuss some it. But I want to begin by discussing the Victorian Doubt in God.
What is faith? Faith is something different to everyone. If you asked a hundred different people, it is possible that you would get many diverse answers. Religious faith and non-religious faith are two very distinct terms. Faith holds an extremely complex meaning when discussing it in the context of religion. Faith is a belief. That holds true to every religious and non-religious person. Every faith involves a decision. It is not about what we claim to believe, but what we actually do believe, that is true faith. Throughout this paper, I am going to discuss Christian faith, how it pertains to daily life and Christianity as a whole. I also intend to delve into George W. Forell's discussion of Christian faith and analyze and
Rene Descartes is known as the philosopher of the modern period which starts around the time 1600’s. He is also known as the “Father of Modern Philosophy”, whereas he is also considered one of the critics of the philosophy of Aristotle. In his mediation of philosophy he has discussed different ideas about the human existence. In the mediations, he has questioned an individual’s idea of perceptions, where he develops the idea of skepticism. Unlike Aristotle, he believes that mind is the first reality where idea and precipitations occurs. There are some absolute truths, which can be never be apart and they can be verified easily. He believes that truths which are absolute always have the simplest explanations. For example, “I am awake or asleep, two plus three makes five, and a square does have more than four sides” (Descartes 15). The ideas which have simple explanations or are absolute are also necessary ideas. There are some ideas, which have some possible chance that they might become the absolute truth. But similarly, there are some ideas which are not absolute and as they are not absolute they have complex explanations are they are impossible. The complex explanations leads to the doubt. The doubt comes from the external source or when the mind is not fully sure about an idea or perception. If an individual can doubt the idea, it means he is question the existence of that perception. In this mediations he arguing about the perception about the heat or sensation of the