Order Process: The expected customer experience and process for ordering will fit the brand expectations.
As stated in the original online shopping proposal, the online order system is meant to increase sales and streamline group orders for USNB. Attention to detail will help ensure that this new system is a value added benefit to the loft. This will minimize any cost increases in production.
The look and feel of the online shopping pages will be built with the Ullman Sails brand style guide. Keeping the customer experience in mind during the test phase will be key. Edits and changes to the initial set up will be made with input from both the team at USNB and USI.
What fields are required to place an order?
In addition to the
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If a trend in clarification need be noticed, the online order form should be updated.
One of the largest considerations is “cart abandonment”. According to Omnistar, a software provider, “Shopping-cart abandonment has become an extremely popular subject for eCommerce experts. What exactly determines prospects to go through with a purchase, and why are there so many who leave your website? These are questions that you must absolutely find an answer to if you want your eCommerce website to become successful. According to Baymard.com, the average abandonment rate on online shops is over 65%. This means that 650 out of 1000 customers do not convert. You are, therefore, losing a lot of opportunities.”
According to the website, there are several ways to prevent cart abandonment. This includes web page design and user-friendliness. In other words, be have clear product information and a well-designed page. In addition, “make editing the cart easy, offer support, avoid registration, add user reviews, offer free shipping when possible, and ensure price guarantees and refunds.”
The shopping page should have an automated email to customers who abandon their cart. It will be important to try to identify the reason why a purchase was started but not completed. The main reasons for this are high shipping cost, the customer was just exploring and not ready to make the
These operators could answer basic questions and could even be trained to deal with other issues that customers may face. Another common complaint is the lack of customer service phone number on the website and shipping containers. This is easily fixed by making sure that the phone number is easily available to all that need it. The company’s website scored rather well according to the “Mystery Shopper” report in the company’s intranet. Basic complaints were posted by the secret shopper regarding the site itself, but these were mainly opinions and personal preferences. The issues noted came in the shipping side of the order fulfillment process and many are noted within the “Employee and Product Flow” memos as posted by Jack. Bestsellers account for 20% of CanGo’s business, and these titles are normally stocked within the warehouse. This leaves 80% of titles that customers order that are not in stock at the time of purchase. These titles are either ordered from the publisher or from a third party vendor whom sends them to the CanGo warehouse, and then relabeled and sent to the final purchaser. This process can take several additional days of order fulfillment, and therefore can create a customer service issue. Further into the notes it mentions that orders are held until complete, meaning that if a customer orders three titles and two are in stock, those two do not leave the
The ordering process begins with the decision of the customer to submit their order simply by either calling, faxing or mailing their order information. When a customer calls in their order, the customer service representatives takes down pertinent customer information, which includes the customer's name, billing and shipping address, product number and description, quantity and shipping instructions. While taking down the order, the customer service representative access the company's order entry system where inventory checks are conducted as well as credit checks are processed. In addition, delivery options are advised to the customer. Here the customer decides
The Customer relationship, Order fulfillment, and Supplier relationship processes need to be analyzed from the perspective of process structure, process improvement, layout, and capacity.
The development of the Internet and more specifically the business website has seen brand recognition by consumers escalate to never before seen heights. Because of this brand recognition, it has become important for businesses to design their websites to reflect their overall marketing strategies. This is especially important in the retail world. All retail businesses have a similar overall marketing strategy of generating sales and retaining the customer for future sales. Most of the retail giants still greatly rely on the success of their brick and mortar stores to turn a profit. However, internet sales for these brick and mortar stores have increasingly risen over the last few years to compete with the retail stores like Amazon that are strictly internet based businesses. Brick and mortar retail stores, such as Walmart, Target, Kmart, and Nordstrom, have each designed their websites to reflect the overall retail marketing strategy as well as the individual marketing strategies that have made their brick and mortar businesses successful.
Excellent customer service is a way to set the organization apart from its competitors. Differentiation can be achieved through fast and correct execution of product ordering. To improve on the order process it is important to have the correct information provided in a timely fashion to all divisions. For integration to be successful information must be available throughout the entire supply chain.
Yes, customer service is a problem. Customer service is defined by ”the ability of logistics management to satisfy users in terms of time, dependability, communication and convenience (Murphy & Wood, 2011).” These are the goals that are utilized in establishing customer service objectives. For those customers buying from small dealers provided extensive delivery times and therefore the time and not met by the customer service definition. In some cases, customers were told the item was out of stock and to cancel the order in order to buy a better from them for the same price and therefore, discrediting the small business. For those that didn’t have that experience for the small dealer, had the experience of having the item delivered and left in the middle of the kitchen floor which provided poor customer service. During the delivery, very little communication was between the customer and the delivery individuals occurred. The integrity and dependability of the product may also be in question by customers. Even though Ortega has from a product standpoint very few complaint in regards to the defects in the compactors.
If a website is experiencing a high percentage of shopping cart abandonment, or bounce rate, it’s time for an audit. Out of the 18 reasons people abandon their shopping cart is due to website issues, not personal issues (although, sometimes this is the case).
An online payment processing solution greatly improves the ease of payment via credit cards. Customers will no longer have to make the long drive to brick-and-mortar stores to make their purchases. Instead being able to perform transactions by using any computer connected to the internet from the comfort of their homes.
8. Key success factors: •First mover advantage •Experience of E-commerce trade •Investments •Cash on delivery •Customer orientation
Whenever the issue arises, it must be resolved personally by the buyer and seller, Carousell usually will not involve directly in the matter. Since the sellers on Carousell are primarily comprised of consumers, they do not possess any standardised or professional policy to measure this issue, nor the Carousell did. Hence, the way to handle the issue still varies with different sellers. In certain cases, returning good is not acceptable by some of the sellers as most of the items sold on Carousell are second-handed good or used items with good and usable condition.
Choosing the right eCommerce platform for your online store isn't only vital to the appearance and message that you want to visually achieve, but it is also imperative to your sales. Think about your personal shopping experience. The first thing that you do when you click onto a website or take a step into a new store is take notice of the appearance of the brand, clothing and company. Whether subconsciously or not, your brain begins to process and judge the image that you are viewing which allows you to make the decision as to whether or not this is a place that you would like to continue your shopping with. Within seconds, you have instantly made a decision and judgement of
These are the standard requirements for any business to run better. But in case of e-commerce industry the issue become how to use technology to improve the service in order to retain the customer create awareness in rural market as well and in turn increase the revenue. When it comes to online purchase it’s still about earning the trust of right kind of customers. Firms must be able to deliver the superior experience that will attract the customer. Though there are various techniques to analyze the patter of customer behavior but still the exact ways to analyze the key factors for attaining the customer purchasing behavior over online platform especially on life style products is still an exploration that is being done by almost every e-shopping website. Though the study was restricted to a very limited demography still the results from the respondents proves to be a big alarming issue for all the e-shopping websites. The study
Ecommerce is the next raising thing in the economic growth market. Thus those who have managed to stake out their niche business in the ecommerce market are leaps and bounds above those who are now just starting to see the relevancy of this new market. As businesses and organizations all look for ways to pull their bottom lines up. They are all looking at the ecommerce market place and are taking notice of the ecommerce market leaders and seeing how they can emulate their success ("eBay, Annual Report 2011," 2012). During this case analysis of eBay shopping spree, the following items will be covered:
There are also many disadvantages to ecommerce and these are mainly to do with the exchanging of information over the internet and the security measures that this entails. Every time a transaction is made, it is often a credit card number that is submitted over the Internet. There are many consumers today that still refrain from the practice for fear of a third party obtaining their card numbers or other personal information Also, as the internet is accessed by millions and possibly billions of people every day the information that is exchanged can be accessed by people who know how to, this information can be protected with the use of certain software and the advice of people who are experienced in this field, but this costs money and more than often small companies who have tight profit margins do not always give the customers the protection that they
Designing an eCommerce website isn't as easy as you would think it would be. You always need to be cutting edge when it comes to your design so that visitors will want to purchase what you have listed on your website. Every day it gets more difficult to stick with the trends that keep people purchasing form your website. It could be a new social platform popping up for your niche which you need to exploit or a Google algorithm change that makes it so that you need to edit every single page on your website. If you're not standing out from the crowd, then you're going to get left behind while others take the sales that should have been yours.