I have an idea of what high school will be like. Right now I’m only a seventh grader, but I realize high school is right around the corner. Fun and excitement is what I’m expecting when I get to high school, but I’ve heard some other things. I really want to go to high school so that I can graduate with all my friends and get a scholarship to go to college. All the teachers in high school are fun and interactive with the students. Im looking forward to see how I look like in high school. Will I look different or will I stay the same. The only thing I hate about high school is their hard work. High school can be fun sometimes but most of the time it’s about hard work. I have a brother that graduated high school and another brother that
From happy moments to sad moments, from having the best time to falling asleep in class. Middle school was also a place for change. As Robin Sharma once stated, “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” High school will definitely bring many changes in our lives. At first, everything may be difficult but, as each year goes by you will quickly realize that you are capable of handling it because, you know at the end of the day everything will be
Middle school to high school is a big jump from not only school to school but also new people coming into our school, harder academics, sports are now a part of your school life, and a jump from school to school. My thoughts on high school have really changed over the past few weeks. When I first realized that we we're going to be in high school shortly, I got a little freaked out. Although I know alot of high schoolers and specific people that go to West I still feel overwhelmed by the fact that i'm going from a 600 person school to a 1,200+ person school. For the longest time I felt if high school would be the hardest part of my life and getting accustomed to the new setting would be hard for me, I thought the people there we're mean and
High school is such a different experience for everyone. We all take different paths and learn new things everyday. We learn trigonometry, how to fix cars, how to dissect a frog, and different laws in the world. The things we learn in class are very important, but along the way of expanding our educations, one will tend to learn a lot about themselves and others. For me, I feel that my high school experience was not ideal and I constantly complain about the outcome. Looking back in grade eight, I had a different plan for me. It took me up until this year to realize that although my experience was not something worth bragging about, I've learned a lot about who I am. I've learned to take chances, be patient, and
You get to wake up earlier and do less work. Next year I probably will be wishing the same thing, but to be in middle school. I am excited for highschool next year, but also nervous. I am petrified of getting lost or walking into the wrong classroom. Many of my freshman friends tell me they love highschool.
High school, four of the most interesting years of life. It is a time to find yourself and figure out who you are and what you want your place in this world to be. During this process comes friendships that build because of alike interests and beliefs. From freshman year at the bottom of the totem pole, all the way to senior year, being the top dog of your school. It is such a great feeling knowing that those three years of hard work build up to essentially a grand finale. Many big changes happen as you grow older in high school. From summer camps, to starts of a new year. From homecoming week, to the end of sport seasons. From in school privileges to coming to and leaving from school early, and finally Graduation. This grand finale year has some similarities and some differences and as you read on you will see what I mean.
Most middle school students are looking forward to high svhool .Middle school students have many general ideas about how high school would be like.School has many good things that most students want to experience ,yet new things can be scary.
I remember being an anxious eighth grader thinking about starting my freshman year of high school. We went from being at the top of the school to being at the bottom of a new one. All of our middle school teachers always told us about how our high school teachers wont “hold our hands” and how we will be on our own. Being in high school is completely different than being in elementary school and middle school. Its almost like each year we have more and more freedom but more responsibility.
Entering high school is the beginning of a whole new learning experience. Transitioning from middle school, high school presents more classes, students, and a bigger campus. It brings new expectations and responsibilities to each of us. High school also offers fresh chances to make new friends, try new sports and activities, and really explore who we are as individuals. The goal is to maintain good grades, score high on the SAT test, and keep a positive attitude so colleges and universities will accept you. Of course it's not as easy at sounds, but it's achievable. It requires a lot of work and dedication to every subject. Some students breeze their way through while others live in misery trying to pass their
Only 89 percent of students actually enjoy school. I was told in eighth grade that freshman Friday's were every Friday and students would get shoved into lockers. Another thing I was told was teachers are really mean and they don't know how to have fun. That is not true. The final thing I was told was there is a lot of homework, there is no homework if you use your time wisely. High school is and enjoyable and happy place if incoming ninth graders can remember details.
Now that you have seen the similarities and differences between middle school and high school, you’ll realize that high school isn’t as scary as it may seem. Although high school is quite different than middle school, after you adapt to the environment, everything else will be simple. High school is just a more serious version of middle school and this is because the high school has to prepare you for the world that you will be going into. High school can be a great place if you are determined to make it
High school is always considered some of the best years of life. Students live with their families, see their friends almost everyday, and participate in the activities they love with the people they love. It has enough freedom for the student to decide how hard they will try, but it also has just the right amount of restrictions that parents can step in to make the student work. High school also gives students many opportunities to succeed and keep letting them try again if they fail. For example, a math teacher may allow a student to retake two test throughout a semester, but if the student proves that they are trying in the class then the teacher may allow them to retake a few more tests. Also, schoolwork is not tedious or lengthy,
We can go to the football games like the ones you see in the movies.
high school is four years of figuring out what you want your purpose in life is while juggling extracurricular activities,your social life, and all the drama that high schoolers like to start. No one ever said that high school would be easy nor did anyone say that it would be easy finding your calling in life. but I guess that's what high school is, a big game of trial and error that everyone goes through in the grand scheme that we call
High School is a time when many teenagers get into trouble and have many conflicts and struggles. Without all of the struggles, high school is supposed to be four terrific years. There are many struggles for teens like peer pressure, managing your time, fitting in, and many more. Most high schoolers will get pressured by their peers at some point and can cause some serious problems. About fifty-five percent of students play a high school sport on top of having a job, keeping your grades up, and just overall having fun, which can be very hard to do. During High school, students are going to want to not be themselves and want to fit in without being judged by their peers. High school should be a time for you to have some great years in your
Now high school can be a big pain in the butt, but in reality, what would you be doing at home if you weren't in school? Probably just sitting down and eating. High school is a big responsibility and a big change. Teacher's don't mean to scare you by giving you a ton of homework they're just getting you ready for the rest of your life because that is their job. You do get a lot of freedom, stress really kicks in and the people in the hallway can get on your nerves, but in the end High School is a great