In my summary of the work I have done throughout the semester, I will like to go through each assignment and what I learned from it, as well as the impact it had on me a psychology concentration. All of the assignments proved to be valuable in some way to my learning, pushing me farther intellectually than I ever though I would in this class. Homework #1 was the refresher of statistics that we had all learned previously before coming into this class. I was personally happy we had this assignment because stats were one of those subjects I did not excel in, as well as never thought I would be using again in another class. The practice with SPSS proved to be vital for other assignments that came up in the semester. After some practice with SPSS and some refresher on stats, I was confident with my skills and was ready to apply it to what we were learning. Homework #2 was the start to our test conceptualization as well as construction. I worked with my partner, Kevin Ravenelle, brainstorming on ideas for our test. We decided upon a measure on honesty and throughout our repeated trials and errors steps during this phase, we were able to construct a first draft of our assessment. This was an important exercise to go through, because it is one thing to learn these concepts during lectures and notes, but its completely different when it comes time to construct and apply it. I was happy I got to work with Kevin on this because it allowed us to share ideas, working through
Some were first-year students like myself and others were halfway through the program. It was interesting to get to know them, their professions and experiences with distance education. Finally, this assignment required me to summarize data from excel spreadsheet, synthesize information (5.6) and effectively communicate in a variety of forms (5.7). This was not easy as all the data had to be explained in writing and typed clearly for the reader to make sense of it. Overall, this assignment taught me the skills of analyzing quantitative data, and despite the struggles with formulas, it was an excellent opportunity to practice and answer the questions and get them right some after a few attempts if not on the first
Question #4 My homework routine usually starts off with me completing all homework that is due early on and then I proceed to the bigger assignments that are due on a later date. Rather than completing all my big assignments in a single day I would break up the assignments into parts that I can finish. This routine definitely aids me in receiving my desired grades because it allows me to
4. Self-Assessment: I was impressed on how quickly I found the answer to the Problem of the Week. Normally, in this math class, first answer you get immediately is not the right answer. But this time I got it on the first try. I would rate myself a 10 out of 10 for my
Every unit is a challenge and this one was not the exception. I learned a little bit more about java programming it got a little more complicated this time which in a way is good because it keeps me engage to continue learning.
What did you find easiest and what did you find most difficult about doing this assignment? Why was this?
One assignment that I feel as though I put my all into would be the Definition essay, in my opinion is my best. I took my time and tried to focus on what the instructor was
The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
I graduated from NHTI with my associates degree in Business Administration in December of 2016. After taking this past semester off to work and build my bank account, I am now looking to further my education by earning at least a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Transferring to a new school will be a great opportunity to build life skills, meet new people, and advance my education at a school that will help me reach my career goals.
Since I was a young girl, learning was something necessary to do in order to mature into my own self. It's something us as humans do to evolve from our younger selves. From learning to talk, walk ,and read we learn many things throughout our lifetime to be the person we are today. Learning is the key to life. Learning makes us progress. Riding a bicycle was a learning experience that I might never forget it.
People tend to realize their mistakes through the things they go through. We seem to have our regrets of certain situations that have occurred in our past lives and learn from them to avoid making the same mistakes over again. Every person in life will eventually go through something they wish they haven't gone through at all. We cannot predict the future so we do things unintentionally. I personally have gone through a few things that i will regret for the rest of my life but soon realize things and learned from those mistakes.
Waiting in line to go through customs I didn 't want to think about all all the things I would have to do. Support myself financially, find a place to live, figure out how to start college. It all seemed overwhelming. I immigrated on my own to US when I was seventeen. The transition was difficult, and I considered returning back to India. Even though it would have been easier to return, staying provided better opportunities. As I grappled with my new environment and struggled to acclimate. Two experiences played a pivotal role in shaping my character. First, the support I received from family and friends. The second, my work with adolescent youth. Through these I understood the importance of support and the joy of providing it. The
Secondly, question ten was a question that when I administered it to the students, I could sense both their confusion as well as their guessing at an answer. When I administered the posttest, even though the scores on this category went down compared to the posttest, I could tell that not only did they understood the question, but they were confident in their answers and were providing less
Throughout the course of the semester, I learned a lot about myself through a series of self-assessments. When I first started this class, I thought I already knew myself and how I handled situations. I was surprised with my results. Many of the self-assessments gave me insight on what I could do better, like my time management, listening skills, and networking. On the other hand, I have more insight on how I deal with conflicts, leadership, and what my hygiene and motivators are. By reflecting on these results, I can either continue what I am doing or I can improve. Just because I have a good control and understanding of some skills and tasks, does not mean I should not improve upon them. Throughout the semester, two theories stuck out
Part A is a review of the individual and general feedback received for assignments in Semester 1:
I feel like I learned a lot from this course. I think, overall, this course was very eye-opening and made me understand, and want to better understand, issues involving gender and how they effect society. I would say the one of the most important pieces of information I learned was just how much the idea of gender and gender roles influences everyday life. I had never really thought too much about the determents of gender or traditional masculine and feminine ideals before this class, and how we as a society promote and encourage the belief that a person’s gender or sex creates different innate, natural attitudes and attributes. Learning about how important society’s views of gender is, and how it affects the way we learn and think, makes me look at our culture in a different way. For example, before this class I never realized how much women are objectified and put under intense Photoshop in advertisements. This better understanding of the way society is helps me take a step back and look at our culture in a different way, and allows me to become more aware of the issues surrounding gender, sex, and the ideals of masculinity and femininity.