How I changed from this semester to the end of the semester is that I am not turning in late work anymore because I have learned my lesson with all my teachers. I used to turn in a lot of late work and they would not count it as a grade.
I had to shape up and start doing my work on time so I can get a good average for the end of semester. My discipline at school has changed a lot to because of football. I used to have bad behavior in the beginning of the semester because I did not think high school cared, but they do if not they will tell my coach. I also would never wear a school shirt because I do not like wearing school shirts. Until the day I walked into reading class my teacher saw me without a school shirt and she took me to the principal
About four years ago, I was just starting my first year of high school. During my previous tenure in middle school, I was basically an average student with multiple C’s and barely passing classes. So when I entered high school, I was not that enthusiastic about it and I continued the trend of not really caring about my grades in the 9th grade. As I became more aware of the opportunities I could get by receiving good grades, I began to actually care more about school and tried to get good grades. I began to do something that I never did before,
What did I learn in this class? At this point, I can honestly say that I learned far more than I expected to. While I began this class feeling somewhat confident in my abilities to work with Microsoft Office, I was surprised to find so many features that I did not know about. In the past five weeks, my understanding of technology within my biblical worldview expanded significantly through the reading material within the course as well as class discussions. I believe taking this class early in my college journey will prove to be beneficial in the rest of my classes. I will also be able to utilize what I have learned in my many volunteer roles and then later in my profession. I look forward to continuing to expand and shape the knowledge I
High school. This one word can mean either the best days of your life, or the worst. It depends on how you dealt with the obstacles thrown at you. During the past few years of high school, I can honestly say that I have changed a lot, not just physically, but mentally I have becomes strong enough to ( ).In my experience, these circumstances shaped me into the positive and intelligent individual I am today.
I learned that our thinking can make bad decisions. Our thoughts can change with comparing things. We can say no to one thing, but if it is compared to something else that can change our mind. The comparison can make things look different in our mind to make us make a different decision. The information that I learned is important because it helps you to look at things differently now. Sometimes it is best to stick with your first choice or decision and can cause an irrational decision.
I have never tried marijuana and really don’t know anything about it, so these articles were interesting to me. One thing I learned was that, the cognitive process most clearly affected by marijuana is short-term memory. Another thing that I learned was that several studies have conducted that long-term marijuana smoking is not associated with elevated cancer risk. In addition, I learned that moderate marijuana smoking over a 20-year period was associated with reduced risk of head and neck cancer. I found these articles to be very educating and I enjoyed reading them.
It was the beginning of my freshman year of high school and everything was smooth until I began my advanced placement class which began out kind of easy ,but then as the work piled on and got harder I just didn't wanna do it anymore. All my other classes I was doing fine getting a's and b`s, which for me I thought was perfectly fine. I made the cheerleading team , I had a cute boyfriend and I had lots of friends. I was happy- well at least I thought I was happy. Around December I began losing a lot of weight from doing cheer and my grades started falling dramatically. My mom decided to take me out of cheer because I lost about 20 pounds so quickly and I didn't have passing grades. I remember getting so mad at her, but looking back it
Grades I guess overall, I had a pretty good year, in terms of academics. I’ve kept all As throughout the whole year, which in nice. I even got a perfect attendance award one time, (2nd Nine Weeks) which is shocking, because I get sick really easily, and i'm pretty sure I was absent. Hey, i'm in no position to complain. School is a relatively easy thing for me, grades, teachers, etc. Personally, I really enjoy school. It’s something i’m good at, and something that I can understand easily. My only problem is being surrounded by idiots who think they are entitled to more than the average student.
This week was exciting for me. I am actually going to be in the classroom three times this week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I am excited to see what happens on Friday because it will be a new day and will be full of new adventures. We also get to dress up like a character from Because of Winn Dixie; I plan on being Ms. Franny the librarian. One high from this week was I taught my first lesson and it went really well. The students loved my lesson they had so much fun and their reactions were hysterical. My cooperating teacher also gave me positive feedback on my lesson and she said that she could tell the students really enjoyed my lesson. One of the most exciting parts of my lesson however, was the ending when we had our discussion. I could tell that the students had really learned the importance of adding detail and specifics to their sequencing writing. One low from the week was that I had to have a discussion with one of my students about respect. The teacher then confronted the student and they had to write me a note apologizing for being disrespectful. I hope that I will still be able to build a strong relationship with this student, and that our relationship is not strained because of this interaction. Even
Everything is an accurate representation of me as a student except for sophomore year. Sophomore year, my grades dipped do to an unfortunate event that took up lots of my time and focus. During sophomore year my parents were going through with a divorce that was both nasty and prolonged. It took up a lot of my emotional, physical, and mental efforts that year moving my focus from school to my home life. Hearing them argue and yell at each other all the time was incredibly taxing and moving between living with my father and my mother every week was something new. My head simply was not where it needed to be and I often stayed up late at night doing homework and often forgetting to turn in assignments. I spent most of my time away from homes
In high school I did not start in all honors classes, and I was not always ranked number 12 in my class. I started in the lower classes, and I had one honors class my freshman year. I was ranked number 22 in my freshman class. I knew that I could do better, and I knew that I wanted to challenge myself. I worked my butt off to get where I am today, and that is in all A.P classes. This shows my determination, and how I am hard worker. I push myself to be the very best, and I let nothing get in my
Throughout the duration of the first-year experience so far, I have learned many useful things. From skills that will help me in the classroom, to skills that will help me in a future job setting, to skills that will guide me toward helping and serving others, this class is preparing me. No matter what situations I encounter, I will be able to fall back on what I have learned and will continue to learn in this course.
The military is comprised of leaders and followers: this concept of leadership is the foundation of the military, leaders are the decision makers, and followers carry out their decisions. These decision makers are the role models the followers have a great deal of respect for and should admire. A good leader is decisive, has integrity, and leads by example. Being entrusted to lead, to mold the individuals around you into a cohesive unit is a special opportunity and only a few in respects to the total population are commissioned. General Colin L. Powell stated, “The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will
I graduated from NHTI with my associates degree in Business Administration in December of 2016. After taking this past semester off to work and build my bank account, I am now looking to further my education by earning at least a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Transferring to a new school will be a great opportunity to build life skills, meet new people, and advance my education at a school that will help me reach my career goals.
Waiting in line to go through customs I didn 't want to think about all all the things I would have to do. Support myself financially, find a place to live, figure out how to start college. It all seemed overwhelming. I immigrated on my own to US when I was seventeen. The transition was difficult, and I considered returning back to India. Even though it would have been easier to return, staying provided better opportunities. As I grappled with my new environment and struggled to acclimate. Two experiences played a pivotal role in shaping my character. First, the support I received from family and friends. The second, my work with adolescent youth. Through these I understood the importance of support and the joy of providing it. The
Life is full of lessons, but learning to find a balance between social opportunities and important responsibilities may be one of the most significant in order to improve the quality of one's life.