It seemed like it was never going to come, but somehow you’re almost graduating. You’re now in the land of AP exams, and frozen GPA’s. Dreaded/loved college acceptance letters and the lowering of motivation to do anything, other than maybe eat lunch, because you've been ready to leave high school in what seems like forever.
BUT…. don't forget to take it all in. There's a lot of things you will do for the very last time in your life. And it's a beautiful thing. Since it means that you had started a journey, a period in your life, which hopeful has been kind to you, and it just happens that after all this time it's coming to a close. So go ahead and finish strong, whether it's turning in that last assignment, or tuning up at prom.
Now that this door is almost closing and another one begins to open, I wish you the most bomb time in whatever lies ahead for you. Relax, and do what you got to do. It can stressful with all the uncertainty that builds after graduation, but I believe that you'll figure out. The chips will fall, and even when you make mistakes (which you will quickly learn will be one of your greatest teachers in life) there will be a lot of true to yourself and correct decisions as well.
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However, don’t let anyone fool you. College will squeeze everything out of you and will make you question everything you've ever done in life and everything you are doing. It’s a time for self-reflection and possibly many sleepless night (whether on work, or maybe partying). But at the same time you'll understand your strength in ways you never knew, you'll see yourself under a whole new light, and experience life with a new set of eyes.
I’m excited for you to graduate, but honestly I cannot believe how fast time flies. Things like this how a funny way of reminding me how old I’m
Starting college as a Freshman is exciting; it is also unnerving. The comfort of everything I know is going to disappear and it will be time to grow up and face reality. However, reality isn’t doomed to be negative if I prepare for my future and
High school. This one word can mean either the best days of your life, or the worst. It depends on how you dealt with the obstacles thrown at you. During the past few years of high school, I can honestly say that I have changed a lot, not just physically, but mentally I have becomes strong enough to ( ).In my experience, these circumstances shaped me into the positive and intelligent individual I am today.
I know recently I have been really making you guys proud by doing so well in school and I am too. My junior year is rapidly coming to an end and the reality of applying to colleges and choosing a major is finally settling in. Before you know it, I will have a diploma in my hands and I will be off to a prestigious university. It is so scary how I have grown up so fast, but I need to live my teenage years to the fullest before they come to an end.
First and foremost, you did it! You survived all crammed hallways, the cliques, and all the times you thought your parents were controlling you way too much. As this new chapter opens you will soon realize that your parents were always right and you really do need to not procrastinate and should balance your school and social life. College truly is the best four years of your life, but there are a few things you must always keep in the back of your mind.
I cant believe that I am finally a senior in high school it seems just like yesterday I was beginning high school. As I begin my final year I am beginning to realize that this year I will be faced with many responsibilities and will make tons of memories. But I hope that I am able to make my senior year the best yet. Through this final year I hope to have passing grades in all of my classes, to win pep rallies, and to have perfect attendance.
Congratulations! This is the last year of high school for you and we know that it will be a year of many great accomplishments; one of which will be the completion of your Senior Exit Project.
Hello everyone and congratulations on making it this far. Welcome to the rest of your lives. From these days on, you will be free to be you. To be yourself. To do what you love. It's these years that count. The big decisions you'll have to make like what career to find or when to get married. Make the most of it. Life is going to be one huge roller coaster and you're going to face it head on. So be you, do that thing you always wanted,become the person you've dreamed to be and never stop. Don't give up on your dreams, make it a reality. Keep pursuing your goals and don't you dare quit. Because this is your life. Your chance to finally take life by the reins and be in control. Don't let your dreams be memes. Don't live with regrets. Don't let
Hello and nice to meet you. First off, I absolutely love your name! There are so few of us. Second off, I am totally envious that you are so close to completing your education but that is really awesome and absolutely makes me feel good because that reminds me of how close I am completing my own. Congratulations on this being your last class and try and stay warm up
Waiting in line to go through customs I didn 't want to think about all all the things I would have to do. Support myself financially, find a place to live, figure out how to start college. It all seemed overwhelming. I immigrated on my own to US when I was seventeen. The transition was difficult, and I considered returning back to India. Even though it would have been easier to return, staying provided better opportunities. As I grappled with my new environment and struggled to acclimate. Two experiences played a pivotal role in shaping my character. First, the support I received from family and friends. The second, my work with adolescent youth. Through these I understood the importance of support and the joy of providing it. The
College is a chance to be free and is a bridge between the real world and school. I’m an adult and expected to behave as such; I make my own choices where I have to decide what is important to me. I have an opportunity to learn how the world works, to explore the limitless possibilities and a chance to admire how vast knowledge can be. College will change my life in the way that I can develop life skills outside academics, to be fully
It’s been almost one year since one of my proudest and at the same time the most dejected moment of my life; graduating from Joel Barlow High School. For the most part, I was ecstatic to be graduating from high school and looking forward to attending college in New York City. I was excited to have my first taste of being independent and the thrill of moving from a town where nothing interesting ever happens to a city where I could spend my time doing whatever I wanted At the same time, I knew that my graduation would be the last time that I would be able to see my closest friends together for a while. I used graduation as a chance to say my final goodbyes to everyone I knew before I moved away for the summer. Even though I told people I was
What I'm trying to say is the years, have flown by and it's not going to be long before we're in the stands watching our kids graduate.
Graduation is an exciting time in a person’s life, especially a high school graduation. When I think of family and friends gathering together to celebrate a joyous occasion, I feel I accomplished my strongest goal. It never occurred to me that graduation would be the end of my youth and the start of adulthood. Graduating from high school was an influential event that gave me an altered outlook on my existence. Life before graduation, preparing for graduation day, and commencement day overwhelmed me for reality.
Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that’s a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still
At the beginning of my high school journey, it was scary. Just the thought of a new school, meeting new people, and the fact that this would be my last years before becoming an “adult” and getting closer to college, was unbelievable, yet scary. My high school journey had many ups and down. These ups and downs vary because I experienced them in my academics and socially. I can’t forget that I learned a lot and met many different personalities, with people whom I trust and had many great times. Also as growing up throughout high school, I’m slowly seeing who I am. I know this is not the end of life, just a great piece of my life will end and everything will soon change again.