
What I Trust Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout life, our interests and values change while we grow. Even though we keep growing some of them stay with us and some change. But as we mature we lose some and new values take their place ,and our values take on a different role, a more substantial meaning. What i value the most is trust and friends why? Well because in you life you need people who you trust so you can tell them how you feel or simple as something. Trust is such an important thing in the world because it's what makes friendships better and in terms of anything trust is the main key of succes. You need trust in order to live , you have to learn to trust someone in your life. Once, i had to trust someone to keep one of my secrets because i didn't want anybody else to know. Therefore i …show more content…

They always will say on your side and help you whenever you have a problem or they will two make you make bad to good choices. They can also help you with your problems and anything that happens. Such as relationship advice, school work , drama in school, or things that happen with your family. I believe that everybody should have friends no matter what. Everybody deserves trust and a good friend who would always be there for you and will never let you down. Friends, will always be there for you , but you just need to find a real friend who you can trust and enjoy their company and have similarities.

Therefore, having friends that you trust is the best thing in the world to be honest . Trust is the key to life you need trust to make your life good. Other people have to trust you in order to be a successful person. You should be honestly be happy if you have both.

In conclusion having friends that trust you and help you with your problems are honestly the best thing that can happen to you. Making friends can help you be more communicative and more happy towards

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