During a recent interview Kathy Smith was asked how many times she says "abundance is a feeling" during seminars. She was also asked to elaborate on her choice of words. She explains that what we think is what we feel. She says, "the feeling is like when you know you are getting an income tax refund, or a check coming soon. That excitement is abudance." She challenges the audience to ask themselves if they only feel abundant when money is coming or when they put it in the bank? For most people, they feel abundant knowing that money is on its way, Whether or not they physically have it yet is out of the question. Therefore, there is an abundane with just expecting something. The Law of Attraction responds to feelings or vibrations. What if the
One of the most prominent aspect of the Great Depression was that the people of United States lost confidence in the banking system and the banking crises of the 1933 followed. Until 1930s, unregulated banking system existed with the notion that increased competition would make the market more efficient increasing the consumer choice base and thus would promote resource allocation and growth. Since people at that time weren’t too supportive of centralization, there was division of power and all the states and regions had their own banks to mobilize resources and carry out investments. This led to increasing competition to attract the same resources which escalated the rates offered to depositors and induced lenders to invest in high return, high risk areas. As a result, the financial system became fragile and there were frequent mortgage
The tone the is what the author puts in the story in order to help you get a mood from the story. The tone that the author puts in this whole book in mainly pain,sadness,depressed, and a lot fear. Even though they have all of these there are many more tones that the author puts out in this story.
‘“Excuse me, Ken, but what do you qualify my talk as provocative? I just said we should treat sick people, if we have the technology”’ (Kidder, 147)
A rhetorical aim that illustrates that issues on gun control would be to analyze and interpret. Suggested from the two articles; “Why the U.S. is No. 1 – in mass shootings”, and Not just guns: New study looks at why the U.S. is No. 1 in mass shootings, most mass shootings are a result of the deteriorating American Dream. The rhetorical aim, analyze and interpret”, offer readers a different approach on a specific subject matter. For instance, prior to reading the two texts on America’s advancing gun control issues, it was believed that mental illness would be the root cause for mass shootings. However, these two articles have offered different insight on why America is the leading country of mass shootings. Fame, can persuade Americans into
In the paper Sharon M. Malley and Lynne B Silverstein wrote entitled Examining the Intersection of Arts Education and Special Education. The pair asked the question of how do we bridge the gap between the arts education and special education fields to insure that students with disabilities get the most effective education available to them? First the researchers gathered the other research on the subject too see what had already been collected by their peers. They found a lack in the type of research that showed just how much the adition of Arts education in the special education classroom could benefit the ESE student. Despite a great deal of pathos supporting their case these papers used to support their cause their meaning fell short.
The president, Barack Obama gave a speech at Howard University commencement ceremony. Speaking to the graduating class about the need to keep pushing for change he gave the students at the historically black university advise on how to shape your own future and to always strike for better. The president argues that the U.S and the world is becoming a better place than when he was a collage student. However, there is still work to be done when it comes to employment, achievements, and justice for African Americans. The president also mentions to be confident in your heritage and to aim for greatness. Also that empathy should be extended to all people who are struggling to achieve success or a goal. Furthermore, the president advised the grad
While all fields of academia possess some level of practical application, there remains an ever-important and all-encompassing skill which is needed to truly understand each subject: reading. Though literacy rates in the US near 100%, literacy unaccompanied by tools such as context, critical analysis, and sufficient skepticism can leave one lost in arduous texts and vulnerable to flawed arguments. This notion is rarely rejected by anyone at face value, rather, questions regarding the implementation and perceived importance of certain reading strategies alienates differing camps. Many attempts at mitigating the dilemma of subpar reading comprehension have been made, most notably, Daniel Willingham's proposed reform of early education, Michael
The art of quoting and summarizing an argument is one of the main skills to acquire when it comes to writing a successful piece of work. In the book, They Say I Say the art of inserting quotations is mentioned to be one of the highest mistakes made by writers. Many insert a quote that has no frame of introduction or background information which is considered a “hit and run quote.” Readers need to be able to comprehend not only the writings, but the background information and quotes from another author writing in order to have the whole work cohesive. Dire necessity for the writer is to go back to the initial text and truly understand the background from which they are quoting to make sure their audience understands the quote and why
From elementary school to high school, I was taught that my writing had to be structured and follow strict criteria. After I arrived in Mr. Mukherjee’s ENG 102 class, I was given the opportunity to express my creative freedom through words and graphical pictures. It can often be difficult and challenging to improve upon my own writing abilities unless motived with an idea in mind. When looking back on my time at ASU, I thought about the goals that I wanted to address for myself and the course goals that my instructor had set for the class. These goals include ones that I had accomplished to the best of my ability and ones that I need to address as well as improve.
In “Bring Back Flogging”, Jeff Jacoby addresses the problems within America 's criminal justice system. He gives many reasons why imprisonment simply does not work, and suggests that corporal punishment should be used as an alternative. Published in the Boston Globe, a newspaper well known for being liberal, Jacoby provides a conservative view and directs his argument towards those who strongly support imprisonment and view corporal punishment to be highly barbaric and inhumane. However, in order to shed light on our current situation, Jacoby discusses the dangers that we face though our criminal justice system a nd shows concern that imprisonment is doing more harm than good. In effect, Jacoby looks to the past for solutions, and
The separation of church and state is an ongoing debate that effects everyone, even if you are not aware of it. There are many arguments to this debate, and both sides are heavily supported. I will be analyzing two sources that support the separation of church and state but used two different forms of rhetoric to support the separation.
British philosopher Jeremy Bentham famously coined the phrase, “It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong.” What defines as a “good” for one person, may not necessarily be the same definition for another. However, Garrett Hardin defines what the “greatest good” is for our society in his essay titled, “Tragedy of the Commons,” in which he argues that in order to preserve the commons we must surrender our inalienable right to breed. Similarly, Peter Singer writes in piece titled, “Animal Liberation,” that, like humans, animals feel pain and therefore should be considered part of our society which requires humans to adjust and conform to meet the demanding needs of this particular group. Utilitarianism
The face of Climate Change is humanity, its self, and this is a fact that has become less easy to refute, you can’t separate humans from the equation. My grandmother the head of Bitterroot Valley recycling has been saying this for years and maybe it’s because of people like my grandmother, that I’ve become interested in the Paris Summit and in particular Pope Francis’s word on how Ecology is Human. Yes, everyone who believes in climate change knows that we humans are part of the problem, but it wasn’t until the July 2015 Paris summit on climate change has anyone ever said that climate change issues were more than just deforestation or polar caps melting. Pope Francis has taken a stand and claims that humans are ecology and therefore the real
Despite the continued popularity of many book series, especially in the adolescent, or “Young Adult” genre, books have received less research attention overall than other traditional forms of media, such as TV or videogames. Controversy over the content of books has lead to numerous school districts banning books within the curriculum and libraries. The research presented in the article looks to determine whether reading physical and relational aggression within books can be associated with aggressive behavior in adolescents.
The first thing the speaker said was that this talk was designed to make you uncomfortable. This is one of the first things that we talked about in class this semester. How the topics involved with modern social problems where not comfortable topics and that is why we avoided talking about them. So when he said that at the beginning it automatically got me thinking about all the things we talked about in class that had made me uncomfortable. Then I got to think, how come this uncomfortable topics don’t come up more often in my everyday life when they are such a prevalent problem in society? The speaker quickly answered this question and said that this is due to humans living in bubbles of people who are the most similar to them. The example