What is a leader? When thinking about this question I feel like you have to really know what it means to be a leader. Webster Dictionary definition is: a time when a person holds the position of a leader. No one is born a leader, leaderships skills comes from life experiences, education and employment. Everyone grows into a leader and then afterwards grow into a leadership style that will eventually begin to shape and inspire other leaders. Having a title or high above power does not make you a leader. Inspiring and providing great communication, confidence, advice, laughs, knowledge, honesty and reality. Those great skills help you become a great leader. Even with these great leadership skills, there are many different kinds of leadership styles.
“Becoming the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position.” –Brian Tracy
Are you a participative leader? Participative leaders or better known as democratic leaders include team members and others, but making the final decision is up to the participative leader. Participative leaders build confidence and knowledge within team members because their inputs matter within decision making. It helps team members think their opinions, help with decisions. If there is a change that needs to be implemented a participative leader helps team members understand the change in a positive way. I would definitely consider myself a participative leader because I love gathering as many
People who are courageous are able to achieve their goals, to stand up and to have their say in what is right and what is wrong. They might’ve made mistakes in life, but if they are willing to reach it, they will get up and try again, becoming stronger than ever at trying to pursue their goals.
A leader is described as a person who guides or directs a group, but I believe it is so much more than that. A leader is a person that inspires people to do good and does good themselves. Due to my extensive volunteer work, I believe that I qualify as a fairly good leader. My outstanding leadership is shown clearly in my participation in community theatre. I have participated in the theatre community at Top Hat Productions, a theatre company located near me, for a couple years. My leadership in this company is shown through my ability to get people involved and my own participation.
What does it mean to be a leader? Is a leader someone who can take control when a firm hand is needed? Or perhaps it is the man who is willing to stand up for what he believes in. I used to think of leaders as impressive and impeccable meta-humans. They were men and women who I thought were simply cut from a different cloth and beyond someone like me. Now I believe that a true leader, is that special someone who is willing to get up early and start making breakfast. I believe the hero takes the two-minute walk to find fresh water. During my time at NOLS Patagonia I was able to tune into what it truly meant to lead your peers. When I entered college with the mindset of tackling freshman year, I found myself unprepared for the workload.
Leadership, which is defined as “…The action of leading a group of people or an organization” is used in many different ways. Most people think being a leader is mostly about being the boss, having people work under you and just becoming successful, but it boils down to more than that. Leaders are those individuals that actually utilize their many abilities in leadership and administration to help make a better change for themselves, the people around them and the goal that needs to be achieved. Leadership is not an expertise that can essentially be grabbed from a book or article based on leadership but instead it is one of those initiative abilities that are increased through experience and understanding those real life situations.
Leadership, to me, is not necessarily always equated with a formal title, but rather it is characterized by the attitude, behavior, mindset, and actions of a person. Being a leader means being positive and supportive of others, providing them the opportunity to be heard and know that their opinion matters, motivating them to accomplish shared goals through teamwork. Over the past years,
A leader is someone who stands out among his or her peers and is chosen to be placed into a position that requires setting an example and providing direction for that group. Although anyone can be chosen as a leader, he or she must be willing and deserving of this position.
What Leadership Means Leadership is 'the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal'. (Hemphill and Coons, 1957, p.7) A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow that direction. How they set that direction and influence people depends on a variety of factors.
Leadership is all about having the right amount of heart and determination to help make a difference in someone’s life. It takes certain qualities to be considered a good leader. A leader should want to help inspire others to make a change and to be the best that they can be. A true leader does not need to feel powerful, instead they empower those around them. Throughout my life I have come across various leaders who have made an impact on my life. It takes a very special person to inspire and touch people’s lives. Leadership is so much deeper than having power and bossing people around.
A leader is someone who guides and motivates you. Leadership is a responsibility, and is very important. Without leaders what would the world look like? People need leaders to help, aid, and guide them through tough times and make important decisions. I play multiple sports, and they all have a captain to make sure everything goes right, and is there for the team when things do not. Leaders set an important example for others. Overall, leadership is putting others before yourself, and showing the world that anything is possible.
According to Webster’s Dictionary, leadership is the power or ability to lead other people, the act or instance of leading. I believe that Leadership is an art, the art to get others to follow and accomplish a common goal or task in a harmonic manner. A leader can be shown in all kinds of shapes and forms. To be a great leader many people believe it consists of modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart. Over the course of me learning how to become a better leader and being in leadership roles, I’ve learned that all these are very necessary to be a great leader.
A leader is someone who will step up in the times of crisis and is able to think and act creatively in a difficult situation according to businessdictionary.com. A leader can also inspire others to be engage and to work together to achieve a common goal.
My idea of leadership is being able to inspire others, motivate, set a vision, communicate, respect others, and of course, lead by example. A leader must have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know, and what they are capable of. To be a successful leader, you have to be able to convince your followers, not just yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. In my opinion, this can build confidence in their followers to have faith in you, in order to be able to lead. I strongly believe that good leaders are made rather, and not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developed through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and
To me, leadership is more than a title. It is more than just being in charge. Leadership is honestly, learning, listening, and most importantly application. Leadership means going the extra mile or two, doing the right thing no matter who’s looking, staying encouraged and encouraging other even when times are hard and you have every reason to quit. Leadership doesn’t mean you’re rich, well known, liked, or respected but it does mean you are a passionate, caring, and authentic. Leadership means you care about something so much you are willing to risk everything you have for this belief or idea. Leadership is doing whatever you can in your power to make things better for those around you.
If you could in your own words define a leader what would you say a leader was? A leader could be considered many different things depending on who you ask. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary a leader is a person or thing who leads. That’s a pretty broad definition. Sanjiv Kumar defines leadership as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals (Kumar, 2014). BusinessDictionary.com defines a leader as a person or thing that holds a dominant or superior position within its field, and is able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over others. Leaders can be found in every setting. Examples of leaders include parents, teachers, religious leaders, managers, or even a band director.
Leadership is a difficult word to define and according to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary leadership is the “office or position of a leader” (Miriam-Webster, 2010). This definition is definitely not one that I would ascribe to when discussing leadership. My definition of leadership is “the ability someone has to motivate and empower others to achieve a goal.” Some may add to this definition, others may discard it altogether and have a completely different definition. In the end, leadership takes on many different forms depending on who is doing the defining and we end up asking ourselves, what is leadership and why do we care?