
What Is A Little Neglect

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A Little Neglect, May Breed Great Mischief
Domestic violence has been around for quite the time, but it wasn’t until recently that it has been taken far more seriously. Neglect is important, pernicious, and very life-threatening. It is part of the methodical plan in which a person strives to gain power or control over another individual, or individuals. To assure such power, the perpetrator can use one, two, or three of neglects main reinforcements; physical, sexual, and or psychological. Physical violence can be the act of physically harming an individual, whether it be punching, kicking, or slapping. Sexual violence is attempting or demanding a man, woman, or child into sexual activities with him or herself, and psychological violence can …show more content…

Neglect has no preference, it can be experienced by people of every race, color, age, or sexual orientation. Neglect is a never-ending epidemic, constantly trying to be eliminated, but in each generation, it seems to grow in greater numbers. Children of neglect seem to be unable to defy the odds of neglect continuing on in their own family life. Domestic violence has a history of repeating itself from generation to generation, and it’s time we know why?
Domestic violence has come to be quite the normal for both genders, but more recurrent for women and children. The National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence has stated that, “It is a crime committed every 15 seconds, against a woman and possibly her child” (National Council on Child Abuse & Family Violence). From 1994 to 2010, about 4 in 5 victims of partner violence were female, and nearly half of all women in the United States have experienced a form of psychological aggression from their partner in their lifetime (The National Domestic Violence Hotline). Unfortunately, the child or children living in the household are also in high risk of being neglected as well. Most children are aware of the violence occurring in the household, but …show more content…

This is a road not to be taken alone, and the more support an individual has, the better. For a long period of time, the minds of the victims were filled with poisonous lies that weakened their self-esteem and their ability to trust. The perpetrator may have apologized and pleaded for forgiveness in many occasions, but if his or her actions do not match with that of regret, then those words were nothing but meaningless. A victim needs to comprehend that the abuse was in the past, and the best is yet to come. If they are not willing to be helped, then they will fall back down the hole they had just climbed out of. It is understandable that the victim is paranoid and unable to accept the realities of their neglect, but if he or she does not do so than they are continuing with the cycle of neglect and will most likely become the perpetrator. The article, “Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator”, reported that 35% of perpetrators were abuse victims as well (Glasser, Kolvin and Campbell). The risk of becoming a perpetrator is so high for the victims due to the fact that they did not have the parental teachings or guidance needed when growing up. This applies to men as well. Although, statistics and research state that they

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