
What Is A Tomboy

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The definition of a tomboy, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “a girl who behaves in a manner usually considered boyish.” (Merriam-Webster) Tomboys are quite common nowadays, but in the 19th century, when Louisa May Alcott's novel Little Women took place, being a classy, elegant woman was the ordinary. The main character, Jo March, matches the definition of a tomboy perfectly. Alcott writes about the lives of four little women, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, and their experiences as they grow up. Three of these girls grow into the traditional type of woman. While, on the other hand, Jo goes against these customary ways. Specifically, Jo March defies the traditional domestic expectations of 19th-century American women by choosing to become …show more content…

Back in Jo March’s time, most women would marry either for social reasons or financial situations. Throughout the novel, Alcott creates an unrequited love story between Laurie and Jo. Laurie falls deeply in love with Jo while Jo thinks of him strictly as a friend. The reader sees Jo explaining this to Laurie in chapter 35 when she says, “You, you are, you’re a great deal too good for me, and I'm so grateful to you, and so proud and fond of you, I don't see why I can't love you as you want me to,” (Alcott 352). Although in that time it is seen as if a man loves a woman, the woman loves him back, but this is not Jo’s thinking. Instead Jo falls in live and eventually marries Mr. Bhaer although he will not financially help her in any way. Their love for each other goes unannounced until chapter 46 when Jo states she will be very upset if Mr. Bhaer leaves and he is exhilarated by this. Mr. Bhaer says “...that is so good!”, referring to Jo being upset (Alcott 456). He is excited about this because now he knows Jo cares for him as he does for her. Because of this they agree to get married and Jo, in the end, ends up marrying Mr. Bhaer for love and no other

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