Alaska is an ever changing place. It is known for its massive area, abundance of coast line, its rocky peaks and low lying mountains, arctic tundra, and boreal forests. It has one of the lowest populations of the United states with having less than a million people living in it, but it is the largest state with having an area just over 650,000 square miles. Alaska boasts some of the most extreme temperatures in the Americas, with extreme lows in the northern region, to moderate and even high temperatures in the interior. The many different regions of Alaska provide varying climates and ecosystems throughout them. Just as the climate is so varied the ecoregions and more so the ecosystems of Alaska are just as varied. There are three major
The Alaskan climate means that it has hundreds of miles of permafrost areas, which are areas of frozen soil that stay at temperatures below the freezing point of 32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degrees Celsius all year long.
In Henry Fountain’s “Alaska’s Permafrost is Thawing”, Fountain discusses how Alaska’s permafrost is slowly thawing away. Alaska is known for its vast, snowy landscape, but that soon could be all gone. This article is directed towards people who are interested in the warming of Alaska. As the Arctic is warming at an alarming rate, wildlife is slowing disappearing and sea levels are rising.
There are many states in North America. Formally known as the United States of America. From New York to California, you could find millions of different types of people, and cultures from around the world. But how about a state that is so isolated from them all, that many people forget it was even added as the 49th state to the country? The lone state of Alaska is to the north west of the major states and if laid on top of the other states, would cover about two-thirds of the land. And for a state that is so large, it is surely simply thought of as the coldest state. Alaska is much more then that, and has a lot of history behind just a land of snow and mountains.
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is located in the Northeastern part of Alaska and is the largest wildlife in the country. The ANWR covers more than 19 million acres of forests, mountains, wetlands, tundra, and rivers, and it is the habitat to distinctive and
his critique is being done on the article titled “Experiences of Alaskan Parents with Children Hospitalized for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Treatment.” It was written in 2013 and published it the Journal of Pediatric Nursing. The purpose of this critique is to address the usefulness of this research and to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. This article is presented clearly and well organized. The purpose and background are clearly stated. Some weaknesses noted in the article is small population sampled, only sampling six and the lack of detail about the data collection and analysis.
Ice or snow there ready to go, the geography of alaska is hard to explore because
The weather in Alaska can be pretty harsh. One of the common natural disasters to happen are forest fires. They are caused by carbon in the soil. There is more carbon in the soil then there is in the atmosphere. Blizzards are quite common in Alaska. Blizzards can make it complicated to explore due to the high winds. The winds and the snow make it complicated to explore. Not only is it freezing, but it also makes everything frosty and slippery. This could make an easy everyday task like walking as hard as taming a polar bear. This is why weather could make it difficult to travel by foot in
The increasing global temperatures have caused many problems in Arctic ecosystems. The increasing warmth has caused ice caps to melt, and permafrost to thaw, causing shifts in the ecosystems around them. 1According to Harris (2005) “Permafrost is soil, rock or sediment that is frozen for more than two consecutive years. In areas not overlain by ice, it exists beneath a layer of soil, rock or sediment, which freezes and thaws annually and is called the "active layer".” (p. 17). While the melting of ice may not seem like a big issue at first glance, its effects are truly catastrophic. Many professionals in this field, such as Houghton (2009) have said 2“Warming is expected to be strongest in the Arctic, with the continuing retreat of
Southeast Alaska contains 10.9 million acres of forest land. Forty percent of southeast Alaska’s forest land or 4.4 million acres is reserved federal land and includes National Park Service or U.S. Forest Service lands, national forest wilderness areas, and federal game refuges (Campbell et al. 2004). The coastal rainforest of southeast Alaska spans across the majority of the coast and at KLGO, the coastal rainforest spans from sea level to around 3500 feet in elevation. Southeast Alaska receives high levels of annual precipitation and coniferous trees dominate the area, although Skagway receives less precipitation compared to the rest of the region. Coastal rainforest vegetation around KLGO includes: western and mountain hemlock, Sitka spruce,
It contains an expanse of tundra with many marshes and lagoons with rivers situated between foothills of the Brooks Range and the wide, icy waters of the Beaufort Sea. Environmentalists said that this area “is the most biologically productive part of the Arctic Refuge for wildlife and is the center if wildlife activity.” The importance of these resources is not measurable. The Arctic is home to such animals as caribou, polar bears, grizzly bears, musk oxen, whales, wolves and snow geese. This area is full of wildflowers and contains water of excellent, unpolluted quality and quantity. The Arctic Ocean costal plain is an area critical to the survival of many birds and mammals (‘Alaska Wild’).
North America is home to a wide variety of different biomes, ranging from blistering desert to frozen tundra. This range in climate provides inhabitants of North America with not only options of where to live, but also pride in where they come from and how they were raised. Different states or provinces are known for their weather patterns and their ensuing biomes. Although there has been a lot of talk recently about how humans are shaping their environment, today we hope to show you how the environment we live in has played a pivotal role in shaping who we are and how we live. Biomes in North America are contained within the land of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and countries in Central America.
The temperature in Alaska changes a lot because of the pollution that people have caused as they have been mining for oil and other natural resources causing greenhouse gases.The climate in Alaska is extremely cold only certain animals can live there because of the temperature. People who live there always have to be prepared for the weather that can change any second. The people who live in Alaska have adapted to the environment so it isn't as cold for them but if someone came from Florida and went to Alaska they would have adapted to the warm temperature of Florida and not Alaksa so negative five degrees would feel like negative forty degrees because they are not used to the cold weather. The temperature in Alaska is changing alot the regular
"Climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system that persists for several decades or longer" (Montgomery, 2015). Climate change (or global warming) can be caused by a natural progress such as sun 's radiations and volcanoes, or it can be caused by human 's actions such as land use, deforestation, and pollution. (Hardy, 2003).This phenomenon not only affects the environment, but it also affects human lives. Alaska is the largest state in the United States. It includes lands on both sides of the Arctic Circle. Sixteen national wildlife refuges are home to a great variety of flora and fauna. In the past 60 years. The Alaska 's environment changed drastically; the climate is warming up as twice as much in comparison to all the other states. This essay will discuss firstly the climate change in the Alaskan environment. Then it will highlight the changes in the ocean and costs, the effects that global warming is having on Alaska 's natives and the melting permafrost. It will then finally address who is responsible for this effects and some measures that can be taken.
The weather in Alaska is pretty dangerous when one thinks about it. There’s the icy cold in Alaska and then there’s the sweltering heat. Mother Nature decides when she wants to be on ones side. There is always a big climate change in Alaska that can cause many landslides because the ice is melting. The weather made it hard for the people heading to Alaska for the gold rush. The cold is horrible in Alaska because many could get hypothermia and frostbite from falling in puddles, falling
Many people have dreamed about visiting Alaska when they are on vacation. Alaska is a state with beautiful mountains, landscapes, and wild animals that has attracted many tourists around the world. With lands filled with snow, skies filled with the Northern Lights, and delightful animals, such as the fuzzy penguins, that wander around the place. However, in this past few years, these snows have been melting, and some animals disappearing. All of this is due to global warming. To some people, global warming is a huge threat to the Earth as ocean levels start to rise and species start to lose their habitats. On the other hand, some people think that global warming is helping the Earth, by giving it an excess amount of CO2 to plant, which acts