The America I Believe In--Sophia Squires J.Horace McFarland once said“ It is the love of the country that has lighted and that keeps glowing the holy fire of patriotism”. What the America I believe in. What make America great. All the soldiers that are risking their lives to fight for this country. All the people volunteering their time to help homeless. For all the people that make this country great. How america is, we can't help how America or how the world is or how people act. But we can fight to make it better. People fight for this country everyday but we need more help than that ,if it from donating clothes or risking your life in a life or death battle, america need
America to me is a place where others can come to live, a place of freedom for those who want a great life, where they can live knowing they will have a peaceful life. I appreciate and
What makes America great is the fact that we will change, we will right a wrong and even if it takes decades. Along the way we will stumble and even fall but, we will eventually find our way to making the right decision.
America has many ideas, people, and values to which it can attribute its greatness. Every single person that has ever been born in this great country has impacted the United States in countless ways. Anyone who is fortunate enough to live the life that Americans get to live, are given the chance to create, change, or continue the legacy of America.
America’s gift to my generation is not just a physical gift, but a mental gift. The physical gift is the safer place to live and grow. This mental gift that America gave to my generation is a deep feeling that you can go around and be who you are, dress in what you want, say what you want, and basically do what you want without being restricted to doing one thing each and every day. America’s gift to my generation is the ability to grow, learn, and live life the way you want to without a limit. If you look at America compared to other countries it’s like a whole family, and America is the one that all the other siblings go to for help or a safe place. America might not always be safe but we can always count on all our amazing, brave souls
One great thing about America are our freedoms. One freedom many kids take for granted is their education. Some countries do not allow people to read certain books based on their content. In America we can read any book we find in the public library. Another freedom is freedom of religion. People living in America can practice any religion they choose. In countries like Iraq
The America i believe in is unlike any other country that I heard of. I'm not really sure where to start because there are many reasons why I believe in it. I guess that I can start with freedom. Toe have many freedoms here that you get to do whatever you want, but obviously it's not like starting a rampage at a public and getting away with it. You still have to keep peace and not going around terrorizing people. I believe in this type of freedom because you don't have a strict dress code, walking around in public. Girls don't even have to wear dresses, which is awesome because some girls don't like wearing those. I also believe that we have the right to own guns and walk around on your property with them. Of course you
America, It’s what some call the Jewel of the world. The land of the free and the home of the brave, but Sometimes, as humans, we forget the sacrifice that was made to make it this way. Think about how our founding fathers that came together to free the colonies from The English forces. Think of the Men and women that fight this very day, this very hour, to keep this country free, protected, and growing.
America- The land of the free and the home of the brave. What does that mean? Several years ago when America wanted their independence from Britain, a Revolutionary War began. They not only fought for themselves, but also for future generations to come. The Revolutionary War shaped our present America. America had to overcome a vast number of struggles to become to the amazing country we are today. The America I believe in is a strong nation who fights for citizens’ peace as well as freedom.
America has given us a gift beyond words, the gift to pursue our happiness. We have everything we could ever need, and even more. We have the liberty to be ourselves, to do what we want with our lives, and if that isn't enough then I don't know what
Certain emotions cannot go unfelt. For me, gratitude and pride rush through my veins at the sound of Toby Keith’s “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue” or the image of Ole Glory against a painted sky. Paul Tsongas once said, “America is hope. It is compassion. It is excellence. It is valor.” The list goes on. Undoubtedly, listing what America isn’t would be much easier.
America is a wonderful place to live, because we are free. Freedom is important, and many people in other countries do not have much freedom. I am glad I have a place like this to grow up in; where I know that I can be equal with other races and other genders. Also, I am glad I have a place like this that will respect me and I know it will be a great place to have my children grow up in.
When you look at the solid ground we stand on, do you realise how fortunate we are? America is the fourth greatest country in the world. We stand strong and tall against the troubles that try to shake us. We are the backbone of our nation and this is the America I believe in.
What does America mean to you? I recently returned from my 8th grade field trip to Washington DC. Here I would see and experience memories of a lifetime with my classmates. I would learn what America really meant to me as an American. The three most important words that would come to me throughout the entire trip would be Liberty, Diversity and the American Dream. I would be reminded of the important freedoms our government fought over to be free, and the diversity it allowed people living in our country to have. What is Liberty, it is the freedom you have to do without question or permission. What is Diversity, is to be from any country, culture, skin color, religion or political belief. To accept and respect anyone who is different than you.
We, in general, live in a wealthy country. With its wealth, the government pays for many things for their citizens. Whether we’re a man or woman, young or old, rich or poor, we’re given most of the same opportunities because of our government. In America, the poor can still go to school and get an education, receive insurance or other medical care, obtain social security, food stamps, and more. The government helps everyone in need of aid, which makes our country very unique. This uniqueness is especially what makes me proud of being an American. Our country helps those who can’t help themselves, which also makes our country thrive.
America is the only place that I believe I can do as I wish and I am not judged by who I am. As the veterans risk their lives for our freedom and liberty, I stand and praise them for their bravery. I will say the pledge of allegiance, and sing the national anthem. Thank you for protecting our country and lives.