
What Is Animal Agriculture Persuasive Essay

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Did you know the average American eats 209 pounds of meat per year. Americans need to drastically cut down on the amount of meat we eat because the animal agriculture industry is not sustainable, livestock have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded dead zones around the world in our oceans, and it's responsible for up to 80% of destruction done to the Amazon rain forest.

Meat production requires 18 times more land than vegetable production. For example you can produce 37,000 lbs. of vegetables on 1 1/2 acres. That same 1 ½ acres can produce only 375 lbs of meat. To feed one person for one year on a vegan diet takes ⅙ of an acre. A vegetarian diet takes three times as much land which is ½ acre. But to eat the amount of meat we do requires about three acres or eighteen times more land. That is 3 acres per person times the population of 319 million people equals about 957 million acres. We’ve already used this amount of acres in the United States for grassland, pastures, and cropland. …show more content…

Livestock operations on land have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded dead zones around the world in our oceans. There wiping out animals,they caught wild horses and wiped out the wolf population, they also killed elephants just so animal agriculture could have room to roam.

Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 80% of destruction done to the amazon rain forest. Livestock covers over 45% of amazon's total land. 136 million acres have been cleared in the Amazon due to animal agriculture. ( Dorothy Stang’s was a lady who was against them cutting down the forest so she was killed. She demanded Brazil’s government crack down on the illegal seizure and clearance of the rain forest to graze cattle that's why she was killed.

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