
What Is BLM Effective?

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Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Civil Rights Movement (CRM) are two movements where black people fight for their rights, but is BLM actually effective? BLM is an ineffective activism group that doesn’t achieve their main goal of making more racial justice in America. Although some may think that BLM is effective, it isn’t because of how it hasn’t done much but use a social media hashtag to bring itself into reality. For these reasons, BLM shouldn’t continue because of how it doesn’t get its activists anywhere in achieving its main goal. On the whole, BLM should be abandoned because of how insufficient its activism and protests are. In Stephen’s article about Black Lives Matter and social media he shows how social media is a key part of …show more content…

Some people do see respect in BLM’s actions, however. Some do not agree with Reynolds’ point that Black Lives Matter activists are disrespectful. For example, in Hunt’s article she proves that Black Lives Matter practices standing up for what is right, just like the Civil Rights Movement did. This devotion and tenacity can even convince some to think that BLM is almost the same as The Civil Rights Movement, but is it actually? Hunt talks about how Garza thinks that ““This has to stop. We cannot continue to have police kill with impunity and not face any consequences” (Hunt). Even though, Hunt talks about Garza saying that she wants to stand up for what is right and protest for black rights, how does she know that is doing more help than it is harm? Garza only presents information about how BLM is going to change and they haven’t done much to prove this part. Hunt’s article is weak because all it talks about is what Garza says about BLM’s potential; Reynolds, on the contrary, presents the more real look on BLM’s movement. In Reynolds’ article she explains how BLM isn’t helpful because “The demonstrations are peppered with hate speech, profanity, and guys with sagging that show their underwear” (Reynolds). In other words, Reynolds reveals the true side of BLM is just a bunch of people being disrespectful in both their language and their clothing choice. As a result, BLM isn’t getting anywhere with their protests. As a past Civil Rights Movement Activist, Reynolds is not impressed on how BLM is handling their protests and activism. All in all, BLM is not effective in achieving their goal because of how they have not achieved as much as they wished, and just made the issues worse with their impolite language and choice of

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