Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Civil Rights Movement (CRM) are two movements where black people fight for their rights, but is BLM actually effective? BLM is an ineffective activism group that doesn’t achieve their main goal of making more racial justice in America. Although some may think that BLM is effective, it isn’t because of how it hasn’t done much but use a social media hashtag to bring itself into reality. For these reasons, BLM shouldn’t continue because of how it doesn’t get its activists anywhere in achieving its main goal. On the whole, BLM should be abandoned because of how insufficient its activism and protests are. In Stephen’s article about Black Lives Matter and social media he shows how social media is a key part of …show more content…
Some people do see respect in BLM’s actions, however. Some do not agree with Reynolds’ point that Black Lives Matter activists are disrespectful. For example, in Hunt’s article she proves that Black Lives Matter practices standing up for what is right, just like the Civil Rights Movement did. This devotion and tenacity can even convince some to think that BLM is almost the same as The Civil Rights Movement, but is it actually? Hunt talks about how Garza thinks that ““This has to stop. We cannot continue to have police kill with impunity and not face any consequences” (Hunt). Even though, Hunt talks about Garza saying that she wants to stand up for what is right and protest for black rights, how does she know that is doing more help than it is harm? Garza only presents information about how BLM is going to change and they haven’t done much to prove this part. Hunt’s article is weak because all it talks about is what Garza says about BLM’s potential; Reynolds, on the contrary, presents the more real look on BLM’s movement. In Reynolds’ article she explains how BLM isn’t helpful because “The demonstrations are peppered with hate speech, profanity, and guys with sagging that show their underwear” (Reynolds). In other words, Reynolds reveals the true side of BLM is just a bunch of people being disrespectful in both their language and their clothing choice. As a result, BLM isn’t getting anywhere with their protests. As a past Civil Rights Movement Activist, Reynolds is not impressed on how BLM is handling their protests and activism. All in all, BLM is not effective in achieving their goal because of how they have not achieved as much as they wished, and just made the issues worse with their impolite language and choice of
In the reading of Brent Staples’s essay and viewing of Clint Smith’s Ted Talk, the Black Lives Matter movement is justified. In Brent Staples’s essay, he never directly states the words “black lives matter”, but if it had been a movement at the time, he would have. “The black lives matter movement was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted for his crime, and dead 17-year-old Trayvon was posthumously placed on trial for his own murder” ( “Black men trade tales like this all the time,” says Staples’ as he talks about one of his reporter friends being mistaken for the killer on a case he was working on. This is just one of the many examples Mr. Staples gives to describe his
In a previous Inquisitr article, I wrote about the Twitter firestorm that erupted concerning the All Lives Matter movement after the incident in which a gunman shot and killed five police officers in Dallas, Texas, last Thursday. It angered many people and the question was raised as to why the All Lives Matter movement is so offensive right now. I decided to write another article to try to explain why the ALM movement is wrong at this time. In another day and time, the movement would be something we could all aspire to, but many don’t understand the reason why Black Lives Matter more right now. It is not to condemn other races, or say that any other lives don’t matter, but the BLM movement was born out of prejudice against people of color.
The Black Lives Matter movement is a waste of time, money, and political effort. The article, “The Flag is Drenched With Our Blood”, is all fluff. I understand people are very very very easily offended, but please, why are we still bringing up slavery? (I can feel the hate seeping through my computer). Written like an english essay, this article fails to mention as it does in the other, “Hard Data, Hollows Protests”, how most of the violence is blacks to blacks. How the statistics are taken in the slums of beaten down parts of cities all across the US. And in regards to police brutality only on the rarest of occasions do we see the abuse of power over manipulation and false accusations of the plaintiff. Even spoken in class, we discuss how
The misconception that BLM doesn’t care about black-on-black crime is false. Those who insist on talking about black-on-black crime frequently fail to acknowledge that most crime in interracial. Ninety-three percent of black murders victims are killed by other black people. And is it also the same for whites, eighty-four percent of white murder victims are killed by other white people. Those who focus on black-on-black crime use it as a diversionary tactic to take down the BLM movement by suggesting that black people do not have the right to be outraged about police violence in vulnerable black communities. The BLM movement acknowledges the crime problem, but refuses to locate that crime problem as a problem of black pathology. Black people
As echoed in Bell Hooks’s We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity, the culprit to the Black Lives Matter (“BLM”) movement is masculine patriarchy which, in turn, reinforces racism and oppression. The general public fails to recognize that BLM stemmed from oppression to black males, not the black community as a whole. Furthermore, even though this movement is intended to fight anti-Black racism, it is focusing on the empowerment of black women.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a loosely‐coordinated, nationwide movement dedicated to ending police brutality that rose to prominence in late 2014. It takes its name from a hashtag started by three Black feminist activists Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi but the movement and the hashtag are not identical (Freelon, McIlwain, & Clark, 2016). BLM has achieved national reputation through their online and offline organizing, obtaining extensive news media coverage and glowing references in music and entertainment television. Based on a horrendous incident that sparked a concern for a lot of Black people across the world, the sudden need for a social movement was born called BLM. Black Lives Matter is a national organization working for the validity of Black life and also working to rebuild the Black liberation movement. Black Lives Matter broadens the conversation and highlight the incidents around state violence to include the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state. This referring to the ways in which Black lives are deprived of basic human rights and dignity. According to the article The Murder of Walter Scott, which talks about race and class, “African Americans are less than 13% of the U.S. population yet they are nearly 50% of those killed by the police. North Charleston has a population of 104,000, 47% Black and the police force is 80% white (Miah, 2015)”.
These three things all contribute to the change we want to see in society. Currently, The Black Lives Matter movement is at the point of causing civil disobedience, which is used to gain the attention of the media, politicians and the nation as a whole. The movement works at different levels with the hopes of making changes in society which in turn would promote equality within the criminal justice system. Leaders of Black Lives Matter understand how the general population’s beliefs about crime and racism acts as an antagonist to any sort of reform to lower racial discrepancies, due to this they are trying to emphasize how race does matter in both the criminal justice system and society through the means of protests. The 23 active Black Lives Matter chapters across the United States are staging demonstrations in order to get society to acknowledge that there is a problem, and once people begin to listen, there can be legal challenges and new laws that work to influence a societal change. On August 28th, 2014 during Labor Day weekend supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement from around the nation set out to participate in a Black Lives Matter Freedom Ride. This protest, based off of the 1960s Freedom Riders, brought people to Ferguson, MO, the city where Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson. Naturally this
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement is a movement against police brutality. This movement began after 17-year-old boy, Trayvon Martin was fatally shot, and his killer, former police officer, George Zimmerman was acquitted for the crime. (BLACKLIVESMATTER.COM) As Black Lives Matter has continued to make a difference through peaceful protests on a mass scale , such as kneeling during the national anthem at sporting events or peaceful protests after a shooting. Many have claimed that the movement is extremely offensive, against police officers, or that African Americans are claiming superiority over other races, while others continue to support the movement. The fight between Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, and Black Lives Matter continuously strikes violent riots, but the question still stands- what is the Black Lives Matter movement really trying to accomplish?
A necessary and common fight for equality has been one that has survived throughout all of man’s existence. Due to recent racial divide and the product of racial profiling, a movement has risen up to combat these common issues. The most recent and most well-covered is the Black Lives Matter Movement. Even though it has been lauded by some media sources and individuals as the next great movement to champion for civil rights, the Black Lives Matter movement is not the same as the African-American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s nor is it likely to be as successful. If the Black Lives Matter Movement continues with discrepancies in ideology, lack of clear leadership, and trends of hate, the movement is doomed to fail.
Such questions are understandable, given the course that BLM activists are charting for their organization. But comparing the group to the civil rights movement betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of both its importance and its broader
In recent years, there has been a variety of events that have occurred which caused people to realize the inequality that still happens in modern day society. Between gay marriage becoming legal in 2015 and the recent presidential election, there have been many situations that have caused a form of division between the people of the United States. A major group that has shed some light on the inequality that occurs in modern day society is the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The BLM website states that this they label themselves as a group of 50+ organizations that have come together with a renewed purpose to spread a common vision and agenda. Although many people view them as a great step toward furthering equality amongst all people, there is a select group of people who disagree.
Technology has shaped the large social movement. #BlackLivesMatter has been a useful and positive tool in 2015 and in 2016. In the Social Media Helps Black Lives Matter Fight the Power it talks about how
In “How Black Lives Matter Uses Social Media to Fight The Power,” the ubiquity of smartphones and easier access to have contributed to the success of investigations.
the focus of Black Lives Matter is being articulated less as a demand for specific civil or political rights, and more as a broader claim for “black humanity.” Martin Luther King also used the language of human rights to internationalize the issue of racial inequality in the United States. BLM movement is following in king’s footsteps, taking a stance and demanding action. Both movements fight for freedom but in ways that seem to be opposite of the other, one in love, and one in hate.
The Black Lives Matter movement has swept across America. It 's branched out with chapters in over 31 cities and held rallies and boycotts across the United States(Sidner). The Black Lives Matter movement started with the outrage of the death of a young man. It continues to take over headlines and raise awareness on police brutality and inequality. However, the movement has met resistance from the All Lives Matter group. This group thinks that Black Lives Matter is a movement to express hatred towards other races. However, statistics, the views of fellow citizens, and the overall purpose of the Black Lives Matter movement, can prove that the movement wasn 't meant to express hate on other races and that we need to support the movement instead of going against it.