Creation: A Journal Entry
Creation definition used as a verb: the act of making or producing something that did not exist before. Webster’s Dictionary Mobile App). Creation definition relating to theology, “Christian theology views creation (a noun) as a result of God’s spoken word”. (The Pocket Dictionary of theological terms, 1999). We read in Erickson (2001) about the different theories related to the creation of humanity. The Evolution theory is one of these theories we read about. The belief that humanity has evolved over a long period of time from existing organisms. This theory strongly contrasts greatly with my belief. As a young nursing student, I was eager to learn about
Creation began by a bodily function of the creator god. Either through ejaculation, sneezing, or spitting the creator began to produce others (Redford). The creator god had other gods come into being and they in turn began to create until the ancient Egyptians had a sufficient explanation for there being here.
Typically conservative orthodoxy has tended to support this view. Basically, fiat creationism holds that God, by direct acts, brought into being virtually everything that exists.
Evolution: the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
Since the beginning of the human race there has been a lingering question as to the origins of man and how all living things acquired their characteristics. The two main theories that arose over time were Creationism and Evolution, both of which provided very distinct answers to this question. Creationism based its answer on the idea of a supernatural power or being that created the entire universe, man and the numerous other organisms that live within it. While, Evolution theorizes that all living things have the potential to change and grow over time into something new and different. So in other words, one theory suggests that humans and all the organisms on Earth are the result of divine design, while the other indicates that they
A creationist is one who rejects scientific explanations for the origin of life and the universe, preferring a hypothesis of supernatural creation by a designer named God. The belief that people were created by God, in the image of God, is at
Creationists uphold the view in which God created the universe and everything it contains; they believe God started time and created life. Genesis 1:1 states “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (NIV Bible).” Throughout the first two chapters of Genesis, Moses describes the steps God took when creating the universe, light, stars, animals, land, sea, and yes, even
As I said before, humans all have unique worldviews. One of the questions typically answered by someone's worldview is the origin and purpose of man. This meaning of life and origin of the universe are explained by numerous religions. In Christianity, it is held that God created man and the universe. I also believe God created the universe. However, I define him as a benevolent creator who is not bound by Science but instead affirmed by Science. For instance, in Genesis, we know that God spoke the universe into existence, “And God said, let there be light, and there was light” (Genesis 1:3 NIV). In Science, we know from the existence of Microwave Background Radiation that the universe came into existence from a large explosion commonly referred to as the Big Bang. Now we know the universe is
The principle idea behind creationism is that the origin of natural objects is supernatural. As an example, the Christian tradition is that the land, sky, plants and animals were created by a supernatural or also known as God. As Young and Strode state, “Within this basic idea are themes are variations; some cultures believe that plants and animal species are unchanging,
The earliest fossil of the primate can go back before the extinction of the dinosaur over 65 million years ago. Bones and teeth were discovered in Montana and Wyoming (Park, 2008). Even though there was primate like evidence before the dinosaur extinction, (Shipman, 2012).
A creation story is a supernatural story or explanation that describes the beginnings of humanity, earth, life, and the universe. Religion plays a significant role in the establishment of Creation for both the Native Americans and the Puritans. “The people known collectively as the Iroquois were made up of the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, and Cayuga nations.” (Cusick 21) “The Iroquois creation myth exists in some twenty-five versions.” (Cusick 22). However, there was no concrete indication from a Native American that coincides with the Iroquois’s belief as of how and when the creation of the world began until David Cusick, transcribed and translated an Iroquois cosmogonic myth in the nineteenth century. David Cusick became the first Native American to record on Atotarho. Grounded in nature the Iroquois religion portrays the natural foundations of the world and continue to believe that all things/people should live in harmony. The Iroquois believes that The Great Spirit would indirectly guide the lives of ordinary people and opposed that The Great Spirit and other forces of good were Evil Spirit and other lesser spirits responsible for disease and other misfortune. Corn, beans, and squash were referred to as the three sisters and thought of as deities or spiritual beings. The Iroquois believed that ordinary humans could not communicate directly with Great Spirit but could do so indirectly by burning tobacco, which carried their prayers to the lesser spirits
In this Paper we will see the seven days of creation as biblical views, and the different kind of theory that tell about the origin creation of this world . From that the gap theory, evolution theory and big bang theory are the main .When I made this research I disprove the weak view of each theory and I put the correct biblical views. In addition to this I analyze the reason that the man can be the highest creation of God
If the question was posed as to what is the debate between creationism vs. evolution consist of, the thought that it is ‘“God did it” vs. “Natural processes did it,”’ (Scott, 2004) may arise. Science cannot absolutely prove or disprove Creation or Evolution. Yet scientist and the remainder of society use creationism and evolution to prove our existence. Creationist believe in the Christian account of the origin as recorded in Genesis. Creationism is the belief that statements such as “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (NIV) found in Genesis 1:1 and also “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (NIV) found in John 1:1. Evolution is the belief that everything just changed over
Creation by a divine craftsman is a theory of cosmogony means that which state that created by pre existing substance and constructed all things from it. In other to creation by decree or creation from nothing (creatio ex nihilo)is a theory of cosmogony means that creating by divine order or by the word of command. Cosmogony is considered as the creation of the world.
Evolution refers to change over time as species modifies and separate to produce several offspring species.
When thinking about the origin of life, there are two main points one can come to, Intelligent Design or Natural Process (Ken Ham, 2008). “According to the former view, supernatural intervention was essential for the creation of life; according to the latter, living organisms could form spontaneously—for example, from the mud of the Nile” (Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006). Creation can be defined as the original bringing into existence of the universe by God (“Creation”, n.d.). Intelligent design can be defined as “certain features” (Ken Ham, 2008). Intelligent Design can also be explained by finding features of the earth and explaining them by an intelligent cause ("Intelligent Design", n.d.). Creationism usually starts with religious