
What Is Cristmas A Tradition?

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Well the tradition that is going to type about is cristmas is a tradition that is very big in terms of popularity and is able to bring a family together and yea it´s a very nice tradition in that sense. It is a magical tradition that is able to put a family together in one day but one day a year is a very long time like three hundred five or six I don’t know the count for the exact amount of days it would take. By othe words im not good with numbers.

Traditions and customs can bring people together and make us forget about the problems we have in just one or more moments. And it might be grate to meet the family again if you live alone in a house or flat and you have not seen the family for a good while so there is where the traditions and customs get in so you can meet the people you love and have some fun times. …show more content…

And yea the egg hunting tradition is like boring you have to friking go out and searsh for a plastik or paper egg that is hiden by a family member then you realise it is in the god dam house and then you get angry about not finding it and then like five weeks later you find the egg by mistake it´s so frustrating like looking for a egg that could be every where and that´s my personal experians with that tradition by other words the egg hunting tradition is special but it´s not even important in my

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