
What Is Cross Cultural Nursing Intervention

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The nursing intervention will be cross-culture nursing. Lack of knowledge and history of ancestor ‘s fear and prevention of ultilzating health services in main health organization (building cultural). In order to improve health system for Aboriginal people, it need to address enhancement for culture. The main part will be cultural education, as cultural safety is not only just talk, but also need active listening and talking board with what Aboriginal people are saying (building cultural). McKendrick (as cited in Fredericks) highlights the importance of listening as important to Indigenous Australians of health and wellbeing, to figure out the appropriate way to work with them. Working effectively with Indigenous people, it suggests nurses …show more content…

Fredericks demonstrated that cross-cultural awareness training and education has basically for Non-Indigenous people to acquire knowledge of Indigenous peoples and their cultures to provide utility. Accordingly, nurses have attempted the cultivation in the work environment or as a major instruction in university to improve nursing care to Indigenous Australians. (Which way?) For cultural competence, giving cultural safety education to all staff, remembering it as liquid, element and mindful associated with a person’s social context, as well as including and providing training to Aboriginal staff (Identify Barriers). Moreover, training would enhance communication and care amongst staff and Aboriginal patients, have better understanding and communication through culture. More importantly, it is improving the recognition of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian, increasing staff’s understanding, providing care and patient-nurse relationship,( 加上realize culture 所以build trust 然后好的nurse-patient relationship) likely to minimize the communication concerns. (导致不好的outcome)( 都是在Qualitative exploration of the perceived

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