
What Is Dick Gregory Inhumane

Decent Essays

Being humane or inhumane is it something we learn or something we decide to become? Does it only apply to a person or a group of people? In this essay, Dick Gregory presents two scenarios of inhumanity with parallel outcomes. The way both scenarios are structured gives a better view of who seems to be the good, bad and the ugly. His economic status, as well as his skin color, contributes to how society perceives him throughout his experience. Despite the circumstances, he did everything in his power to be like his idol regardless of his health. The first introduces a small child of the age of seven whom does not recall learning to shame in his house where it should As a child, Richard sees the world in positive view doing the best to …show more content…

The instructor had the right to correct the misunderstanding of Richard, on the other hand, her choice of words and tone of voice was unforgivable. The overwhelming emotion to buy himself a daddy by quintupling his original amount caused him a grave mistake followed by a lesson he did not expect to learn at that moment. Her patience came to a halt when he offered a donation from his “daddy”. She then proceeded by slapping him with the cold truth by saying, “We are collecting this money for you and your kind, Richard Gregory. If your daddy can give fifteen dollars you have no business being on relief”, she then added, “We know you don’t have a daddy”. In that instance he became the center of attention. Helene quickly turned to see him with a teary eyes that showed sympathy towards him. There was much shame in the room, his eyes were full of tears which caused him to run away. From his perspective, it was as if everyone in the world witnessed his shame. His fellow classmates just felt sorry for him, but said nothing when the instructor lashed out at him. Now he understood that society was cruel to him by hosting their events such as the Worthy Boys Annual Christmas Dinner. It was if ignorance was a blessing rather than the harsh reality of his status. The jacket he received from welfare singled him out from the crowd not to mention it …show more content…

This time he was a couple of years older and was capable of support himself by acquiring his own money shining shoes and selling newspapers. It is clear he no longer depends on welfare or is subjected to the humiliation of wearing any of their labeled clothing. He describes having goo-gobs of money which (according to the Urban Dictionary) means saying an overabundance isn’t enough. He was able to buy forty-five cents worth of food from his own money which is surely more than enough just for him. While he enjoys his meal an old wino walks in and takes a seat on the counter. He mentions that he likes winos because they only hurt themselves thus it is good because no one else has to feel any pain. It is disturbing how any reasonable person would find that to be good maybe he has started to lose a bit of his own humanity. The fact that no one tried to ask if he was able to afford a meal seems very unsettling as if there is a way for him to pay regardless of his status. After eating his meal worth of twenty-six cents the wino stated to the owner he had no money to pay for it. In reaction to his statement the owner jumped over the counter knocking down the wino along while also beating him on the head with a pop bottle. It caused the wino to bleed but the owner proceeded to kick him over and over again and because of that Gregory decided it was enough. He offered to

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