Drunk driving is a major risk to you, your passengers, to other cars, and other people sharing the road with you. Driving while under the influence (DUI), also known as drunk driving or impaired driving, is a crime. Drunk driving has become a big problem, and I think we should have harsher penalties for drinking and driving because drunk drivers are getting younger and younger, drunk driving is dangerous for everyone, and too many innocent people are being killed.
A DUI conviction is a permanent part of ones driving record. Even though alcohol related accidents are on the decline, statistics show that a drunk driver kills someone every forty-five minutes. More so, fifty to seventy percent of drunk drivers whose licenses are suspended continue to drive. In 2000, alcohol related crashes cost the public $114.3 billion dollars! Drunk driving carries with it serious penalties from the court system and car insurance companies. One moment of fun can turn into a lifetime of heartache and tragedy. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Possible prevention measures and solutions are not only for the law enforcement, but for the public as well. Drunk drivers face a hardcore court system, which is intolerant of DUI. Stricter penalties such as automatic licenses revocation, mandatory jail sentencing, vehicle impounding, and licenses plate confiscating are just a few ways the judicial system is handling the DUI problem. Programs such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Students Against Drunk Driving have led the way to bringing awareness to society. People need to be responsible and supervise their consumption to ensure that they do not drink too much. They have a moral and a legal responsibility to make sure of this. It is always best to have a designated driver. The most effective way people can prevent driving drunk is to make a personal decision not to drink
Alcohol increases impairments and makes driving riskier. (CGA) Impaired thinking, reasoning and muscle coordination are all crucial skills needed to work a vehicle safely. Driving while intoxicated is so serious that every day 28 people die within the US of an alcohol related vehicle crash. (NHTSA.gov) Even more concerning is most offenders who finally get caught have driven drunk at least 80 times prior. (MADD) An offender finally pulled over would receive a citation, likely a penalty to pay and possible a suspension
Patrick Henry was a brilliant self taught lawyer who had to study law in order to support his ever growing family. In his youth he was largely taught by his father and uncle who was an Anglican clergyman and once he was an adult he married a woman called Sarah Shelton and together they had many children (britannica). Two years after winning his first case and becoming a member of the house of burgesses, he delivered a strong speech on the opposition of the stamp act and he later traveled to the first continental congress with six other delegates and becomes the leader of the group later on, soon after he delivered his famous speech which ended in ‘’give me liberty, or give me death’’(encyclopedia). Henry is later elected to the virginia convention
Drinking and driving can cause a lifetime of pain. When you get under the wheel while you are intoxicated not only are you putting yourself at risk, but also the lives of other innocent people are in danger. Everyone should have the right to drink but if you act irresponsibly, your right should be taken away. Each person is liable to suffer the consequences from endangering others. One who drives drunk not only should have their license taken away, they should have the right to drink taken away. Drinking and driving may not seem like a big deal until you see what happens when things go wrong. I would like you to read a personal narrative that Casey McCary Bloom wrote who is now serving 21 years to life in prison.
There have been many cases of injuries due to drinking and driving. Whether it had to do with the driver being drunk and getting injured, or being the one affected by the drunk driver. There have even been laws that have been implemented to make it harder to get away with drinking and driving. There are also many resources a driver who is drinking can think of to avoid drinking and driving. Drinking and driving is extremely bad, especially if a person is thinking about operating vehicle. Drunk drivers need to be educated on the repercussions
Driving under the influence of alcohol not only presents a danger to the driver, but also to every other motorist or pedestrian near the roadway. Being intoxicated impairs ones judgment, vision and reaction time, all of which is critical when operating any motor vehicle. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans aged 6–27 and alcohol is a big factor to those numbers (jstor).
Have you or someone you know been involved in an accident involving a drunk driver? Chances are, that answer is yes. Two in every three people will be involved in a drunk driving accident by the end of their lifetime (MADD). Drunk driving in the United States has become a major issue. By creating stricter laws, it will deter people from drinking and driving, employ more police officers, and make the roadways safer. In other words, drunk drivers should be imprisoned on their first offense.
The legal consequences of drunk driving are also severe. The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions wear down and becomes impaired. After even just one drink a person can lose the ability to operate a vehicle. At certain parts in the state of intoxication, it becomes illegal to drive a car and if you get caught it can possible lead to fines, or even imprisonment. The legal limit of alcohol you can consume changes from state to state, but the penalty of driving under the influence is always severe. Getting arrested and maybe being forced to sleep in a drunk tank is just some of the problems you also have to carry the humiliation and the shame of being caught and that person might just end up with their name written up in the local news paper. Alcoholism is a disease and it can make
Drunk Driving is an issue that could prompt the driver, the traveler, and onlookers harmed or most noticeably bad not withstanding harms to property. It's an avoidable circumstance that happens frequently at any rate. Plastered driving is characterized as "the demonstration of working or driving an engine vehicle while affected by liquor"—in spite of the fact that medications is frequently included when it is called "driving impaired" or "driving while inebriated". It turns into an offense when mental and engine aptitudes are traded off.
The legal consequences of drunk driving are also severe. The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions wear down and becomes impaired. After even just one drink a person can lose the ability to operate a vehicle. At certain parts in the state of intoxication, it becomes illegal to drive a car and if you get caught it can possible lead to fines, or even imprisonment. The legal limit of alcohol you can consume changes from state to state, but the penalty of driving under the influence is always severe. Getting arrested and maybe being forced to sleep in a drunk tank is just some of the problems you also have to carry the humiliation and the shame of being caught and that person might just end up with their name written up in the local news paper. Alcoholism is a disease and it can make you do some things you would not want to and to repeat you're past mistakes. More than one-third of drives arrested for intoxication are repeat offenders. Drivers with a prior DUI offense have a much higher likelihood to be in a fatal
Choosing a career is not easy. I had a lot of people giving me suggestions and advice to choose the right profession. My psychologist convinced me to pursue my master in social work. During my undergrad I was interested in psychology, but social work seemed like an easy path to become a therapist. However, I have learned that social work is not as easy as I thought it would be, and that it is the main key for many opportunities to succeed and to make the difference.
Drunk driving is a dangerous problem that needs to be addressed in our society, not only to cut back on the number of deaths caused by alcohol related accidents but also to ensure safety on public roads. Drunk driving is deliberately breaking the law, as well as a sign of indifference for other drivers.
Drunk driving is a horrible thing to do. Being drunk while you are driving can lead to killing yourself or someone else. It has been going on for years. If you get caught drinking and driving you get a ticket for driving under the influence ( DUI ) is up to $10,000 , go to jail, and get your car towed, and your insurance goes up. It’s not worth through all of that. Drunk driving must stop.
It is the year 2016, and the word drone, or UAS, seems to be a popular one these days. These unmanned aircraft systems are versatile pieces of technology that have an innumerable amount of purposes, from agriculture to law enforcement and everything else in between. One interesting aspect of UAS is their use in sports broadcasting.
If you drink and drive, you are not only a danger to yourself but also to your passenger, other road users and pedestrians. In fact, every 30 minutes, someone in this country dies in alcohol-related crash. Every 30 minutes! And last year alone more than one million people are injured in