
What Is Edna Pontellier's Symbolism In The Awakening By Kate Chopin

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Birth, whether of children or desires, existplays an active motif throughout The Awakening. Edna Pontellier, as one of the leading characters, is a child discovering her very sense of self. Her attitude toward her children reveals that she is not the typical “mother-woman” the preferable type of woman in Edna’s society. The term, mother-woman is a reductive one which implies a singular purpose or value. The mother-woman is a mother; being one defines and regulates every aspect of her life. (51). The critical elements to identifying Edna’s awakening. One thing that different Edna from other women in the society such as Madame Ratignolle is that she has not accepted her role unquestionably.
The author, Kate Chopin, explains through her novel. …show more content…

Now, she is fully awake, but in contrast to how leveling the word awake look like, she dies inside. Edna looked straight before her with a self-absorbed expression on her face. She felt no interest in anything about her. "The street, the children, the fruit vender, the flowers growing there under her eyes, were all part and parcel of an alien world which had suddenly become antagonistic" (104). After she's rebirth, she awakes with a new realization that she will never be able to live the way she intended because of her gender. Her husband treats her as property he owns, he over controlling actions did not calm her but stir up a rebellious mind. She repeats to herself "To-day it is Arobin; to-morrow it will be someone else. It makes no difference to me, it doesn't matter about Leonce Pontellier--but Raoul and Etienne!" She understood now what she meant by she "would give up the unessential" (97). But never for the children. The complex relationship with them and the children mess up with Edna's mind she desperately needs a place to rest. "she knew a way to elude them. She was not thinking of these things when she walked down to the beach" when she put herself in the water; she saw flashbacks from her childhood memories, is not it ironic that children would always want to grow up, but adults would continuously mourn for their never coming back childhood …show more content…

At last, Edna surrenders her life since she is unwilling to abandon herself—her wants, her desires and her interests to do what she needs egotistically and without respect for some other being's desires. She can't escape parenthood, nor would she be able to ever want to locate her glorified sweetheart. Hence, she abandons these disappointments her as she makes the most of her last snapshots of strengthening and isolation wrapped in the folds of the ocean, the murmur of honey bees, and the possess a scent reminiscent of pinks'

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