
What Is Ethical Relativism Wrong

Decent Essays

Ethical Relativism
Is there a right and wrong? If there is who determines it? Ethical relativism is the notion that right and wrong is concluded by the individual or a certain group or people. In other words, what is right for one person may not be right for another. Advocates for such thinking reason that because morals are not universal (diversity thesis) then ethics must not be absolute. In Moral Reasoning, Jones argues that even if one could prove that morals are not universal, it would not prove that ethical relativism is correct because “absolute” refers to values that ought to be followed, as opposed to “universal” which refers to values that all people share. However, this logic, cannot prove ethical relativism to be wrong. It can …show more content…

Even though different people have distinct convictions, those convictions do not affect God’s unchangeable rules. In Exodus 20, God gave the Ten Commandments to the nation of Israel as an ethical code to live by, a code in which reflects the character and nature of God. Although God offered them grace and mercy in abundance, His laws and standards did not change and remain unchanged, and even though Christ followers are not living under the weight of the Levitical Law today (Galatians 2:16), and are, therefore, living under grace (Ephesians 2:8), God’s character reflected in the Ten Commandments endures. It is this author’s opinion that God has chosen to work in various ways with different people across time, nevertheless, He has and will always have absolute, unchanging truth (Psalm 19:7b). Therefore, mankind cannot establish its own ethics because there is a higher authority to whom man is accountable. Furthermore, it remains inconsistent to recognize both ethical relativism and God’s word as true because the Bible expresses its supreme authority in various locations (Psalms 119:160, John 1:1, John 17:17, Galatians 1:1, 1 Peter 1:25, Revelation 22:18-19). Although ethical relativism cannot be proven true or false using human logic or reasoning, this author believes it contradicts the

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