
What Is Fitzgerald's Portrayal Of America In The 1920s

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The 1920s in America was regarded as an age of intense political and social changes. Economic growth had been witnessed, and it sparked various reactions. While many Americans were eager to embrace these developments, others were uncomfortable with these shifts. These changes included movement of people from the South to the North, technological advancement and innovation, the rise of the modern woman, among others. Fitzgerald's "Ice Palace" is one story that depicts the society of 1920 in America "Ice Palace" is a remarkable short story that narrates the life of a girl named, Sally Carrol Harper. Sally moves from her hometown in the South to the North and ultimately back. This essay, therefore, analyses the how Fitzgerald’s short story “Ice Palace” portrayed America at the time. America in 1920 was characterized by a great number …show more content…

Women with short skirts, with bobbed hair, or those that drank or smoked were regarded as ‘Unladylike". Sally Carrol hates the fact that Harry's mother hates her bobby hairstyle (pg. 7). She remembers having smoked in the library and Mrs. Bentham came sniffing around. She detests the way Mrs. Bellamy calls her Sally and not "Sally Carrol. Sally loathes her name, and cannot understand why Mrs. Bellamy cannot call her by her two names. Sally Carrol's willingness to assimilate hinders her achievements as a modern woman. The south, which symbolizes her past, alienates her from the North, which symbolizes her future. In the end, Sally Carrol realizes that both the North and the South are identical because they are equally repressive. Therefore as a woman of 1920, Sally Carrol has been caught up between two worlds. Her desire to go to the North is not what she finds. She realizes that her experiences up in the North are traumatizing, this having been heightened by her visit to the Ice Palace. Sally Carrol is forced to terminate her ties with the North, including that with her husband,

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