
What Is Harry Potter Stereotypes

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth book in the best selling series Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, takes place in Harry Potter’s fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the time where the wizard society cannot distinguish the difference between the truth and the lies. The story is told from Harry Potter’s perspective, first person perspective, and we see the story unfold has Harry sees it and the emotions he goes through. The book has multiply examples of prejudice: Hogwarts’ houses, blood, and breed are the major examples of prejudice. There are three types of wizards in the Harry Potter world – purebloods, half-bloods, and muggleborns. The purebloods are old, rich families that look down on other …show more content…

The use of magic was illegal and caused him to get a fully-fledged trail at the Ministry of Magic who is looking for the smallest excused to expel Harry from Hogwarts hoping to stop the “lies” that You-Know-Who is back. Harry learned about the secret organization called the Order of the Phoenix that his parents were in while he was at Grimmuald Palace, Sirius Black’s home, waiting for his trail. Harry was not expelled from Hogwarts to the displeasure of the Ministry of Magic because he used magic in self-defense and would be dead if he did not use magic to defend himself. The rising action starts with when Harry first arrives at Hogwarts and is introduced to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Dolores Umbridge who was the Undersecretary to Minister Fudge. Professor Umbridge later becomes the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts allowing her to make rules about who is allowed to teach, student conduct, and what is taught to allow the Ministry almost complete control of what is said about Voldemort at Hogwarts. Umbridge refuses to teach the students defense skills and teaches the theory of Defense Against the Dark Arts which prevents the students from making an army for Dumbledore and taking of the Ministry. Hermione convinces Harry that if the Ministry is refusing to teach the defense skills then Harry …show more content…

arrive at the Department of Ministry and realize that they have fallen into a trap when Sirius is nowhere to be found. Harry realizes that Hermione was right and Voldemort had tricked him into coming by sending him a false dream. Harry grabs a glass sphere with is name engraved upon it as well as Voldemort’s right after he grabs the sphere Death Eaters surround him and order him that he has to hand over the prophecy. Harry refuses and instructs the D.A. members to attack and run; despite all their success because of the D.A. they are outnumbered two to one and are slowly losing. Members of the Order of the Phoenix show up and begin to help the D.A. members fight against the Death Eaters. Harry drops the prophecy causing it to shatter so neither the Death Eaters or Harry Potter could hear the prophecy, which they were fighting to gain a hold of. Sirius is engaged in a fight against his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, who caused him to fall into the Veil resulting in his demise. Harry falls into grief and the desire for revenge causing him to thing irrational and goes after Bellatrix. Dumbledore shows up and fights Voldemort, which ends in Voldemort processing Harry trying to force Dumbledore into killing him. Harry’s heart is full of too much love and emotion for Voldemort to handle and forces him to leave, but not be for Minister Fudge sees him. Fudge is forced to accept the truth about Voldemort’s return relieving

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