
What Is Helen Script

Satisfactory Essays

By: Lexy, Sarah, Jason, Candice, and Mkayla
Bow Chicka Bow Bow
Narrator 1 (Sarah) – Helen was afraid and this child of Zeus pulled her silvery –white lines around her, and walked silently through the Trojan women, ditching them completely. The Goddess went ahead and led her to Paris’ beautiful house, the servants quickly all found something to do.

Narrator 2 (Lexy) - Helen silently moved into the large bedroom. Where Aphrodite, smiling, placed a chair for her, opposite of Paris. Helen sat down and turning her head said rudely:

Helen (Candace) – “Back from war? You should have died out there, Beaten by a hero, my husband. You use to brag, you were better than Menelaus. You’re a good warrior. Why don’t you go challenge him to fight once

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