
What Is Hester's Role In The Scarlet Letter

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In the story “The Scarlet Letter” underline a book never quotations and never both! by Nathaniel Hawthorne, he symbolizes Hester's sin with the scarlet letter “A”, her daughter Pearl and Lover Dimmesdale. These three aspects played both negative and positive roles in Hester's life, and the person she became over time. The Scarlet letter was a consequence given to Hester Prynne through all of her actions. A red cloth, surrounded by an embroidery and flourishes of gold thread make up the “A” which Hester is forced to wear for the rest of her life. Hester is publicly humiliated and scared because of how people view the letter plastered on her chest. The letter itself is another reminder of her crime of adultery. “Ah but let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will always be in her heart.” (Hawthorne 54) The letter will be with her forever but it won't always be known as pain to Hester. Eventually throughout the book the townspeople soon see Hester's A not as “Adulterer” but as “Able”. Her contributions through society become greater through out years. Hester does charity work; nurses, and aides the poor. The letter soon becomes a lesson, a moral for Hester and is something she learns from and excepts. It …show more content…

Pearl, who is seen by everyone as a blessing and a curse. “This child hath come from the hand of the Almighty… It was meant for a blessing, for the one blessing of her life! It was meant for retribution too, a torture to be felt at many an unthought of moment; a sting, an ever- recurring agony in the midst of a troubled joy.” (Hawthorne 105) Pearl was born from the forbidden passion of Hester and Dimmesdale. Hester's life is already undergoing the consequences of her sins, Pearl is the cause of her pain and agony yet her joy and happiness. Although Pearl is a living symbol of her mother's adultery, she is a gift from God and guides her mother to make positive decisions

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