
What Is Hitler's Dehumanization Of Non-Aryan Culture

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They were the prey of their own country until it was no longer correct to call themselves German. They became citizens of no land because somehow their country had been turned around and they could no longer identify with a place that hated its own people. Hitler's journey of human hunting began in Vienna, Austria when he realised how much he despised mixed cultures and as he grew in the German government, he was able to fulfill the corrections he thought were needed in Austria. He was a genius and a veteran who could be related to by many and looked up to after the Great War left Germany in shambles. When Germany was in panic, he grounded everyone, allowing him to continue his political journey. Hitler desired a fascist “Aryan” nation, which …show more content…

Hitler based his dehumanization of “non-Aryan” people on the fact that they destroyed society by not contributing knowledge to the world and contaminating the DNA of those who can, the “Aryans”. For example, Hitler said, "Everything we admire on this earth today —science and art, technology and inventions— is only the creative product of a few people's and originally perhaps one race (the Aryan). On them depends the existence of this whole culture. If they perish, the beauty of this earth will sink into the grave with them" (HHB 183). He spoke about how everything that had been discovered and necessary for the earth was because of a small selection of people, which he chose to be the “Aryans”. This means Hitler thought and wanted the rest of Germany to think these “degenerate” people who were not “Aryan” added nothing to the world. He was implying they were a waste, they had no benefits, and assumed the positions of “Aryans”, but didn’t produce the valuable results an “Aryan” would. Hitler also suggests that the “non-Aryans” were polluting the DNA of the “Aryans”, which made it come across as if these “non-Aryans” were obstructing a successful future. He also made it clear that people who were partially "Aryan" weren't necessarily half as helpful because now their genes were contaminated with "degenerate" genes. This is shown in the packet when, American journalist, Quentin Reynolds, said,"Anna Rath, we learned, had made the mistake of attempting to marry her Jewish fiance" (HHB 177). It can be inferred from this quote that Hitler and the Nazis were not joking when they said they did not believe in mixed marriages because they would ultimately lead to mixed DNA, “Aryan” and “non-Aryan”. They, Hitler and the Nazi Party, strongly believed that only pure Aryans were

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